Re: [Xen-users] Does it legal to analysize XEN source code and write a b
Magnus Boman <captain.magnus@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> XENSource is not selling the code. It's GPL'd, meaning you are not
> allowed to sell it. I'm guessing that XENSource also packaging admin
> utilities which is not open source, and support, hence they charge money
> for it.
Sure it is and it has every right to do so. You can take any GPLed
source at sell it for a million dollars.
What you can't sell is the copyright and licensing rights unless you
are the author.
Whoever buys the GPLed source for a million dollars has all the rights
given by the GPL and the seller has all the obligations described in
the GPL (like giving source). That means that once ONE person payed he
can upload it to the internet for everyone free of charge. And then
who would ever be so stupid as to pay a million? Only that usualy
limits the price of GPLed software to small to nothing.
> Buying XENSource did not (and can not) un-GPL the code.
And that is is beauty of it.
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