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[Xen-users] advanced bridging...

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] advanced bridging...
From: Ronan <r.mcglue@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 15:06:55 +0100
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My situation:
Running centos5 on a machine directly connected to internet.
I have a paravirtualised centos5 core machine in domu1 with only 1 eth configured eth0 dy dhcp.
What I want:
to configure the dom0 bridge to simply route all traffic at ethernet level to dom1(firewall/router) and have dom1 then nat if out to my other domu's and machines on my private 192.168 network using dhcpd configured on eth1 on the machine.
My difficulties:
setting up the dom0 bridging to do what i want ie xenbr0 to eth0 on domu1 and then xenbr1 to eth1 on domu1
I then intend to remove / lock dom0 down and only use the domu's as dhcp 
configured servers.
There are a couple of URLs i've looked at

etc but there aren't any specific configuration information.
Can i get some pointers as to where to look, or even example configs?



(ps if this is the 3rd like message of mine today i apologise, I can tell if the other two messages i send actually did...)

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