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Re: [Xen-users] virt-manager won't start

To: "Daniel P. Berrange" <berrange@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Xen Users" <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] virt-manager won't start
From: "Henning Sprang" <henning_sprang@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 15:08:30 +0100
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first, sorry for my incorrect saying that virt.manager is very fedora
specific, in the same mail I wrote that a Debian packaging (to install
and run virt-manager on debian, not the installation part, no
functionality is added when packaing stuff normally) is in works.

On 2/3/07, Daniel P. Berrange <berrange@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 I'm adding support for
installing SuSE paravirt guests, and think I might have figured out how
to do Debian too.
As said in other threads, the base installation of debian can easily
done with debootstrap, for which an rpm package can easily generated
with alien from the deb. It would need some rpm-savvy person to get a
real rpm, but that should not be too hard. Xen-tools also works easily
on Fedora. You could then simply call debootstrap from virt-manager

I'd not recommend to run the debian installer in domU as you do it
with anaconda and suse does with yast, but that's maybe my personaly
dislike against manual installers. While Anaconda and yast have some
integrated automation capabilities, the d-i automation is limited to
debconf stuff. For full automation of every aspect of a Debian
install, you'd talke FAI (vor real and virtual systems, including
chroots) or xen-tools (gues what it's for :) ).

Please contact me if you need any help with this.

I only still have a problem with getting the debian system run
correctly as domU with the fedora kernels, some console problem, but a
colleague has a workaround, which I will test these days.
I can give you information on what's wrong, and how we work around it
- probably you'll have some better ideas on this.


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