I have a Win4Lin 3.0 Terminal Server that, for reasons the developers
can't explain or fix, requires me to use MDK 9.2 (there's a NumLock
issue that occurs in every other distribution I've tried, except MDK
9.2). This server is fairly old and needs replacing.
I have another Linux server that is much more capable of handling the
load of this software, but it's running Gentoo. What I'd like to do is
consolidate these two servers into one--I need (well, want) Gentoo to be
the Host OS while having MDK 9.2 as the Guest.
I have Xen installed and working on a Gentoo test server but haven't
found any information regarding using a different Host and Guest OS.
Also know that Win4Lin TS requires kernel patching in order to work.
Is there a way to do this? Pointers to documentation would be great, as
well as some suggestions on getting this type of setup to work.
Thanks in advance for your help!
~ Tom
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