On Mon, 23 May 2005 22:27:38 +0100
"Ian Pratt" <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > The network card's MAC address in domain 0 is showing up as
> > different
> > > from native Linux. Is there a way around that which will
> > work at boot
> > > time? The environment here requires them to be identical to get the
> > > correct IP address via DHCP. This is Xen 2.0.6.
> >
> > eth0 and eth1 were getting flipped. I was on my way to
> > adjusting the MAC in if-pre-up when I realized the new one
> > doesn't even work ... woops.
> That's pretty surprising given that we leave linux to do the pci
> probing, so the result should be the same as the equivalent native Linux
> version (though Linux has flipped the order between certain version).
> Are you sure you have drivers for both cards in the kernel?
Yeah, that was the problem, the driver for the fancy card is only in native
Linux, so "flipped" is incorrect.
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