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Re: [Xen-devel] Xen 4.0.0 first release candidate / graphics passthru

To: Sander Eikelenboom <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Xen 4.0.0 first release candidate / graphics passthru
From: Weidong Han <weidong.han@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 20:50:30 +0800
Cc: "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Mr. Teo En Ming \(Zhang Enming\)" <space.time.universe@xxxxxxxxx>, Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jean Guyader <jean.guyader@xxxxxxxxx>
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Sander Eikelenboom wrote:
Hello Weidong,

Hmm I guess I have missed something, are all other (IGD etc.) VGA passthrough 
patches allready merged in 4.0.0-rc1 ?
No, I sent the patchset months ago, but not checked in.
And should it work then with both and dom0 ?
We will rebase the patchset for both 2.6.18 and pvops dom0, and resend 
if for check in after xen 4.0.

Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:24:29 AM, you wrote:

Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 05:52:15PM +0800, Weidong Han wrote:
Jean Guyader wrote:
2010/1/21 Pasi Kärkkäinen <pasik@xxxxxx>:
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 09:09:35AM +0000, Jean Guyader wrote:
2010/1/21 Pasi Kärkkäinen <pasik@xxxxxx>:
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:05:12AM +0000, Keir Fraser wrote:
On 12/01/2010 09:32, "Pasi Kärkkäinen" <pasik@xxxxxx> wrote:

Does 4.0 include gpu passthru features? If not are there any updated
patches to try gpu passthru with 4.x?
There is support (c/s 20144).

Btw is it possible now to specify a file to load the VGA bios from?
earlier it was required to hardcode it into some header file or so.
I think it is hardcoded that qemu will take a copy of the host system's BIOS
(i.e., for the primary host VGA). Other options would be easy to implement
I'm sure, if someone's interested.

I was just looking at same older mails, and it seems for example Teo En Ming
and others who got Xen VGA passthrough working had to copy the vgabios-pt.bin
to tools/firmware/vgabios/ before building Xen.

That's not very practical..

Right now the code copy the bios from 0xC0000. So if you want to pass through
a secondary display adapter with the vga bios you are not copying the right one,
that why this hack was for.
Surely the code could be modified to add an option to copy the bios of
the right card.

Ok, thanks for the info.

Do I remember correctly that there was a problem with copying the BIOS from 
some cards,
or on some setups? And that's why the patch to load it from a file was made?

Yes, I think that was because of that, and I'm not sure about the
intel IGD but I think that was causing some issue.
The code could have a cleanup and use sysfs to get the rombios, if I
works with the intel graphic card I think we should do that.

vbios copied from 0xC0000 doesn't work for some graphics cards, e.g. Nvidia GS 8400, due to the vbios code is modified after initialization. So it needs to load it from file. yes, it's not practical, Intel IGD cards don't have this issue in our tests. One possible good solution is to load vbios from expansion ROM of graphics cards, but we found expansion ROM address are invalid for some graphics cards, even using Linux upstream. It needs to look into Linux code.
So at this point should be add two things:

1) option in guest cfgfile telling from which card to copy the vbios from
I think adding an option in guest config file to indicate primary or secondary gfx assignment can cover this.
2) option to load the vbios from a file specified in guest cfgfile
I don't prefer this. It involves much manual work for users. It's better to find a general solution which is also easy to use.
How does that sound like?
-- Pasi

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