Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] ioemu: Fixes for build/install system
On Tuesday 05 May 2009 19:22:26 Ian Jackson wrote:
> Christoph Egger writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] ioemu: Fixes for
build/install system"):
> > No, this would end up in having different prefixes on NetBSD at least.
> > xen tools go to /usr/pkg and ioemu goes to /usr/local - great!
> >
> > If you don't know a way how to make xen-setup to read the PREFIX
> > make variable from xen's build system,
> It might be possible to have the generated makefiles (eg, the various
> xen-*.mak) contrive to use the value from the Xen build system
> regardless.
> > then my patch is the only way to go.
> I'm afraid that that patch is not suitable because it breaks the
> output locations when you run xen-setup by hand.
Why do you want to have ioemu separately? It's part of xen tools
and useless on its own. That's my understanding at least.
> It's essential to allow people to run xen-setup by hand as that's the
> only way to reliably rerun from scratch just the qemu-xen-unstable
> part of the build system.
I attached a new version of xen_build_ioemu.diff which sets PREFIX
to /usr if empty - the default prefix it uses now.
Keir: Please apply attached xen_ioemu_prefix.diff to the xen tree.
Both patches combined let xen-setup work in both modes:
entangled in xen build system and separate as requested by
Signed-off-by: Christoph Egger <Christoph.Egger@xxxxxxx>
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