Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] ioemu: Fixes for build/install system
On Tuesday 05 May 2009 16:00:12 Ian Jackson wrote:
> Christoph Egger writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] ioemu: Fixes for
build/install system"):
> > I figured out why a default build installs ioemu into /usr/local with
> > my patch: PREFIX is empty and ioemu's configure sets prefix
> > to /usr/local if prefix is empty.
> Thanks.
> > Attached patch fixes this (and applies to the xen-tree). It always passes
> > PREFIX to xen-setup and xen-setup-stubdom.
> Could you please do this in xen-setup-* instead, rather than in
> xen-unstable's Makefiles ? That (a) avoids coupling between the two
> repositories and (b) will mean that xen-setup will do the right thing
> when run by hand.
I tried, but it doesn't work. It has to be set _before_ xen-setup* is called
for the same reason XEN_ROOT is set in xen-unstable's Makefiles.
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