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Re: [Xen-devel] MPI benchmark performance gap between native linux anddo

To: "Santos, Jose Renato G (Jose Renato Santos)" <joserenato.santos@xxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] MPI benchmark performance gap between native linux anddomU
From: Nivedita Singhvi <niv@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 15:22:43 -0700
Cc: "Turner, Yoshio" <yoshio_turner@xxxxxx>, Aravind Menon <aravind.menon@xxxxxxx>, Xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xuehai zhang <hai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, G John Janakiraman <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Santos, Jose Renato G (Jose Renato Santos) wrote:


  We had a similar network problem in the past. We were using a TCP
benchmark instead of MPI but I believe your problem is probably the same
as the one we encountered.
  It took us a while to get to the bottom of this and we only identified
the reason for this behavior after we ported oprofile to Xen and did
some performance profiling experiments.
Hello! Was this on the 2.6 kernel? Would you be able to
share the oprofile port? It would be very handy indeed
right now. (I was told by a few people that someone
was porting oprofile and I believe there was some status
on the list that went by) but haven't seen it yet...

  Here is a brief explanation of the problem we found and the solution
that worked for us.
  Xenolinux allocates a full page (4KB) to store socket buffers instead
of using just MTU bytes as in traditional linux. This is necessary to
enable page exchanges between the guest and the I/O domains. The side
effect of this is that memory space used for  socket buffers is not very
efficient. Even if packets have the maximum MTU size (typically 1500
bytes for Ethernet) the total buffer utilization is very low ( at most
just slightly  higher than 35%). If packets arrive faster than they are
processed at the receiver side, they will exhaust the receiver buffer
Most small connections (say upto 3 - 4K) involve only 3 to 5 segments,
and so the tcp window never really opens fully.  On longer lived
connections, it does help very much to have a large buffer.

before the TCP advertised window is reached (By default Linux uses a TCP
advertised window equal to 75% of the receive buffer size. In standard
Linux, this is typically sufficient to stop packet transmission at the
sender before running out of receive buffers. The same is not true in
Xen due to inefficient use of socket buffers). When a packet arrives and
there is no receive buffer available, TCP tries to free socket buffer
space by eliminating socket buffer fragmentation (i.e. eliminating
wasted buffer space). This is done at the cost of an extra copy of all
receive buffer to new compacted socket buffers. This introduces overhead
and reduces throughput when the CPU is the bottleneck, which seems to be
your case.
/proc/net/netstat will show a counter of just how many times this
happens (RcvPruned). Would be interesting if that was significant.

This problem is not very frequent because modern CPUs are fast enough to
receive packets at Gigabit speeds and the receive buffer does not fill
up. However the problem may arise when using slower machines and/or when
the workload consumes a lot of CPU cycles, such as for example
scientific MPI applications. In your case in you have both factors
against you.

The solution to this problem is trivial. You just have to change the TCP
advertised window of your guest to a lower value. In our case, we used
25% of the receive buffer size and that was sufficient  to eliminate the
problem. This can be done using the following command
echo -2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_adv_win_scale
How much did this improve your results by? And wouldn't
 making the default socket buffers, max socket buffers
larger by, say, 5 times be more effective (other than for
those applications using setsockopt() to set their buffers
to some size already, but not large enough)?

(The default 2 corresponds to 75% of receive buffer, and -2 corresponds
to 25%)

Please let me know if this improve your results. You should still see a
degradation in throughput when comparing xen to traditional linux, but
hopefully you should be able to see better throughputs. You should also
try running your experiments in domain 0. This will give better
throughput although still lower than traditional linux.
I am curious to know if this have any effect in your experiments.
Please, post the new results if this has any effect in your results
Yep, me too..


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