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[Xen-devel] lxr.xensource.com-lxr

To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-devel] lxr.xensource.com-lxr
From: ted <thilts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 09:07:13 -0700
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Re: http://lxr.xensource.com/lxr/

This index to Xen source code was apparently loaded into a general hypertext cross-referencing tool. This tool was apparently written in perl..
" The Linux Cross-Reference project is the testbed application of a 
general hypertext cross-referencing tool. (Or the other way around.)
The main goal of the project is to create a versatile cross-referencing 
tool for relatively large code repositories. The project is based on 
stock web technology, so the codeview client may be chosen from the full 
range of available web browsers. On the server side, any Unix-based web 
server with cgi-script capability should do nicely.'
Some "reservations" were expressed by the authors regarding the display 
of "source code".  

I notice the entire source code is numbered and one can reference that 
code by number and module being extensively cross-referenced.  What 
exactly are the "reservations" expressed -- something to do with "sloppy 
labelling" being less than a "full code parser".
Do the Xen developers make frequent use of this cross reference tool?
Where would I obtain the perl code for this general hypertext cross-referencing tool? Would it not be possible to create a hierarchical tree structure of Xen by parsing this display presented by the general hypertext cross-referencing tool???
Thanks -- Ted

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