On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 09:33:45PM -0000, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > Sorry to bug the list again, but is anyone running xen on recent Dell
> > hardware equipped with the PERC 4e/[SD]i controller? I've been having
> > issues with random hangs, and I'm trying to narrow down the list of
> > possible causes.
> That's worrying.
> When you say 'hangs', does the machine lock solid, or do non disk-bound
> processes continue OK (e.g. if you have a running 'top' does it continue
> to update?). Also, does the machine eventually reboot, or just hang.
> If you switch to a text console and run the 'find', do you see an Oops
> message come out?
> What model of Dell machine is this?
It hangs, solid. No ssh, dead to the network, console dead, etc. No
reboot... I've come back to a hung machine after a weekend, and it was
still hung.
Once it hangs, I can't get anything on a console or anything. Nothing
makes it down to the logs, either, as far as I can tell.
The machine is a PowerEdge 2850, the controller is a PERC 4e/Di.
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