Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] tools top level makefile cleanup
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 15:10:21 -0600, Jerone Young <jyoung5@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I cleaned up the top level makefile in the tools directory. No major
> changes. Except I have it so that ioemmu is compiled only with x86_32.
I think the change below changes the behaviour:
> +SUBDIRS += check
> -install:
> - $(MAKE) -C check
> - $(MAKE) -C libxutil install
> +install:
> + @for subdir in $(SUBDIRS); do \
> + $(MAKE) -C $$subdir $@ || exit -1; \
> + done
You're calling ``make -C check install'' while we want to call ``make
-C check''. See the comments in tools/check/Makefile why we want
# Check this machine is OK for installing on.
# DO NOT use this check from 'make install' in the parent
# directory, as that target can be used to make an installable
# copy rather than actually installing.
At least you didn't try to go down the insane "try to make everything
build in parallel" road, it might work for the tools but you need to
be careful to make sure that targets which other targets depend on get
built first. None of the fancy Makefile tricks which other people
have posted seem to take this into account :-(
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