On Sun, 13 Mar 2005, Kurt Garloff wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 04:14:24PM -0500, Rik van Riel wrote:
> > On Sun, 6 Mar 2005, Tommi Virtanen wrote:
> > > That's not good design. I sincerely think access to any confidential
> > > or security conscious part of xen should be limited, e.g. with a
> > > unix domain socket located in a directory only readable by a certain
> > > group.
> >
> > Good point, then we could use filesystem permissions
> > and/or selinux policy to restrict who gets access to
> > xend.
> Why not just require the other end of the socket to be below 1024?
> If you bind to localhost, that should be enough.
Because the ability to open connections from ports < 1024
is a capability, which can be retained by daemons after
dropping the other root privileges.
> Using an selinux policy for this would be aiming cannons at sparrows
> (german saying, in english that's breaking a fly on the wheel).
Don't forget to read the filesystem permissions part ;)
SELinux policy won't be required, it just could be used
as a further restriction beyond that offered by the
filesystem permissions.
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