Re: [Xen-devel] LXR-type source code browsing
It would be nice to have one place to create LXR repository. It seems we are
creating more and more copies of the same thing (there is one in the Computer
Laboratory, one in Intel Research[maintained by me] and now yours).
Any volunteer to host this (unfortunately it takes quite a lot of hard disk
space - 6 crossreferenced kernels and sourcecode amounts to total of about
> Has anyone (or is anyone) setting up a LXR-style code browser (like
> http://lxr.linpro.no/source) for the different Xen trees?
> I sat down thinking it would be a 5-minute operation and after several
> hours I've finally gotten it running (albeit incorrectly) on my desktop
> development machine. Before I continue to bang my head on getting the
> cross-references correct and automatically downloading the nightly tarball
> update, I realized I should ask if anyone else has already gone through
> the process.
> Unfortunately, I can't make my desktop machine visible outside IBM --
> perhaps there's a machine somewhere that could host this? Maybe the new
> coming-soon official Xen wiki/etc server? I can contribute my accumulated
> "hours of expertise" to getting this set up if a platform comes together.
> John
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