RE: [Xen-devel] LXR-type source code browsing
> Has anyone (or is anyone) setting up a LXR-style code browser (like
> http://lxr.linpro.no/source) for the different Xen trees?
Like you, we have an internal LXR server.
I've never been very convinced about the security of LXR. Do you reckon
we'd get away with running one on the public internet? Do you know
whether lxr.linpro.no have had problems?
We're planning on setting up the wiki and bugzilla each in their own VM
with snort running in domain 0 to scrutinize the traffic. I guess we
could add lxr to the mix and see what happens...
> I sat down thinking it would be a 5-minute operation and
> after several
> hours I've finally gotten it running (albeit incorrectly) on
> my desktop
> development machine. Before I continue to bang my head on
> getting the
> cross-references correct and automatically downloading the
> nightly tarball
> update, I realized I should ask if anyone else has already
> gone through
> the process.
> Unfortunately, I can't make my desktop machine visible outside IBM --
> perhaps there's a machine somewhere that could host this?
> Maybe the new
> coming-soon official Xen wiki/etc server? I can contribute
> my accumulated
> "hours of expertise" to getting this set up if a platform
> comes together.
> John
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