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Re: [Xen-devel] which (pseudo)-device can be used as VBD in xenU ?

To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] which (pseudo)-device can be used as VBD in xenU ?
From: Jérôme Petazzoni <jp@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 21:53:47 +0100
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And I would like to do this : disk=phy:md8,md1,w
You should be able to export md1 just fine, but the blkfront
virtual driver won't currently register itself as anything other
than sdX or hdX.
I'm having a look at the blkfront driver ; I guess I should be able to 
hack it easily to support registering with md major number. That might 
do the trick (even if it's not very nice).
Question : can a non-privilegied host manage a SCSI HBA (thru PCI 
exclusions) or a IDE controller, and then directly mount SCSI or IDE 
disks ? Or would blkfront "shadow" those device numbers and prevent 
direct access to "real" disks ?

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