Re: [Xen-devel] Re: almost working
> > Not good. I think xend is getting more robust over time.
> I have seen a number of ''heisenbugs" with xend. They especially occur
> when I stop xend and start it again. Every now and then a 'xend start'
> does nothing and sends no output to console. Commands such as 'xm
> list' will give a 'Connection refused' error. A 'xend stop' followed
> by a 'xend start' usually fixes this but there have been a few times
> where I have had to repeat the cycle a couple of times.
> Also, sometimes after a reboot, a domain creation just fails and the
> 'xm create' command does not return. There are no error messages from
> xend. Even though I suspect that things are hosed at this point in
> time, a 'xend stop' works. However xend will not startup again and
> gives a 'IOError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy' error. The
> problem cannot be reproduced as the same create command works after
> another reboot.
I think many people had been seeing problems of this ilk, so you will
probably be delighted to hear that these bugs have been squashed by
today's checkins.
It was a combination of a simple stupid bug in the device-driver code,
coupled with faulty error handling in xend.
-- Keir
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