Re: [Xen-devel] can't mount root... devfs???
> > One thing I did just notice is now that the xenU config is fixed for SCSI
> > (make menuconfig would crash if you tried to access SCSI), I can actually
> > go in there and enable or disable scsi in the kernel. I assume that even
> > though xen0 is using the scsi device directly, and that i'm exporting
> > /dev/sda7 to xenU, xenU shouldn't need any scsi block devices at all, is
> > that correct? SCSI was enabled, i'm now trying it with SCSI not selected at
> > all.
> Correct --- you don't need low-level device drivers in xenU. If we
> were prepared to modify the drivers/scsi/config, we'd remove the
> low-level driver options when configuring a non-privileged kernel.
Just to follow up, although you never need SCSI low-level drivers
in an unprivileged kernel, there are still occasions where you
might want the SCSI core and disk code, for instance when using
iSCSI within the domain.
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