Re: [Xen-devel] xenolinux compilation error
> Hi,
> I've got some problems while compiling a linux-2.4.25 kernel patched
> with xenolinux-2.4.25-sparse tree.
The auto build daemon successfully built both the 1.2 and
unstable trees last night, so I think it must be something odd
about how you're building it.
Are you using a vanilla linux-2.4.25 tree as the base?
Did you follow the instructions for running mkbuildtree correctly?
Have you modified any of the kernel configuration parameters?
Are you remembering to set ARCH=xen ?
I'd expect the appended sequence to work (from the xen-clone
tar -zxf linux-2.4.25.tgz # untar the vanilla build tree
cd xeno.bk/xenolinux-2.4.25-sparse # cd into sparse tree in repo
./mkbuildtree ../../linux-2.4.25 # patch the vanilla tree
cd ../..
mv linux-2.4.25 xenolinux-2.4.25 # rename to reflect change
cd xenolinux-2.4.25
make ARCH=xen oldconfig # use default config
make ARCH=xen dep
make ARCH=xen bzImage
make ARCH=xen modules # build modules if required
# you may then find the 'install' or 'dist' targets useful.
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