Re: [XenARM] Yet Another Xen ARM Port
On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 01:47:11PM +0100, ROSSIER Daniel wrote:
> Hi George,
> Great! Many thanks for your patch. I hope it will stimulate activities
> in this area.
> On our side, Damien is working now on setting up the IRQ layer in the
> mixed colibri(PXA)-specific
> xen-linux tree. I guess he will submit a new version on the sourceforge
> repository in the coming days.
> He will try to use your material in order to make something unified.
We'll also consider merging with your xen-linux based tree. I do like
the approach for the potential to have working `make *config`. That
will be quite useful to facilitate porting and configuring Xen for
different ARM targets. Hrm, adding Linux Kbuild to Xen would probably
be useful enhancement for all archs. : )
> The immediate next step will be to enable the xen memory manager
> functionalities in his tree.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly by enabling "the memory manager" but
our patch already has the ARM MMU enabled for (static) direct mapped Xen
memory and the Xen memory allocator is also working. We're now working on
adding support for ARM MMU page table support for guest domains.
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