RE: [XenARM] Yet Another Xen ARM Port
Hi George,
Great! Many thanks for your patch. I hope it will stimulate activities
in this area.
On our side, Damien is working now on setting up the IRQ layer in the
mixed colibri(PXA)-specific
xen-linux tree. I guess he will submit a new version on the sourceforge
repository in the coming days.
He will try to use your material in order to make something unified.
The immediate next step will be to enable the xen memory manager
functionalities in his tree.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: xen-arm-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:xen-arm-
>bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of George G. Davis
>Sent: mardi 30 octobre 2007 02:48
>To: xen-arm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [XenARM] Yet Another Xen ARM Port
>MontaVista is pleased to collaborate with the Xen ARM community on the
>ongoing Xen ARM porting efforts and presents the following very early
>work-in-progress Xen ARM port with preliminary support for the ARM,
>RealView(r) Versatile Platform Baseboard for ARM926EJ-S as emulated
> ftp://source.mvista.com/pub/xen/xen-unstable-15521-xen_arm_port-
>The above patch is based on xen-unstable HG changeset 15521 and
>very early work-in-progress support for the ARM Versatile/PB926EJ-S as
>emulated under QEMU. Thus far, the following features are tentatively
>integrated and working in some fashion:
> Low-level serial console debug
> Initial MMU setup hardwired for Xen Start-of-day
> ARM exception handlers
> ARM Interrupts
> ARM Timer Interrupts
> Xen scheduler
> Xen Idle Domain (using Wait-For-Interrupt low-power idle state)
> Mini-OS builds for ARM
> Common Hypercalls
> Memory Allocation
> Pseudo-Physical Memory
>To apply the patch, build and run Xen on the ARM Versatile/PB926EJ-S
>under QEMU, do the following:
>- Checkout xen-unstable HG repository:
> hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/xen-unstable.hg
> Please refer to [1] for help with obtaining and using Mercurial (HG).
>- Apply Xen ARM patch:
> cd xen-unstable-arm.hg
> hg checkout 15521
> wget ftp://source.mvista.com/pub/xen/xen-unstable-15521-
> zcat xen-unstable-15521-xen_arm_port-20071029.patch.gz | patch
>- Build Xen:
>- Build Mini-Os:
> cd extras/mini-os
>- Boot Xen on the ARM Versatile/PB926EJ-S using QEMU:
> qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 64 \
> -kernel xen_minios.bin -serial stdio
> Please refer to [2] for help with obtaining and using QEMU.
>The following is a wish list of Xen ARM features and/or other tasks
>to be completed in no particular order:
> Cleanup build FIXME and other warnings
> Convert ARM bootloader initialisation parameters [3] to XEN MBI
> Implement proper Xen ARM dynamic MMU setup at Start-of-day
> Add `make *config` support similar to Linux
> Add Xen ARM AMBA serial driver
> Add Xen ARM AMBA framebuffer driver
> Port to other ARM processors and machines
> Implement Page Table Updates
> Implement guest Exception handling
> Implement guest Interrupts and events
> Determine how to share cycle counter for guest time keeping
> Privileged operations
> Segment Descriptor Tables
> Domain0 (Mini-OS) bring up
> Implement Xen/guest page sharing support
> Implement Event Channels
> Implement Grant Tables support
> Port ARM Linux kernel to Xen
> - Preferably using para virt ops
> - Xenstore
> - Front End/Back End drivers
> Setup Xen ARM HG or GIT community repository
> Merge with HEIG-VD and other Xen ARM community ports
>List of contributors:
> Jean Pihet <jpihet@xxxxxxxxxx>
> George G. Davis <gdavis@xxxxxxxxxx>
>This code is made available with "no warranty whatsoever". Use it
>at your own risk.
>Comments, feedback and/or contributions are welcome but please keep
>discussions on the xen-arm mailing list.
>[1] http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/srg/netos/xen/readmes/hg-
>[2] http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/
>[3] http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/developer/booting.php
>Xen-arm mailing list
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