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Re: [Xen-API] RE: Questions about the api

To: Ian Pratt <Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-API] RE: Questions about the api
From: Julian Chesterfield <julian.chesterfield@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 18:26:16 +0100
Cc: Tomoiaga Cristian <cristi@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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On 20/10/10 19:42, Ian Pratt wrote:
I am writing a SR for Nexenta since I haven't found one and zfs seems
pretty good until now.
A Nexenta SR would be a very nice thing to have.

I'd recommend exposing raw files over iSCSI, and then using ZFS's native 
snapshot capabilities to implement the snapshot and clone APIs. Is this your 
Actually, if Nexenta exposes the underlying ZFS snapshot and clone primitives, then you're probably better off just accessing the raw files directly over NFS and then using the ZFS snap API for vdi_snapshot and vdi_clone. Is there any performance benefit to using iSCSI instead of NFS for the data path layer with Nexenta?
- Julian

My questions are more related to missing(?) api calls.
I need to know if I can set the following fields in a VDI for example:

Is-a-snapshot - there is a get_is_a_snapshot call but not a
set_is_a_snapshot. Same for snapshot-of. Think it's usefull just in case I
vdi-forget the snapshot and re introduce it with a scan or in other
parent - there is a get_parent but not a set_parent call, this would be

Of course I can use sm-config for example, to set a parent but still,
since the field is there I would like to set it myself.

Thank you!
Tomoiaga Cristian

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