[Xen-API] [PATCH 5 of 6] CA-33440: add ocamldoc to forkhelpers.mli
# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1261409810 0
# Node ID 65c971f2b0871ac424a11b3ab1889d45ddeb18f9
# Parent 6927e5e50d612ba1ff5dd33ad3eef0a494afc0fe
CA-33440: add ocamldoc to forkhelpers.mli
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 6927e5e50d61 -r 65c971f2b087 stdext/forkhelpers.mli
--- a/stdext/forkhelpers.mli Mon Dec 21 15:36:49 2009 +0000
+++ b/stdext/forkhelpers.mli Mon Dec 21 15:36:50 2009 +0000
@@ -14,25 +14,47 @@
(* Functions to safely fork potentially long-running sub-processes without
leaking file descriptors or accidentally deadlocking the parent process. *)
-(* Functions should:
- 1. Arrange to close all fds except the ones they actually want to keep open
- 2. Not access any ocaml library or runtime function which might touch a lock
- (since that would cause deadlock) *)
+(** [execute_command_get_output cmd args] runs [cmd args] and returns (stdout,
+ on success (exit 0). On failure this raises
[Spawn_internal_error(stderr, stdout, Unix.process_status)]
+val execute_command_get_output : ?cb_set:(int -> unit) -> ?cb_clear:(unit ->
unit) -> string -> string list -> string * string
-(** Standalone wrapper process which safely closes fds before exec()ing
another program.
- Needs the binary /opt/xensource/libexec/closeandexec installed by
close-and-exec. *)
-exception Subprocess_failed of int
-exception Subprocess_killed of int
+(** Thrown by [execute_command_get_output] if the subprocess exits with a
non-zero exit code *)
exception Spawn_internal_error of string * string * Unix.process_status
+(** Represents a forked process *)
type pidty
+(** [string_of_pidty p] returns a printable string description of [p] *)
val string_of_pidty : pidty -> string
-(** Safe function which forks a command, closing all fds except a whitelist and
- having performed some fd operations in the child *)
+(** [getpid p] returns the integer process id *)
+val getpid : pidty -> int
+(** Thrown by [safe_close_and_exec] if the process exits with a non-zero exit
code. *)
+exception Subprocess_failed of int
+(** Thrown by [safe_close_and_exec] if the process exits due to a signal *)
+exception Subprocess_killed of int
+(** [safe_close_and_exec stdin stdout stderr id_to_fd_list cmd args] runs [cmd
+ with the optional [stdin], [stdout] and [stderr] file descriptors (or
/dev/null if not
+ specified) and with any key from [id_to_fd_list] in [args] replaced by
the integer
+ value of the file descriptor in the final process. *)
val safe_close_and_exec : ?env:string array -> Unix.file_descr option ->
Unix.file_descr option -> Unix.file_descr option -> (string * Unix.file_descr)
list -> string -> string list -> pidty
+(** [waitpid p] returns the (pid, Unix.process_status) *)
+val waitpid : pidty -> (int * Unix.process_status)
+(** [waitpid_nohang p] returns the (pid, Unix.process_status) if the process
has already
+ quit or (0, Unix.WEXITTED 0) if the process is still running. *)
+val waitpid_nohang : pidty -> (int * Unix.process_status)
+(** [dontwaitpid p]: signals the caller's desire to never call waitpid. Note
that the final
+ process will not persist as a zombie. *)
+val dontwaitpid : pidty -> unit
+(** [waitpid_fail_if_bad_exit p] calls waitpid on [p] and throws
[Subprocess_failed x] if the
+ process exits with non-zero code x and [Subprocess_killed x] if the
process is killed by a
+ signal and exits with non-zero code x. *)
+val waitpid_fail_if_bad_exit : pidty -> unit
type 'a result = Success of string * 'a | Failure of string * exn
@@ -41,14 +63,5 @@
function 'f' throws an error then the log file contents are read in *)
val with_logfile_fd : ?delete:bool -> string -> (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> 'a
-(*val with_dev_null : (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> 'a
-val with_dev_null_read : (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> 'a*)
-(** Execute a command, return the stdout logging or throw a
Spawn_internal_error exception *)
-val execute_command_get_output : ?cb_set:(int -> unit) -> ?cb_clear:(unit ->
unit) -> string -> string list -> string * string
-val waitpid : pidty -> (int * Unix.process_status)
-val waitpid_nohang : pidty -> (int * Unix.process_status)
-val dontwaitpid : pidty -> unit
-val waitpid_fail_if_bad_exit : pidty -> unit
-val getpid : pidty -> int
1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
stdext/forkhelpers.mli | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
Description: Text Data
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