# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1261409809 0
# Node ID c77bc0262c68af492d0444eb61f52d1e6d6bd152
# Parent 6d735f8541855ebf3ab2b438e5c569d362e9d2de
CA-33440: Now that the direct fork code has been moved to stunnel, simplify the
'pidty' to only consider the single case of forking via the external daemon.
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 6d735f854185 -r c77bc0262c68 stdext/forkhelpers.ml
--- a/stdext/forkhelpers.ml Mon Dec 21 15:36:49 2009 +0000
+++ b/stdext/forkhelpers.ml Mon Dec 21 15:36:49 2009 +0000
@@ -25,27 +25,14 @@
open Pervasiveext
-type pidty =
- | Stdfork of int (* We've forked and execed, and therefore need to waitpid
- | FEFork of (Unix.file_descr * int) (* The forking executioner has been
used, therefore we need to tell it to waitpid *)
- | Nopid
+type pidty = (Unix.file_descr * int) (* The forking executioner has been used,
therefore we need to tell *it* to waitpid *)
-let string_of_pidty p =
- match p with
- | Stdfork pid -> Printf.sprintf "(Stdfork %d)" pid
- | FEFork (fd,pid) -> Printf.sprintf "(FEFork (%d,%d))"
(Unixext.int_of_file_descr fd) pid
- | Nopid -> "Nopid"
-let nopid = Nopid
+let string_of_pidty (fd, pid) = Printf.sprintf "(FEFork (%d,%d))"
(Unixext.int_of_file_descr fd) pid
exception Subprocess_failed of int
exception Subprocess_killed of int
-let waitpid ty =
- match ty with
- | Stdfork pid ->
- Unix.waitpid [] pid
- | FEFork (sock,pid) ->
+let waitpid (sock, pid) =
let status = Fecomms.read_raw_rpc sock in
Unix.close sock;
begin match status with
@@ -53,26 +40,14 @@
| Fe.Finished (Fe.WSIGNALED n) -> (pid,Unix.WSIGNALED n)
| Fe.Finished (Fe.WSTOPPED n) -> (pid,Unix.WSTOPPED n)
- | Nopid -> failwith "Can't waitpid without a process"
-let waitpid_nohang ty =
- match ty with
- | Stdfork pid ->
- Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] pid
- | FEFork (sock,pid) ->
+let waitpid_nohang ((sock, _) as x) =
(match Unix.select [sock] [] [] 0.0 with
- | ([s],_,_) -> waitpid ty
+ | ([s],_,_) -> waitpid x
| _ -> (0,Unix.WEXITED 0))
- | Nopid ->
- failwith "Can't waitpid without a pid"
-let dontwaitpid ty =
- match ty with
- | Stdfork pid ->
- failwith "Can't do this!"
- | FEFork (sock,pid) ->
+let dontwaitpid (sock, pid) =
Unix.close sock
- | Nopid -> ()
let waitpid_fail_if_bad_exit ty =
@@ -83,11 +58,7 @@
| (Unix.WSIGNALED n) -> raise (Subprocess_killed n)
| (Unix.WSTOPPED n) -> raise (Subprocess_killed n)
-let getpid ty =
- match ty with
- | Stdfork pid -> pid
- | FEFork (sock,pid) -> pid
- | Nopid -> failwith "No pid!"
+let getpid (sock, pid) = pid
type 'a result = Success of string * 'a | Failure of string * exn
@@ -180,7 +151,7 @@
List.iter (fun (uuid,srcfd) ->
send_named_fd uuid srcfd) fds;
Fecomms.write_raw_rpc sock Fe.Exec;
- match Fecomms.read_raw_rpc sock with Fe.Execed pid -> FEFork (sock, pid))
+ match Fecomms.read_raw_rpc sock with Fe.Execed pid -> (sock, pid))
@@ -188,7 +159,7 @@
let execute_command_get_output ?(cb_set=(fun _ -> ())) ?(cb_clear=(fun () ->
())) cmd args =
match with_logfile_fd "execute_command_get_out" (fun out_fd ->
with_logfile_fd "execute_command_get_err" (fun err_fd ->
- let FEFork (sock,pid) = safe_close_and_exec None (Some out_fd) (Some
err_fd) [] cmd args in
+ let (sock,pid) = safe_close_and_exec None (Some out_fd) (Some err_fd) []
cmd args in
match Fecomms.read_raw_rpc sock with
| Fe.Finished x -> Unix.close sock; x
| _ -> Unix.close sock; failwith "Communications error"
diff -r 6d735f854185 -r c77bc0262c68 stdext/forkhelpers.mli
--- a/stdext/forkhelpers.mli Mon Dec 21 15:36:49 2009 +0000
+++ b/stdext/forkhelpers.mli Mon Dec 21 15:36:49 2009 +0000
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@
val string_of_pidty : pidty -> string
-val nopid : pidty
(** Safe function which forks a command, closing all fds except a whitelist and
having performed some fd operations in the child *)
val safe_close_and_exec : ?env:string array -> Unix.file_descr option ->
Unix.file_descr option -> Unix.file_descr option -> (string * Unix.file_descr)
list -> string -> string list -> pidty
2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
stdext/forkhelpers.ml | 47 +++++++++--------------------------------------
stdext/forkhelpers.mli | 2 --
Description: Text Data
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