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Xenalyze on ARM ( NXP S32G3 with Cortex-A53)

  • To: "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: El Mesdadi Youssef ESK UILD7 <youssef.elmesdadi@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:20:18 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:20:41 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>
  • Msip_labels: MSIP_Label_7294a1c8-9899-41e7-8f6e-8b1b3c79592a_Enabled=true; MSIP_Label_7294a1c8-9899-41e7-8f6e-8b1b3c79592a_SetDate=2023-01-10T14:20:17Z; MSIP_Label_7294a1c8-9899-41e7-8f6e-8b1b3c79592a_Method=Privileged; MSIP_Label_7294a1c8-9899-41e7-8f6e-8b1b3c79592a_Name=Internal sub2 (no marking); MSIP_Label_7294a1c8-9899-41e7-8f6e-8b1b3c79592a_SiteId=eb70b763-b6d7-4486-8555-8831709a784e; MSIP_Label_7294a1c8-9899-41e7-8f6e-8b1b3c79592a_ActionId=eeca7847-45f1-4c89-8855-4db1e219313e; MSIP_Label_7294a1c8-9899-41e7-8f6e-8b1b3c79592a_ContentBits=0
  • Thread-index: Adkk/qg7kRGuW6KDReaFxxX6SSJ/1g==
  • Thread-topic: Xenalyze on ARM ( NXP S32G3 with Cortex-A53)

>> Hello,



I’m trying to measure the performance of Xen on the S32G3 microprocessor, unfortunately, after following the BSP-Linux to install Xen, I found that Xentrace is not available or not compatible with ARM architecture. I have seen some studies on  Xilinx, and how they made Xentrace compatible with ARM, but I have no resources or access to get that and make it work on my Board. If there is any help I would appreciate it and thanks in advance.


>> I have some extra questions, and it will be helpful to share your ideas with me,


  • Is it possible to run a native application ( C-code) on the virtual machine, turn on a LED,  have access to the GPIO, or send some messages using Can-Interface?
  • My Board has no Ethernet, and no Extern SD Card, is there any method I can use to build a kernel for an operating system with my laptop, and transfer it to the board?
  • Any suggestions in detail to measure the interrupt latency, Xen Overhead, and switch context (time to switch from one VM to another, that’s what I wanted to measure with Xenalyze)


>> Best regards

>> Youssef El Mesdadi




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