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Re: Proposal for Porting Xen to Armv8-R64 - DraftB

  • To: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Wei Chen <Wei.Chen@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 15:58:21 +0800
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Hi Stefano,

Reply for non-Eventchannel comments:

On 2022/4/15 8:41, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
On Fri, 25 Mar 2022, Wei Chen wrote:
# Proposal for Porting Xen to Armv8-R64

## 2. Proposed changes of Xen
### **2.1. Changes of build system:**

- ***Introduce new Kconfig options for Armv8-R64***:
   Unlike Armv8-A, because lack of MMU support on Armv8-R64, we may not
   expect one Xen binary to run on all machines. Xen images are not common
   across Armv8-R64 platforms. Xen must be re-built for different Armv8-R64
   platforms. Because these platforms may have different memory layout and
   link address.
     - `ARM64_V8R`:
       This option enables Armv8-R profile for Arm64. Enabling this option
       results in selecting MPU. This Kconfig option is used to gate some
       Armv8-R64 specific code except MPU code, like some code for Armv8-R64
       only system ID registers access.

     - `ARM_MPU`
       This option enables MPU on Armv8-R architecture. Enabling this option
       results in disabling MMU. This Kconfig option is used to gate some
       ARM_MPU specific code. Once when this Kconfig option has been enabled,
       the MMU relate code will not be built for Armv8-R64. The reason why
       not depends on runtime detection to select MMU or MPU is that, we don't
       think we can use one image for both Armv8-R64 and Armv8-A64. Another
       reason that we separate MPU and V8R in provision to allow to support MPU
       on 32bit Arm one day.

   ***Try to use `if ( IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ARMXXXX) )` instead of spreading***
   ***`#ifdef CONFIG_ARMXXXX` everywhere, if it is possible.***

- ***About Xen start address for Armv8-R64***:
   On Armv8-A, Xen has a fixed virtual start address (link address too) on all
   Armv8-A platforms. In an MMU based system, Xen can map its loaded address
   to this virtual start address. On Armv8-A platforms, the Xen start address
   does not need to be configurable. But on Armv8-R platforms, they don't have
   MMU to map loaded address to a fixed virtual address. And different platforms
   will have very different address space layout, so it's impossible for Xen to
   specify a fixed physical address for all Armv8-R platforms' start address.

     This option allows to set the custom address at which Xen will be
     linked. This address must be aligned to a page size. Xen's run-time
     addresses are the same as the link time addresses.
     ***Notes: Fixed link address means the Xen binary could not be***
     ***relocated by EFI loader. So in current stage, Xen could not***
     ***be launched as an EFI application on Armv8-R64.(TODO#3.3)***

     - Provided by platform files.
       We can reuse the existed arm/platforms store platform specific files.
       And `XEN_START_ADDRESS` is one kind of platform specific information.
       So we can use platform file to define default `XEN_START_ADDRESS` for
       each platform.

     - Provided by Kconfig.
       This option can be an independent or a supplymental option. Users can
       define a customized `XEN_START_ADDRESS` to override the default value
       in platform's file.

     - Generated from device tree by build scripts (optional)
       Vendors who want to enable Xen on their Armv8-R platforms, they can
       use some tools/scripts to parse their boards device tree to generate
       the basic platform information. These tools/scripts do not necessarily
       need to be integrated in Xen, but Xen can give some recommended
       configuration. For example, Xen can recommend Armv8-R platforms to use
       lowest ram start address + 2MB as the default Xen start address.
       The generated platform files can be placed to arm/platforms for

     - Enable Xen PIC/PIE (optional)
       We have mentioned about PIC/PIE in section 1.2. With PIC/PIE support,
       Xen can run from everywhere it has been loaded. But it's rare to use
       PIC/PIE on a real-time system (code size, more memory access). So a
       partial PIC/PIE image maybe better (see 3. TODO section). But partial
       PIC/PIE image may not solve this Xen start address issue.

I like the description of the XEN_START_ADDRESS problem and solutions.

For the initial implementation, a platform file is fine. We need to
start easy.

Afterwards, I think it would be far better to switch to a script that
automatically generates XEN_START_ADDRESS from the host device tree.
Also, if we provide a way to customize the start address via Kconfig,
then the script that reads the device tree could simply output the right
CONFIG_* option for Xen to build. It wouldn't even have to generate an
header file.

Ok,I will update the proposal to create two steps for XEN_START_ADDRESS:
stage 1: Use the platform files for XEN_START_ADDRESS. If no platform
         has been selected, provide Kconfig option for users to do
stage 2: Try to switch to use scripts that can automatically generate
         XEN_START_ADDRESS from the host device tree. But still keep
         Kconfig customization option.

And for the PIC/PIE option,I will move it to TODO list so that we
have records for future discussions.Becuase this feature for an
MPU system, its priority is not very high.

- ***About MPU initialization before parsing device tree***:
       Before Xen can start parsing information from device tree and use
       this information to setup MPU, Xen need an initial MPU state. This
       is because:
       1. More deterministic: Arm MPU supports background regions, if we
          don't configure the MPU regions and don't enable MPU. The default
          MPU background attributes will take effect. The default background
          attributes are `IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED`. That means all RAM regions
          may be configured to device memory and RWX. Random values in RAM or
          maliciously embedded data can be exploited.
       2. More compatible: On some Armv8-R64 platforms, if MPU is disabled,
          the `dc zva` instruction will make the system halt (This is one
          side effect of MPU background attributes, the RAM has been configured
          as device memory). And this instruction will be embedded in some
          built-in functions, like `memory set`. If we use `-ddont_use_dc` to
          rebuild GCC, the built-in functions will not contain `dc zva`.
          However, it is obviously unlikely that we will be able to recompile
          all GCC for ARMv8-R64.

     - Reuse `XEN_START_ADDRESS`
       In the very beginning of Xen boot, Xen just need to cover a limited
       memory range and very few devices (actually only UART device). So we
       can use two MPU regions to map:
          `XEN_START_ADDRESS` to `XEN_START_ADDRESS + image_size`as
          normal memory.
       2. `UART` MMIO region base to `UART` MMIO region end to device memory.
       These two are enough to support Xen run in boot time. And we don't need
       to provide additional platform information for initial normal memory
       and device memory regions. In current PoC we have used this option
       for implementation, and it's the same as Armv8-A.

     - Additional platform information for initial MPU state
       Introduce some macros to allow users to set initial normal
       memory regions:
       and device memory:
       These macros are the same platform specific information as
       `XEN_START_ADDRESS`, so the options#1/#2/#3 of generating
       `XEN_START_ADDRESS` also can be applied to these macros.
       ***From our current PoC work, we think these macros may***
       ***not be necessary. But we still place them here to see***
       ***whether the community will have some different scenarios***
       ***that we haven't considered.***

I think it is fine for now. And their values could be automatically
generated by the same script that will automatically generate
XEN_START_ADDRESS from the host device tree.

Ok, we will keep current PoC "Reuse `XEN_START_ADDRESS`" for
day1 patch. We will update the proposal to address it. And place
script generatation in stage2.

- ***Define new system registers for compiliers***:
   Armv8-R64 is based on Armv8.4. That means we will use some Armv8.4
   specific system registers. As Armv8-R64 only have secure state, so
   at least, `VSTCR_EL2` and `VSCTLR_EL2` will be used for Xen. And the
   first GCC version that supports Armv8.4 is GCC 8.1. In addition to
   these, PMSA of Armv8-R64 introduced lots of MPU related system registers:
   `PRBAR_ELx`, `PRBARx_ELx`, `PRLAR_ELx`, `PRLARx_ELx`, `PRENR_ELx` and
   `MPUIR_ELx`. But the first GCC version to support these system registers
   is GCC 11. So we have two ways to make compilers to work properly with
   these system registers.
   1. Bump GCC version to GCC 11.
      The pros of this method is that, we don't need to encode these
      system registers in macros by ourselves. But the cons are that,
      we have to update Makefiles to support GCC 11 for Armv8-R64.
      1.1. Check the GCC version 11 for Armv8-R64.
      1.2. Add march=armv8r to CFLAGS for Armv8-R64.
      1.3. Solve the confliction of march=armv8r and mcpu=generic
     These changes will affect common Makefiles, not only Arm Makefiles.
     And GCC 11 is new, lots of toolchains and Distro haven't supported it.

   2. Encode new system registers in macros ***(preferred)***
         /* Virtualization Secure Translation Control Register */
         #define VSTCR_EL2  S3_4_C2_C6_2
         /* Virtualization System Control Register */
         #define VSCTLR_EL2 S3_4_C2_C0_0
         /* EL1 MPU Protection Region Base Address Register encode */
         #define PRBAR_EL1  S3_0_C6_C8_0
         /* EL2 MPU Protection Region Base Address Register encode */
         #define PRBAR_EL2  S3_4_C6_C8_0
      If we encode all above system registers, we don't need to bump GCC
      version. And the common CFLAGS Xen is using still can be applied to
      Armv8-R64. We don't need to modify Makefiles to add specific CFLAGS.
      ***Armv8-R AArch64 supports the A64 ISA instruction set with***
      ***some modifications:***
      ***Redefines DMB, DSB, and adds an DFB. But actually, the***
      ***encodings of DMB and DSB are still the same with A64.***
      ***And DFB is an alias of DSB #12. In this case, we think***
      ***we don't need a new architecture specific flag to***
      ***generate new instructions for Armv8-R.***

I think that for the initial implementation either way is fine. I agree
that macros would be better than requiring GCC 11.

Ok. We will use macros in day1. We can have a standalone patch set
to bump GCC version in the future. Based on some of the attempts we've
made, it will affect some makefile scripts of common and other

### **2.2. Changes of the initialization process**

**A sample device tree of memory layout restriction**:
chosen {
      * Define a section to place boot modules,
      * all boot modules must be placed in this section.
     mpu,boot-module-section = <0x10000000 0x10000000>;
      * Define a section to cover all guest RAM. All guest RAM must be located
      * within this section. The pros is that, in best case, we can only have
      * one MPU protection region to map all guest RAM for Xen.
     mpu,guest-memory-section = <0x20000000 0x30000000>;
      * Define a memory section that can cover all device memory that
      * will be used in Xen.
     mpu,device-memory-section = <0x80000000 0x7ffff000>;
     /* Define a section for Xen heap */
     xen,static-mem = <0x50000000 0x20000000>;

     domU1 {
         #xen,static-mem-address-cells = <0x01>;
         #xen,static-mem-size-cells = <0x01>;
         /* Statically allocated guest memory, within mpu,guest-memory-section 
         xen,static-mem = <0x30000000 0x1f000000>;

         module@11000000 {
             compatible = "multiboot,kernel\0multiboot,module";
             /* Boot module address, within mpu,boot-module-section */
             reg = <0x11000000 0x3000000>;

         module@10FF0000 {
                 compatible = "multiboot,device-tree\0multiboot,module";
                 /* Boot module address, within mpu,boot-module-section */
                 reg = <0x10ff0000 0x10000>;
It's little hard for users to compose such a device tree by hand. Based
on the discussion of Draft-A, Xen community suggested users to use some
tools like 
 to generate the above device tree properties.
Please goto TODO#3.3 section to get more details of this suggestion.

Yes, I think we'll need an ImageBuilder script to populate these entries
automatically. With George's help, I moved ImageBuilder to Xen Project.
This is the new repository: https://gitlab.com/xen-project/imagebuilder

The script to generate mpu,boot-module-section and the other mpu
addresses could be the same ImageBuilder script that generates also

That's great, I will update the link in proposal.

### **2.4. Changes of memory management**
Xen is coupled with VMSA, in order to port Xen to Armv8-R64, we have to
decouple Xen from VMSA. And give Xen the ablity to manage memory in PMSA.
...          ```

### **2.5. Changes of guest management**

### **2.6. Changes of exception trap**

### **2.5. Changes of device driver**

## 3. TODO

### 3.1. Alternative framework support

### 3.2. Xen Event Channel Support
### 3.3. Xen Partial PIC/PIE

### 3.4. A tool to generate Armv8-R Xen device tree
1. Use a tool to generate above device tree property.
    This tool will have some similar inputs as below:

    Using above inputs, the tool can generate a device tree similar as
    we have described in sample.

    - `mpu,guest-memory-section`:
    This section will cover all guests' RAM (`xen,static-mem` defined regions
    in all DomU nodes). All guest RAM must be located within this section.
    In the best case, we can only have one MPU protection region to map all
    guests' RAM for Xen.

    If users set `DOMU_RAM_BASE` and `DOMU_RAM_SIZE`, these will be converted
    to the base and size of `xen,static-mem`. This tool will scan all
    `xen, static-mem` in DomU nodes to determin the base and size of
    `mpu,guest-memory-section`. If there is any other kind of memory usage
    has been detected in this section, this tool can report an error.
    Except build time check, Xen also need to do runtime check to prevent a
    bad device tree that generated by malicious tools.

    If users set `DOMU_RAM_SIZE` only, this will be converted to the size of
    `xen,static-mem` only. Xen will allocate the guest memory in runtime, but
    not from Xen heap. `mpu,guest-memory-section` will be caculated in runtime
    too. The property in device tree doesn't need or will be ignored by Xen.

I am fine with this. You should also know that there was a recent
discussion about adding something like:

# address size address size ...
DOMU_STATIC_MEM_RANGES[0]="0xe000000 0x1000000 0xa0000000 0x30000000"

to the ImageBuilder config file.

Thanks for this update : )

    - `mpu,boot-module-section`:
    This section will be used to store the boot modules like DOMU_KERNEL,
    DOMU_RAMDISK, and DOMU_PASSTHROUGH_DTB. Xen keeps all boot modules in
    this section to meet the requirement of DomU restart on Armv8-R. In
    current stage, we don't have a privilege domain like Dom0 that can
    access filesystem to reload DomU images.

    And in current Xen code, the base and size are mandatory for boot modules
    If users don't specify the base of each boot module, the tool will
    allocte a base for each module. And the tool will generate the
    `mpu,boot-module-section` region, when it finishs boot module memory

    Users also can specify the base and size of each boot module, these will
    be converted to the base and size of module's `reg` directly. The tool
    will scan all modules `reg` in DomU nodes to generate the base and size of
    `mpu,boot-module-section`. If there is any kind of other memory usage
    has been detected in this section, this tool can report an error.
    Except build time check, Xen also need to do runtime check to prevent a
    bad device tree that generated by malicious tools.

Xen should always check for the validity of its input. However I should
point out that there is no "malicious tool" in this picture because a
malicious entity with access to the tool would also have access to Xen
directly, so they might as well replace the Xen binary.

Ok, I will drop the "malicious tools". But I think the "bug tools" still
can be possible : )

    - `mpu,device-memory-section`:
    This section will cover all device memory that will be used in Xen. Like
    `UART`, `GIC`, `SMMU` and other devices. We haven't considered multiple
    `mpu,device-memory-section` scenarios. The devices' memory and RAM are
    interleaving in physical address space, it would be required to use
    multiple `mpu,device-memory-section` to cover all devices. This layout
    is common on Armv8-A system, especially in server. But it's rare in
    Armv8-R. So in current stage, we don't want to allow multiple
    `mpu,device-memory-section`. The tool can scan baremetal device tree
    to sort all devices' memory ranges. And calculate a proper region for
    `mpu,device-memory-section`. If it find Xen need multiple
    `mpu,device-memory-section`, it can report an unsupported error.

2. Use a tool to generate device tree property and platform files
    This opinion still uses the same inputs as opinion#1. But this tool only
    generates `xen,static-mem` and `module` nodes in DomU nodes, it will not
    generate `mpu,guest-memory-section`, `mpu,boot-module-section` and
    `mpu,device-memory-section` properties in device tree. This will
    generate following macros:
    in platform files in build time. In runtime, Xen will skip the device
    tree parsing for `mpu,guest-memory-section`, `mpu,boot-module-section`
    and `mpu,device-memory-section`. And instead Xen will use these macros
    to do runtime check.
    But, this also means these macros only exist in local build system,
    these macros will not be maintained in Xen repo.

Yes this makes sense to me.

I think we should add both scripts to the imagebuilder repository. This
way, they could share code easily, and we can keep the documentation in
a single place.

Can I understand your comments like, we can support above two options.
Users can select to use either way. If the select the option#2 script,
MPU_GUEST_MEMORY_SECTION_BASE will be detected by Xen code, and Xen
can bypass the device tree parser. If Xen can't detected MPU_GUEST_MEMORY_SECTION_BASE, Xen can treat that users selected to
use option#1 scripts, Xen will do DT parser.

Wei Chen



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