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Re: [PATCH] xen/arm64: Zero the top 32 bits of gp registers on entry...


On 06/12/2021 14:20, Michal Orzel wrote:
to hypervisor when switching to AArch32 state.

According to section D1.20.2 of Arm Arm(DDI 0487A.j):
"If the general-purpose register was accessible from AArch32 state the
upper 32 bits either become zero, or hold the value that the same
architectural register held before any AArch32 execution.
The choice between these two options is IMPLEMENTATIONDEFINED"

Typo: Missing space between IMPLEMENTATION and DEFINED.

Currently Xen does not ensure that the top 32 bits are zeroed and this
needs to be fixed.

Can you outline why this is a problem and why we need to protect? IIRC, the main concern is Xen may misinterpret what the guest requested but we are not concerned about Xen using wrong value.

Fix this bug by zeroing the upper 32 bits of these registers on an
entry to hypervisor when switching to AArch32 state.

Set default value of parameter compat of macro entry to 0 (AArch64 mode
as we are on 64-bit hypervisor) to avoid checking if parameter is blank
when not passed.

Which error do you see otherwise? Is it a compilation error?

Signed-off-by: Michal Orzel <michal.orzel@xxxxxxx>
  xen/arch/arm/arm64/entry.S | 10 +++++++++-
  1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/arm64/entry.S b/xen/arch/arm/arm64/entry.S
index fc3811ad0a..d364128175 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/arm64/entry.S
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/arm64/entry.S
@@ -109,8 +109,16 @@
   * If 0, we rely on the on x0/x1 to have been saved at the correct
   * position on the stack before.
-        .macro  entry, hyp, compat, save_x0_x1=1
+        .macro  entry, hyp, compat=0, save_x0_x1=1
          sub     sp, sp, #(UREGS_SPSR_el1 - UREGS_LR) /* CPSR, PC, SP, LR */
+        /* Zero the upper 32 bits of the registers when switching to AArch32 */
+        .if \compat == 1      /* AArch32 mode */
+        .irp 
+        mov w\nr, w\nr
+        .endr
+        .endif

So Jan mentioned, the x0/x1 may have already been saved. So you may need to fetch them from the stack and then clobber the top 32-bit.


Julien Grall



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