So, I’m trying to get a Xen Dom0 and DomU, both running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS up on our brand-new Gigabyte ThunderX2 ARM64 box. I can get Ubuntu up and running, but after installing the Xen bits, it dies after the UEFI layer launches GRUB. I
haven’t been able to get any logfiles because it doesn’t get that far. Nothing shows up on the serial port log either – it just hangs.
Has anyone over there been trying to get a similar setup running? Am I out to lunch for trying this, or is there something I’m missing? Any help at all would be appreciated.
If this doesn’t work, I’m going to have to go to FreeBSD and Bhyve because I know someone who has that working. I’d rather use Linux than BSD for this application, there are more drivers supporting this hardaware.

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