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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v4 2/6] golang/xenlight: begin Go to C type marshaling

Implement conversion of basic type conversions such as strings
and integer types in toC functions.

Signed-off-by: Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py  |   80 ++
 tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go | 1015 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1095 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py 
index 8857e2e8fd..9d5f8300a2 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py
@@ -234,6 +234,9 @@ def xenlight_golang_generate_helpers(path = None, types = 
None, comment = None):
+            f.write(xenlight_golang_define_to_C(ty))
+            f.write('\n')
 def xenlight_golang_define_from_C(ty = None):
@@ -434,6 +437,83 @@ def xenlight_golang_array_from_C(ty = None):
     return s
+def xenlight_golang_define_to_C(ty = None, typename = None, nested = False):
+    s = ''
+    gotypename = ctypename = ''
+    if typename is not None:
+        gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
+        ctypename  = typename
+    else:
+        gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.typename)
+        ctypename  = ty.typename
+    if not nested:
+        s += 'func (x *{}) toC() (xc C.{},err error) 
+        s += 'C.{}(&xc)\n'.format(ty.init_fn)
+    for f in ty.fields:
+        if f.type.typename is not None:
+            if isinstance(f.type, idl.Array):
+                # TODO
+                continue
+            gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(f.type.typename)
+            ctypename  = f.type.typename
+            gofname    = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(f.name)
+            cfname     = f.name
+            # In cgo, C names that conflict with Go keywords can be
+            # accessed by prepending an underscore to the name.
+            if cfname in go_keywords:
+                cfname = '_' + cfname
+            # If this is nested, we need the outer name too.
+            if nested and typename is not None:
+                goname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
+                goname = '{}.{}'.format(goname, gofname)
+                cname  = '{}.{}'.format(typename, cfname)
+            else:
+                goname = gofname
+                cname  = cfname
+            is_castable = (f.type.json_parse_type == 'JSON_INTEGER' or
+                           isinstance(f.type, idl.Enumeration) or
+                           gotypename in go_builtin_types)
+            if is_castable:
+                # Use the cgo helper for converting C strings.
+                if gotypename == 'string':
+                    s += 'xc.{} = C.CString(x.{})\n'.format(cname,goname)
+                    continue
+                s += 'xc.{} = C.{}(x.{})\n'.format(cname,ctypename,goname)
+            else:
+                s += 'xc.{}, err = x.{}.toC()\n'.format(cname,goname)
+                s += 'if err != nil {\n'
+                s += 'C.{}(&xc)\n'.format(ty.dispose_fn)
+                s += 'return xc, err\n'
+                s += '}\n'
+        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.Struct):
+            s += xenlight_golang_define_to_C(f.type, typename=f.name, 
+        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.KeyedUnion):
+            # TODO
+            pass
+        else:
+            raise Exception('type {} not supported'.format(f.type))
+    if not nested:
+        s += 'return xc, nil'
+        s += '}\n'
+    return s
 def xenlight_golang_fmt_name(name, exported = True):
     Take a given type name and return an
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go 
index 25294ba292..be80d6c718 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go
@@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ func (x *IoportRange) fromC(xc *C.libxl_ioport_range) error {
        return nil
+func (x *IoportRange) toC() (xc C.libxl_ioport_range, err error) {
+       C.libxl_ioport_range_init(&xc)
+       xc.first = C.uint32_t(x.First)
+       xc.number = C.uint32_t(x.Number)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *IomemRange) fromC(xc *C.libxl_iomem_range) error {
        x.Start = uint64(xc.start)
        x.Number = uint64(xc.number)
@@ -45,12 +52,26 @@ func (x *IomemRange) fromC(xc *C.libxl_iomem_range) error {
        return nil
+func (x *IomemRange) toC() (xc C.libxl_iomem_range, err error) {
+       C.libxl_iomem_range_init(&xc)
+       xc.start = C.uint64_t(x.Start)
+       xc.number = C.uint64_t(x.Number)
+       xc.gfn = C.uint64_t(x.Gfn)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *VgaInterfaceInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vga_interface_info) error {
        x.Kind = VgaInterfaceType(xc.kind)
        return nil
+func (x *VgaInterfaceInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vga_interface_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vga_interface_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.kind = C.libxl_vga_interface_type(x.Kind)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *VncInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vnc_info) error {
        if err := x.Enable.fromC(&xc.enable); err != nil {
                return err
@@ -65,6 +86,24 @@ func (x *VncInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vnc_info) error {
        return nil
+func (x *VncInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vnc_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vnc_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.enable, err = x.Enable.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vnc_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.listen = C.CString(x.Listen)
+       xc.passwd = C.CString(x.Passwd)
+       xc.display = C.int(x.Display)
+       xc.findunused, err = x.Findunused.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vnc_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *SpiceInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_spice_info) error {
        if err := x.Enable.fromC(&xc.enable); err != nil {
                return err
@@ -92,6 +131,43 @@ func (x *SpiceInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_spice_info) error {
        return nil
+func (x *SpiceInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_spice_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_spice_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.enable, err = x.Enable.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_spice_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.port = C.int(x.Port)
+       xc.tls_port = C.int(x.TlsPort)
+       xc.host = C.CString(x.Host)
+       xc.disable_ticketing, err = x.DisableTicketing.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_spice_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.passwd = C.CString(x.Passwd)
+       xc.agent_mouse, err = x.AgentMouse.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_spice_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.vdagent, err = x.Vdagent.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_spice_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.clipboard_sharing, err = x.ClipboardSharing.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_spice_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.usbredirection = C.int(x.Usbredirection)
+       xc.image_compression = C.CString(x.ImageCompression)
+       xc.streaming_video = C.CString(x.StreamingVideo)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *SdlInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sdl_info) error {
        if err := x.Enable.fromC(&xc.enable); err != nil {
                return err
@@ -105,6 +181,23 @@ func (x *SdlInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sdl_info) error {
        return nil
+func (x *SdlInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_sdl_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_sdl_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.enable, err = x.Enable.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_sdl_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.opengl, err = x.Opengl.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_sdl_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.display = C.CString(x.Display)
+       xc.xauthority = C.CString(x.Xauthority)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Dominfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_dominfo) error {
        if err := x.Uuid.fromC(&xc.uuid); err != nil {
                return err
@@ -133,6 +226,36 @@ func (x *Dominfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_dominfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Dominfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_dominfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_dominfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.uuid, err = x.Uuid.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_dominfo_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.domid = C.libxl_domid(x.Domid)
+       xc.ssidref = C.uint32_t(x.Ssidref)
+       xc.ssid_label = C.CString(x.SsidLabel)
+       xc.running = C.bool(x.Running)
+       xc.blocked = C.bool(x.Blocked)
+       xc.paused = C.bool(x.Paused)
+       xc.shutdown = C.bool(x.Shutdown)
+       xc.dying = C.bool(x.Dying)
+       xc.never_stop = C.bool(x.NeverStop)
+       xc.shutdown_reason = C.libxl_shutdown_reason(x.ShutdownReason)
+       xc.outstanding_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.OutstandingMemkb)
+       xc.current_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.CurrentMemkb)
+       xc.shared_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.SharedMemkb)
+       xc.paged_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.PagedMemkb)
+       xc.max_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.MaxMemkb)
+       xc.cpu_time = C.uint64_t(x.CpuTime)
+       xc.vcpu_max_id = C.uint32_t(x.VcpuMaxId)
+       xc.vcpu_online = C.uint32_t(x.VcpuOnline)
+       xc.cpupool = C.uint32_t(x.Cpupool)
+       xc.domain_type = C.libxl_domain_type(x.DomainType)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Cpupoolinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_cpupoolinfo) error {
        x.Poolid = uint32(xc.poolid)
        x.PoolName = C.GoString(xc.pool_name)
@@ -145,6 +268,20 @@ func (x *Cpupoolinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_cpupoolinfo) error 
        return nil
+func (x *Cpupoolinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_cpupoolinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_cpupoolinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.poolid = C.uint32_t(x.Poolid)
+       xc.pool_name = C.CString(x.PoolName)
+       xc.sched = C.libxl_scheduler(x.Sched)
+       xc.n_dom = C.uint32_t(x.NDom)
+       xc.cpumap, err = x.Cpumap.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_cpupoolinfo_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Channelinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_channelinfo) error {
        x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
        x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
@@ -179,6 +316,19 @@ func (x *ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_channelinfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Channelinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_channelinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_channelinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)
+       xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
+       xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)
+       xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.state = C.int(x.State)
+       xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
+       xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Vminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vminfo) error {
        if err := x.Uuid.fromC(&xc.uuid); err != nil {
                return err
@@ -188,6 +338,17 @@ func (x *Vminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vminfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Vminfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vminfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vminfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.uuid, err = x.Uuid.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vminfo_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.domid = C.libxl_domid(x.Domid)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *VersionInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_version_info) error {
        x.XenVersionMajor = int(xc.xen_version_major)
        x.XenVersionMinor = int(xc.xen_version_minor)
@@ -206,6 +367,24 @@ func (x *VersionInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_version_info) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *VersionInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_version_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_version_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.xen_version_major = C.int(x.XenVersionMajor)
+       xc.xen_version_minor = C.int(x.XenVersionMinor)
+       xc.xen_version_extra = C.CString(x.XenVersionExtra)
+       xc.compiler = C.CString(x.Compiler)
+       xc.compile_by = C.CString(x.CompileBy)
+       xc.compile_domain = C.CString(x.CompileDomain)
+       xc.compile_date = C.CString(x.CompileDate)
+       xc.capabilities = C.CString(x.Capabilities)
+       xc.changeset = C.CString(x.Changeset)
+       xc.virt_start = C.uint64_t(x.VirtStart)
+       xc.pagesize = C.int(x.Pagesize)
+       xc.commandline = C.CString(x.Commandline)
+       xc.build_id = C.CString(x.BuildId)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DomainCreateInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_create_info) error {
        x.Type = DomainType(xc._type)
        if err := x.Hap.fromC(&xc.hap); err != nil {
@@ -239,6 +418,53 @@ func (x *DomainCreateInfo) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_domain_create_info) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DomainCreateInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_domain_create_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_domain_create_info_init(&xc)
+       xc._type = C.libxl_domain_type(x.Type)
+       xc.hap, err = x.Hap.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_create_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.oos, err = x.Oos.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_create_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.ssidref = C.uint32_t(x.Ssidref)
+       xc.ssid_label = C.CString(x.SsidLabel)
+       xc.name = C.CString(x.Name)
+       xc.uuid, err = x.Uuid.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_create_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.xsdata, err = x.Xsdata.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_create_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.platformdata, err = x.Platformdata.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_create_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.poolid = C.uint32_t(x.Poolid)
+       xc.pool_name = C.CString(x.PoolName)
+       xc.run_hotplug_scripts, err = x.RunHotplugScripts.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_create_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.driver_domain, err = x.DriverDomain.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_create_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.passthrough = C.libxl_passthrough(x.Passthrough)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DomainRestoreParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_restore_params) error {
        x.CheckpointedStream = int(xc.checkpointed_stream)
        x.StreamVersion = uint32(xc.stream_version)
@@ -250,6 +476,19 @@ func (x *DomainRestoreParams) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_domain_restore_params) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DomainRestoreParams) toC() (xc C.libxl_domain_restore_params, err 
error) {
+       C.libxl_domain_restore_params_init(&xc)
+       xc.checkpointed_stream = C.int(x.CheckpointedStream)
+       xc.stream_version = C.uint32_t(x.StreamVersion)
+       xc.colo_proxy_script = C.CString(x.ColoProxyScript)
+       xc.userspace_colo_proxy, err = x.UserspaceColoProxy.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_restore_params_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *SchedParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sched_params) error {
        x.Vcpuid = int(xc.vcpuid)
        x.Weight = int(xc.weight)
@@ -261,6 +500,17 @@ func (x *SchedParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sched_params) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *SchedParams) toC() (xc C.libxl_sched_params, err error) {
+       C.libxl_sched_params_init(&xc)
+       xc.vcpuid = C.int(x.Vcpuid)
+       xc.weight = C.int(x.Weight)
+       xc.cap = C.int(x.Cap)
+       xc.period = C.int(x.Period)
+       xc.extratime = C.int(x.Extratime)
+       xc.budget = C.int(x.Budget)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *VcpuSchedParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vcpu_sched_params) error {
        x.Sched = Scheduler(xc.sched)
        numVcpus := int(xc.num_vcpus)
@@ -275,6 +525,12 @@ func (x *VcpuSchedParams) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_vcpu_sched_params) error {
        return nil
+func (x *VcpuSchedParams) toC() (xc C.libxl_vcpu_sched_params, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vcpu_sched_params_init(&xc)
+       xc.sched = C.libxl_scheduler(x.Sched)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DomainSchedParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_sched_params) error {
        x.Sched = Scheduler(xc.sched)
        x.Weight = int(xc.weight)
@@ -288,6 +544,19 @@ func (x *DomainSchedParams) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_domain_sched_params) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DomainSchedParams) toC() (xc C.libxl_domain_sched_params, err error) {
+       C.libxl_domain_sched_params_init(&xc)
+       xc.sched = C.libxl_scheduler(x.Sched)
+       xc.weight = C.int(x.Weight)
+       xc.cap = C.int(x.Cap)
+       xc.period = C.int(x.Period)
+       xc.budget = C.int(x.Budget)
+       xc.extratime = C.int(x.Extratime)
+       xc.slice = C.int(x.Slice)
+       xc.latency = C.int(x.Latency)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *VnodeInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vnode_info) error {
        x.Memkb = uint64(xc.memkb)
        numDistances := int(xc.num_distances)
@@ -304,6 +573,18 @@ func (x *VnodeInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vnode_info) error {
        return nil
+func (x *VnodeInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vnode_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vnode_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.memkb = C.uint64_t(x.Memkb)
+       xc.pnode = C.uint32_t(x.Pnode)
+       xc.vcpus, err = x.Vcpus.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vnode_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *RdmReserve) fromC(xc *C.libxl_rdm_reserve) error {
        x.Strategy = RdmReserveStrategy(xc.strategy)
        x.Policy = RdmReservePolicy(xc.policy)
@@ -311,6 +592,13 @@ func (x *RdmReserve) fromC(xc *C.libxl_rdm_reserve) error {
        return nil
+func (x *RdmReserve) toC() (xc C.libxl_rdm_reserve, err error) {
+       C.libxl_rdm_reserve_init(&xc)
+       xc.strategy = C.libxl_rdm_reserve_strategy(x.Strategy)
+       xc.policy = C.libxl_rdm_reserve_policy(x.Policy)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DomainBuildInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_build_info) error {
        x.MaxVcpus = int(xc.max_vcpus)
        if err := x.AvailVcpus.fromC(&xc.avail_vcpus); err != nil {
@@ -613,6 +901,130 @@ func (x *DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_domain_build_info) error
        return nil
+func (x *DomainBuildInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_domain_build_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_domain_build_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.max_vcpus = C.int(x.MaxVcpus)
+       xc.avail_vcpus, err = x.AvailVcpus.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.cpumap, err = x.Cpumap.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.nodemap, err = x.Nodemap.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.numa_placement, err = x.NumaPlacement.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.tsc_mode = C.libxl_tsc_mode(x.TscMode)
+       xc.max_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.MaxMemkb)
+       xc.target_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.TargetMemkb)
+       xc.video_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.VideoMemkb)
+       xc.shadow_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.ShadowMemkb)
+       xc.iommu_memkb = C.uint64_t(x.IommuMemkb)
+       xc.rtc_timeoffset = C.uint32_t(x.RtcTimeoffset)
+       xc.exec_ssidref = C.uint32_t(x.ExecSsidref)
+       xc.exec_ssid_label = C.CString(x.ExecSsidLabel)
+       xc.localtime, err = x.Localtime.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.disable_migrate, err = x.DisableMigrate.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.cpuid, err = x.Cpuid.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.blkdev_start = C.CString(x.BlkdevStart)
+       xc.max_grant_frames = C.uint32_t(x.MaxGrantFrames)
+       xc.max_maptrack_frames = C.uint32_t(x.MaxMaptrackFrames)
+       xc.device_model_version = 
+       xc.device_model_stubdomain, err = x.DeviceModelStubdomain.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.device_model = C.CString(x.DeviceModel)
+       xc.device_model_ssidref = C.uint32_t(x.DeviceModelSsidref)
+       xc.device_model_ssid_label = C.CString(x.DeviceModelSsidLabel)
+       xc.device_model_user = C.CString(x.DeviceModelUser)
+       xc.extra, err = x.Extra.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.extra_pv, err = x.ExtraPv.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.extra_hvm, err = x.ExtraHvm.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.sched_params, err = x.SchedParams.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.claim_mode, err = x.ClaimMode.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.event_channels = C.uint32_t(x.EventChannels)
+       xc.kernel = C.CString(x.Kernel)
+       xc.cmdline = C.CString(x.Cmdline)
+       xc.ramdisk = C.CString(x.Ramdisk)
+       xc.device_tree = C.CString(x.DeviceTree)
+       xc.acpi, err = x.Acpi.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.bootloader = C.CString(x.Bootloader)
+       xc.bootloader_args, err = x.BootloaderArgs.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.timer_mode = C.libxl_timer_mode(x.TimerMode)
+       xc.nested_hvm, err = x.NestedHvm.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.apic, err = x.Apic.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.dm_restrict, err = x.DmRestrict.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.tee = C.libxl_tee_type(x.Tee)
+       xc.arch_arm.gic_version = C.libxl_gic_version(x.ArchArm.GicVersion)
+       xc.arch_arm.vuart = C.libxl_vuart_type(x.ArchArm.Vuart)
+       xc.altp2m = C.libxl_altp2m_mode(x.Altp2M)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceVfb) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vfb) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -628,6 +1040,25 @@ func (x *DeviceVfb) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vfb) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceVfb) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_vfb, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_vfb_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.vnc, err = x.Vnc.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_device_vfb_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.sdl, err = x.Sdl.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_device_vfb_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.keymap = C.CString(x.Keymap)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceVkb) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vkb) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -648,6 +1079,26 @@ func (x *DeviceVkb) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vkb) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceVkb) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_vkb, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_vkb_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.backend_type = C.libxl_vkb_backend(x.BackendType)
+       xc.unique_id = C.CString(x.UniqueId)
+       xc.feature_disable_keyboard = C.bool(x.FeatureDisableKeyboard)
+       xc.feature_disable_pointer = C.bool(x.FeatureDisablePointer)
+       xc.feature_abs_pointer = C.bool(x.FeatureAbsPointer)
+       xc.feature_raw_pointer = C.bool(x.FeatureRawPointer)
+       xc.feature_multi_touch = C.bool(x.FeatureMultiTouch)
+       xc.width = C.uint32_t(x.Width)
+       xc.height = C.uint32_t(x.Height)
+       xc.multi_touch_width = C.uint32_t(x.MultiTouchWidth)
+       xc.multi_touch_height = C.uint32_t(x.MultiTouchHeight)
+       xc.multi_touch_num_contacts = C.uint32_t(x.MultiTouchNumContacts)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceDisk) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_disk) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -678,6 +1129,42 @@ func (x *DeviceDisk) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_disk) error 
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceDisk) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_disk, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_disk_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.pdev_path = C.CString(x.PdevPath)
+       xc.vdev = C.CString(x.Vdev)
+       xc.backend = C.libxl_disk_backend(x.Backend)
+       xc.format = C.libxl_disk_format(x.Format)
+       xc.script = C.CString(x.Script)
+       xc.removable = C.int(x.Removable)
+       xc.readwrite = C.int(x.Readwrite)
+       xc.is_cdrom = C.int(x.IsCdrom)
+       xc.direct_io_safe = C.bool(x.DirectIoSafe)
+       xc.discard_enable, err = x.DiscardEnable.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_device_disk_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.colo_enable, err = x.ColoEnable.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_device_disk_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.colo_restore_enable, err = x.ColoRestoreEnable.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_device_disk_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.colo_host = C.CString(x.ColoHost)
+       xc.colo_port = C.int(x.ColoPort)
+       xc.colo_export = C.CString(x.ColoExport)
+       xc.active_disk = C.CString(x.ActiveDisk)
+       xc.hidden_disk = C.CString(x.HiddenDisk)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceNic) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_nic) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -748,6 +1235,78 @@ func (x *DeviceNic) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_nic) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceNic) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_nic, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_nic_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.mtu = C.int(x.Mtu)
+       xc.model = C.CString(x.Model)
+       xc.mac, err = x.Mac.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_device_nic_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.ip = C.CString(x.Ip)
+       xc.bridge = C.CString(x.Bridge)
+       xc.ifname = C.CString(x.Ifname)
+       xc.script = C.CString(x.Script)
+       xc.nictype = C.libxl_nic_type(x.Nictype)
+       xc.rate_bytes_per_interval = C.uint64_t(x.RateBytesPerInterval)
+       xc.rate_interval_usecs = C.uint32_t(x.RateIntervalUsecs)
+       xc.gatewaydev = C.CString(x.Gatewaydev)
+       xc.coloft_forwarddev = C.CString(x.ColoftForwarddev)
+       xc.colo_sock_mirror_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockMirrorId)
+       xc.colo_sock_mirror_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockMirrorIp)
+       xc.colo_sock_mirror_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockMirrorPort)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockComparePriInId)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockComparePriInIp)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_pri_in_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockComparePriInPort)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareSecInId)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareSecInIp)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_sec_in_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareSecInPort)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareNotifyId)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockCompareNotifyIp)
+       xc.colo_sock_compare_notify_port = 
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector0_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector0Id)
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector0_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector0Ip)
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector0_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector0Port)
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector1_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector1Id)
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector1_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector1Ip)
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector1_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector1Port)
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector2_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector2Id)
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector2_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector2Ip)
+       xc.colo_sock_redirector2_port = C.CString(x.ColoSockRedirector2Port)
+       xc.colo_filter_mirror_queue = C.CString(x.ColoFilterMirrorQueue)
+       xc.colo_filter_mirror_outdev = C.CString(x.ColoFilterMirrorOutdev)
+       xc.colo_filter_redirector0_queue = 
+       xc.colo_filter_redirector0_indev = 
+       xc.colo_filter_redirector0_outdev = 
+       xc.colo_filter_redirector1_queue = 
+       xc.colo_filter_redirector1_indev = 
+       xc.colo_filter_redirector1_outdev = 
+       xc.colo_compare_pri_in = C.CString(x.ColoComparePriIn)
+       xc.colo_compare_sec_in = C.CString(x.ColoCompareSecIn)
+       xc.colo_compare_out = C.CString(x.ColoCompareOut)
+       xc.colo_compare_notify_dev = C.CString(x.ColoCompareNotifyDev)
+       xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Id)
+       xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector0Ip)
+       xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector0_port = 
+       xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_id = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Id)
+       xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_ip = C.CString(x.ColoSockSecRedirector1Ip)
+       xc.colo_sock_sec_redirector1_port = 
+       xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector0_queue = 
+       xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector0_indev = 
+       xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector0_outdev = 
+       xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector1_queue = 
+       xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector1_indev = 
+       xc.colo_filter_sec_redirector1_outdev = 
+       xc.colo_filter_sec_rewriter0_queue = 
+       xc.colo_checkpoint_host = C.CString(x.ColoCheckpointHost)
+       xc.colo_checkpoint_port = C.CString(x.ColoCheckpointPort)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DevicePci) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_pci) error {
        x.Func = byte(xc._func)
        x.Dev = byte(xc.dev)
@@ -764,6 +1323,22 @@ func (x *DevicePci) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_pci) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DevicePci) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_pci, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_pci_init(&xc)
+       xc._func = C.uint8_t(x.Func)
+       xc.dev = C.uint8_t(x.Dev)
+       xc.bus = C.uint8_t(x.Bus)
+       xc.domain = C.int(x.Domain)
+       xc.vdevfn = C.uint32_t(x.Vdevfn)
+       xc.vfunc_mask = C.uint32_t(x.VfuncMask)
+       xc.msitranslate = C.bool(x.Msitranslate)
+       xc.power_mgmt = C.bool(x.PowerMgmt)
+       xc.permissive = C.bool(x.Permissive)
+       xc.seize = C.bool(x.Seize)
+       xc.rdm_policy = C.libxl_rdm_reserve_policy(x.RdmPolicy)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceRdm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_rdm) error {
        x.Start = uint64(xc.start)
        x.Size = uint64(xc.size)
@@ -772,6 +1347,14 @@ func (x *DeviceRdm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_rdm) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceRdm) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_rdm, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_rdm_init(&xc)
+       xc.start = C.uint64_t(x.Start)
+       xc.size = C.uint64_t(x.Size)
+       xc.policy = C.libxl_rdm_reserve_policy(x.Policy)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceUsbctrl) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_usbctrl) error {
        x.Type = UsbctrlType(xc._type)
        x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
@@ -783,6 +1366,17 @@ func (x *DeviceUsbctrl) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_usbctrl) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceUsbctrl) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_usbctrl, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_usbctrl_init(&xc)
+       xc._type = C.libxl_usbctrl_type(x.Type)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.version = C.int(x.Version)
+       xc.ports = C.int(x.Ports)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceUsbdev) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_usbdev) error {
        x.Ctrl = Devid(xc.ctrl)
        x.Port = int(xc.port)
@@ -812,12 +1406,25 @@ func (x *DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_device_usbdev) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceUsbdev) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_usbdev, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_usbdev_init(&xc)
+       xc.ctrl = C.libxl_devid(x.Ctrl)
+       xc.port = C.int(x.Port)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceDtdev) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_dtdev) error {
        x.Path = C.GoString(xc.path)
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceDtdev) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_dtdev, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_dtdev_init(&xc)
+       xc.path = C.CString(x.Path)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceVtpm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vtpm) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -829,6 +1436,19 @@ func (x *DeviceVtpm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vtpm) error 
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceVtpm) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_vtpm, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_vtpm_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.uuid, err = x.Uuid.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_device_vtpm_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceP9) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_p9) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -840,6 +1460,17 @@ func (x *DeviceP9) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_p9) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceP9) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_p9, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_p9_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.tag = C.CString(x.Tag)
+       xc.path = C.CString(x.Path)
+       xc.security_model = C.CString(x.SecurityModel)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DevicePvcallsif) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_pvcallsif) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -848,6 +1479,14 @@ func (x *DevicePvcallsif) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_device_pvcallsif) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DevicePvcallsif) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_pvcallsif, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_pvcallsif_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceChannel) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_channel) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -878,6 +1517,15 @@ func (x *DeviceChannelConnectionUnionSocket) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_device_channel) e
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceChannel) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_channel, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_channel_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.name = C.CString(x.Name)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *ConnectorParam) fromC(xc *C.libxl_connector_param) error {
        x.UniqueId = C.GoString(xc.unique_id)
        x.Width = uint32(xc.width)
@@ -886,6 +1534,14 @@ func (x *ConnectorParam) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_connector_param) error {
        return nil
+func (x *ConnectorParam) toC() (xc C.libxl_connector_param, err error) {
+       C.libxl_connector_param_init(&xc)
+       xc.unique_id = C.CString(x.UniqueId)
+       xc.width = C.uint32_t(x.Width)
+       xc.height = C.uint32_t(x.Height)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceVdispl) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vdispl) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -903,6 +1559,15 @@ func (x *DeviceVdispl) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vdispl) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceVdispl) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_vdispl, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_vdispl_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.be_alloc = C.bool(x.BeAlloc)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *VsndParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_params) error {
        numSampleRates := int(xc.num_sample_rates)
        cSampleRates := (*[1 << 
@@ -923,6 +1588,14 @@ func (x *VsndParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_params) error 
        return nil
+func (x *VsndParams) toC() (xc C.libxl_vsnd_params, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vsnd_params_init(&xc)
+       xc.channels_min = C.uint32_t(x.ChannelsMin)
+       xc.channels_max = C.uint32_t(x.ChannelsMax)
+       xc.buffer_size = C.uint32_t(x.BufferSize)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *VsndStream) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_stream) error {
        x.UniqueId = C.GoString(xc.unique_id)
        x.Type = VsndStreamType(xc._type)
@@ -933,6 +1606,18 @@ func (x *VsndStream) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_stream) error 
        return nil
+func (x *VsndStream) toC() (xc C.libxl_vsnd_stream, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vsnd_stream_init(&xc)
+       xc.unique_id = C.CString(x.UniqueId)
+       xc._type = C.libxl_vsnd_stream_type(x.Type)
+       xc.params, err = x.Params.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vsnd_stream_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *VsndPcm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_pcm) error {
        x.Name = C.GoString(xc.name)
        if err := x.Params.fromC(&xc.params); err != nil {
@@ -950,6 +1635,17 @@ func (x *VsndPcm) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsnd_pcm) error {
        return nil
+func (x *VsndPcm) toC() (xc C.libxl_vsnd_pcm, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vsnd_pcm_init(&xc)
+       xc.name = C.CString(x.Name)
+       xc.params, err = x.Params.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vsnd_pcm_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DeviceVsnd) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vsnd) error {
        x.BackendDomid = Domid(xc.backend_domid)
        x.BackendDomname = C.GoString(xc.backend_domname)
@@ -971,6 +1667,21 @@ func (x *DeviceVsnd) fromC(xc *C.libxl_device_vsnd) error 
        return nil
+func (x *DeviceVsnd) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_vsnd, err error) {
+       C.libxl_device_vsnd_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend_domid = C.libxl_domid(x.BackendDomid)
+       xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.short_name = C.CString(x.ShortName)
+       xc.long_name = C.CString(x.LongName)
+       xc.params, err = x.Params.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_device_vsnd_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DomainConfig) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_config) error {
        if err := x.CInfo.fromC(&xc.c_info); err != nil {
                return err
@@ -1107,6 +1818,26 @@ func (x *DomainConfig) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_config) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *DomainConfig) toC() (xc C.libxl_domain_config, err error) {
+       C.libxl_domain_config_init(&xc)
+       xc.c_info, err = x.CInfo.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_config_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.b_info, err = x.BInfo.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_config_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.on_poweroff = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnPoweroff)
+       xc.on_reboot = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnReboot)
+       xc.on_watchdog = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnWatchdog)
+       xc.on_crash = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnCrash)
+       xc.on_soft_reset = C.libxl_action_on_shutdown(x.OnSoftReset)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Diskinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_diskinfo) error {
        x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
        x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
@@ -1120,6 +1851,19 @@ func (x *Diskinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_diskinfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Diskinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_diskinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_diskinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)
+       xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
+       xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)
+       xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.state = C.int(x.State)
+       xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
+       xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Nicinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_nicinfo) error {
        x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
        x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
@@ -1134,6 +1878,20 @@ func (x *Nicinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_nicinfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Nicinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_nicinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_nicinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)
+       xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
+       xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)
+       xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.state = C.int(x.State)
+       xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
+       xc.rref_tx = C.int(x.RrefTx)
+       xc.rref_rx = C.int(x.RrefRx)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Vtpminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vtpminfo) error {
        x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
        x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
@@ -1150,6 +1908,24 @@ func (x *Vtpminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vtpminfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Vtpminfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vtpminfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vtpminfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)
+       xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
+       xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)
+       xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.state = C.int(x.State)
+       xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
+       xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
+       xc.uuid, err = x.Uuid.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vtpminfo_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Usbctrlinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_usbctrlinfo) error {
        x.Type = UsbctrlType(xc._type)
        x.Devid = Devid(xc.devid)
@@ -1167,6 +1943,23 @@ func (x *Usbctrlinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_usbctrlinfo) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *Usbctrlinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_usbctrlinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_usbctrlinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc._type = C.libxl_usbctrl_type(x.Type)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.version = C.int(x.Version)
+       xc.ports = C.int(x.Ports)
+       xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)
+       xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
+       xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)
+       xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
+       xc.state = C.int(x.State)
+       xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
+       xc.ref_urb = C.int(x.RefUrb)
+       xc.ref_conn = C.int(x.RefConn)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Vcpuinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vcpuinfo) error {
        x.Vcpuid = uint32(xc.vcpuid)
        x.Cpu = uint32(xc.cpu)
@@ -1184,6 +1977,27 @@ func (x *Vcpuinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vcpuinfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Vcpuinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vcpuinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vcpuinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.vcpuid = C.uint32_t(x.Vcpuid)
+       xc.cpu = C.uint32_t(x.Cpu)
+       xc.online = C.bool(x.Online)
+       xc.blocked = C.bool(x.Blocked)
+       xc.running = C.bool(x.Running)
+       xc.vcpu_time = C.uint64_t(x.VcpuTime)
+       xc.cpumap, err = x.Cpumap.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vcpuinfo_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.cpumap_soft, err = x.CpumapSoft.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_vcpuinfo_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Physinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_physinfo) error {
        x.ThreadsPerCore = uint32(xc.threads_per_core)
        x.CoresPerSocket = uint32(xc.cores_per_socket)
@@ -1211,6 +2025,35 @@ func (x *Physinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_physinfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Physinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_physinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_physinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.threads_per_core = C.uint32_t(x.ThreadsPerCore)
+       xc.cores_per_socket = C.uint32_t(x.CoresPerSocket)
+       xc.max_cpu_id = C.uint32_t(x.MaxCpuId)
+       xc.nr_cpus = C.uint32_t(x.NrCpus)
+       xc.cpu_khz = C.uint32_t(x.CpuKhz)
+       xc.total_pages = C.uint64_t(x.TotalPages)
+       xc.free_pages = C.uint64_t(x.FreePages)
+       xc.scrub_pages = C.uint64_t(x.ScrubPages)
+       xc.outstanding_pages = C.uint64_t(x.OutstandingPages)
+       xc.sharing_freed_pages = C.uint64_t(x.SharingFreedPages)
+       xc.sharing_used_frames = C.uint64_t(x.SharingUsedFrames)
+       xc.max_possible_mfn = C.uint64_t(x.MaxPossibleMfn)
+       xc.nr_nodes = C.uint32_t(x.NrNodes)
+       xc.hw_cap, err = x.HwCap.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_physinfo_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.cap_hvm = C.bool(x.CapHvm)
+       xc.cap_pv = C.bool(x.CapPv)
+       xc.cap_hvm_directio = C.bool(x.CapHvmDirectio)
+       xc.cap_hap = C.bool(x.CapHap)
+       xc.cap_shadow = C.bool(x.CapShadow)
+       xc.cap_iommu_hap_pt_share = C.bool(x.CapIommuHapPtShare)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Connectorinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_connectorinfo) error {
        x.UniqueId = C.GoString(xc.unique_id)
        x.Width = uint32(xc.width)
@@ -1223,6 +2066,18 @@ func (x *Connectorinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_connectorinfo) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *Connectorinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_connectorinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_connectorinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.unique_id = C.CString(x.UniqueId)
+       xc.width = C.uint32_t(x.Width)
+       xc.height = C.uint32_t(x.Height)
+       xc.req_evtch = C.int(x.ReqEvtch)
+       xc.req_rref = C.int(x.ReqRref)
+       xc.evt_evtch = C.int(x.EvtEvtch)
+       xc.evt_rref = C.int(x.EvtRref)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Vdisplinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vdisplinfo) error {
        x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
        x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
@@ -1243,6 +2098,18 @@ func (x *Vdisplinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vdisplinfo) error 
        return nil
+func (x *Vdisplinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vdisplinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vdisplinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)
+       xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
+       xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)
+       xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.state = C.int(x.State)
+       xc.be_alloc = C.bool(x.BeAlloc)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Streaminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_streaminfo) error {
        x.ReqEvtch = int(xc.req_evtch)
        x.ReqRref = int(xc.req_rref)
@@ -1250,6 +2117,13 @@ func (x *Streaminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_streaminfo) error 
        return nil
+func (x *Streaminfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_streaminfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_streaminfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.req_evtch = C.int(x.ReqEvtch)
+       xc.req_rref = C.int(x.ReqRref)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Pcminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_pcminfo) error {
        numVsndStreams := int(xc.num_vsnd_streams)
        cStreams := (*[1 << 
@@ -1263,6 +2137,11 @@ func (x *Pcminfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_pcminfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Pcminfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_pcminfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_pcminfo_init(&xc)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Vsndinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsndinfo) error {
        x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
        x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
@@ -1282,6 +2161,17 @@ func (x *Vsndinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vsndinfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Vsndinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vsndinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vsndinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)
+       xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
+       xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)
+       xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.state = C.int(x.State)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Vkbinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vkbinfo) error {
        x.Backend = C.GoString(xc.backend)
        x.BackendId = uint32(xc.backend_id)
@@ -1295,6 +2185,19 @@ func (x *Vkbinfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vkbinfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Vkbinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_vkbinfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_vkbinfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.backend = C.CString(x.Backend)
+       xc.backend_id = C.uint32_t(x.BackendId)
+       xc.frontend = C.CString(x.Frontend)
+       xc.frontend_id = C.uint32_t(x.FrontendId)
+       xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
+       xc.state = C.int(x.State)
+       xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
+       xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Numainfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_numainfo) error {
        x.Size = uint64(xc.size)
        x.Free = uint64(xc.free)
@@ -1308,6 +2211,13 @@ func (x *Numainfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_numainfo) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Numainfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_numainfo, err error) {
+       C.libxl_numainfo_init(&xc)
+       xc.size = C.uint64_t(x.Size)
+       xc.free = C.uint64_t(x.Free)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Cputopology) fromC(xc *C.libxl_cputopology) error {
        x.Core = uint32(xc.core)
        x.Socket = uint32(xc.socket)
@@ -1316,6 +2226,14 @@ func (x *Cputopology) fromC(xc *C.libxl_cputopology) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *Cputopology) toC() (xc C.libxl_cputopology, err error) {
+       C.libxl_cputopology_init(&xc)
+       xc.core = C.uint32_t(x.Core)
+       xc.socket = C.uint32_t(x.Socket)
+       xc.node = C.uint32_t(x.Node)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Pcitopology) fromC(xc *C.libxl_pcitopology) error {
        x.Seg = uint16(xc.seg)
        x.Bus = byte(xc.bus)
@@ -1325,6 +2243,15 @@ func (x *Pcitopology) fromC(xc *C.libxl_pcitopology) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *Pcitopology) toC() (xc C.libxl_pcitopology, err error) {
+       C.libxl_pcitopology_init(&xc)
+       xc.seg = C.uint16_t(x.Seg)
+       xc.bus = C.uint8_t(x.Bus)
+       xc.devfn = C.uint8_t(x.Devfn)
+       xc.node = C.uint32_t(x.Node)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *SchedCreditParams) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sched_credit_params) error {
        x.TsliceMs = int(xc.tslice_ms)
        x.RatelimitUs = int(xc.ratelimit_us)
@@ -1333,12 +2260,26 @@ func (x *SchedCreditParams) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_sched_credit_params) error {
        return nil
+func (x *SchedCreditParams) toC() (xc C.libxl_sched_credit_params, err error) {
+       C.libxl_sched_credit_params_init(&xc)
+       xc.tslice_ms = C.int(x.TsliceMs)
+       xc.ratelimit_us = C.int(x.RatelimitUs)
+       xc.vcpu_migr_delay_us = C.int(x.VcpuMigrDelayUs)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *SchedCredit2Params) fromC(xc *C.libxl_sched_credit2_params) error {
        x.RatelimitUs = int(xc.ratelimit_us)
        return nil
+func (x *SchedCredit2Params) toC() (xc C.libxl_sched_credit2_params, err 
error) {
+       C.libxl_sched_credit2_params_init(&xc)
+       xc.ratelimit_us = C.int(x.RatelimitUs)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *DomainRemusInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_domain_remus_info) error {
        x.Interval = int(xc.interval)
        if err := x.AllowUnsafe.fromC(&xc.allow_unsafe); err != nil {
@@ -1367,6 +2308,48 @@ func (x *DomainRemusInfo) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_domain_remus_info) error {
        return nil
+func (x *DomainRemusInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_domain_remus_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_domain_remus_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.interval = C.int(x.Interval)
+       xc.allow_unsafe, err = x.AllowUnsafe.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_remus_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.blackhole, err = x.Blackhole.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_remus_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.compression, err = x.Compression.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_remus_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.netbuf, err = x.Netbuf.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_remus_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.netbufscript = C.CString(x.Netbufscript)
+       xc.diskbuf, err = x.Diskbuf.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_remus_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.colo, err = x.Colo.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_remus_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.userspace_colo_proxy, err = x.UserspaceColoProxy.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_domain_remus_info_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *Event) fromC(xc *C.libxl_event) error {
        if err := x.Link.fromC(&xc.link); err != nil {
                return err
@@ -1436,6 +2419,23 @@ func (x *EventTypeUnionOperationComplete) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_event) error {
        return nil
+func (x *Event) toC() (xc C.libxl_event, err error) {
+       C.libxl_event_init(&xc)
+       xc.link, err = x.Link.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_event_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.domid = C.libxl_domid(x.Domid)
+       xc.domuuid, err = x.Domuuid.toC()
+       if err != nil {
+               C.libxl_event_dispose(&xc)
+               return xc, err
+       }
+       xc.for_user = C.uint64_t(x.ForUser)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *PsrCatInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_psr_cat_info) error {
        x.Id = uint32(xc.id)
        x.CosMax = uint32(xc.cos_max)
@@ -1445,6 +2445,15 @@ func (x *PsrCatInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_psr_cat_info) 
error {
        return nil
+func (x *PsrCatInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_psr_cat_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_psr_cat_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.id = C.uint32_t(x.Id)
+       xc.cos_max = C.uint32_t(x.CosMax)
+       xc.cbm_len = C.uint32_t(x.CbmLen)
+       xc.cdp_enabled = C.bool(x.CdpEnabled)
+       return xc, nil
 func (x *PsrHwInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_psr_hw_info) error {
        x.Id = uint32(xc.id)
        x.Type = PsrFeatType(xc._type)
@@ -1491,3 +2500,9 @@ func (x *PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_psr_hw_info) error {
        x.Linear = bool(tmp.linear)
        return nil
+func (x *PsrHwInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_psr_hw_info, err error) {
+       C.libxl_psr_hw_info_init(&xc)
+       xc.id = C.uint32_t(x.Id)
+       return xc, nil

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