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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v3 19/22] golang/xenlight: implement keyed union Go to C marshaling

From: Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Since the C union cannot be directly populated, populate the fields of the
corresponding C struct defined in the cgo preamble, and then copy that
struct as bytes into the byte slice that Go uses as the union.

Signed-off-by: Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py  |  77 ++++++-
 tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go | 325 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py 
index cb9b18218f..1839ac14b6 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py
@@ -504,8 +504,7 @@ def xenlight_golang_define_to_C(ty = None, typename = None, 
nested = False):
             s += xenlight_golang_define_to_C(f.type, typename=f.name, 
         elif isinstance(f.type, idl.KeyedUnion):
-            # TODO
-            pass
+            s += xenlight_golang_union_to_C(f.type, f.name, ty.typename, 
             raise Exception('type {} not supported'.format(f.type))
@@ -516,6 +515,80 @@ def xenlight_golang_define_to_C(ty = None, typename = 
None, nested = False):
     return s
+def xenlight_golang_union_to_C(ty = None, union_name = '',
+                               struct_name = '', dispose_fn = ''):
+    keyname   = ty.keyvar.name
+    gokeyname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(keyname)
+    keytype   = ty.keyvar.type.typename
+    gokeytype = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(keytype)
+    interface_name = '{}_{}_union'.format(struct_name, keyname)
+    interface_name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(interface_name, exported=False)
+    cgo_keyname = keyname
+    if cgo_keyname in go_keywords:
+        cgo_keyname = '_' + cgo_keyname
+    s = 'xc.{} = C.{}(x.{})\n'.format(cgo_keyname,keytype,gokeyname)
+    s += 'switch x.{}{{\n'.format(gokeyname)
+    # Create switch statement to determine how to populate the C union.
+    for f in ty.fields:
+        key_val = '{}_{}'.format(keytype, f.name)
+        key_val = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(key_val)
+        if f.type is None:
+            continue
+        s += 'case {}:\n'.format(key_val)
+        cgotype = '{}_{}_union_{}'.format(struct_name,keyname,f.name)
+        gotype  = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(cgotype)
+        goname  = '{}_{}'.format(keyname,f.name)
+        goname  = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(goname,exported=False)
+        field_name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name('{}_union'.format(keyname))
+        s += 'tmp, ok := x.{}.({})\n'.format(field_name,gotype)
+        s += 'if !ok {\n'
+        s += 'C.{}(&xc)\n'.format(dispose_fn)
+        s += 'return xc,errors.New("wrong type for union key 
+        s += '}\n'
+        s += 'var {} C.{}\n'.format(f.name,cgotype)
+        for uf in f.type.fields:
+            gotypename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(uf.type.typename)
+            ctypename  = uf.type.typename
+            gofname    = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(uf.name)
+            is_castable = (uf.type.json_parse_type == 'JSON_INTEGER' or
+                           isinstance(uf.type, idl.Enumeration) or
+                           gotypename in go_builtin_types)
+            if not is_castable:
+                s += '{}.{}, err = 
+                s += 'if err != nil {\n'
+                s += 'C.{}(&xc)\n'.format(dispose_fn)
+                s += 'return xc,err \n}\n'
+            elif gotypename == 'string':
+                s += '{}.{} = 
+            else:
+                s += '{}.{} = 
+        # The union is still represented as Go []byte.
+        s += '{}Bytes := 
+        s += 'copy(xc.{}[:],{}Bytes)\n'.format(union_name,f.name)
+    # End switch statement
+    s += 'default:\n'
+    err_string = '"invalid union key \'%v\'", x.{}'.format(gokeyname)
+    s += 'return xc, fmt.Errorf({})'.format(err_string)
+    s += '}\n'
+    return s
 def xenlight_golang_fmt_name(name, exported = True):
     Take a given type name and return an
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go 
index a155b091a7..73ad5e9761 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/helpers.gen.go
@@ -326,6 +326,21 @@ func (x *Channelinfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_channelinfo, err 
error) {
        xc.state = C.int(x.State)
        xc.evtch = C.int(x.Evtch)
        xc.rref = C.int(x.Rref)
+       xc.connection = C.libxl_channel_connection(x.Connection)
+       switch x.Connection {
+       case ChannelConnectionPty:
+               tmp, ok := x.ConnectionUnion.(ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_channelinfo_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key 
+               }
+               var pty C.libxl_channelinfo_connection_union_pty
+               pty.path = C.CString(tmp.Path)
+               ptyBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&pty), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], ptyBytes)
+       default:
+               return xc, fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Connection)
+       }
        return xc, nil
@@ -1031,6 +1046,216 @@ func (x *DomainBuildInfo) toC() (xc 
C.libxl_domain_build_info, err error) {
                return xc, err
        xc.tee = C.libxl_tee_type(x.Tee)
+       xc._type = C.libxl_domain_type(x.Type)
+       switch x.Type {
+       case DomainTypeHvm:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var hvm C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_hvm
+               hvm.firmware = C.CString(tmp.Firmware)
+               hvm.bios = C.libxl_bios_type(tmp.Bios)
+               hvm.pae, err = tmp.Pae.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.apic, err = tmp.Apic.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.acpi, err = tmp.Acpi.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.acpi_s3, err = tmp.AcpiS3.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.acpi_s4, err = tmp.AcpiS4.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.acpi_laptop_slate, err = tmp.AcpiLaptopSlate.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.nx, err = tmp.Nx.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.viridian, err = tmp.Viridian.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.viridian_enable, err = tmp.ViridianEnable.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.viridian_disable, err = tmp.ViridianDisable.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.timeoffset = C.CString(tmp.Timeoffset)
+               hvm.hpet, err = tmp.Hpet.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.vpt_align, err = tmp.VptAlign.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.mmio_hole_memkb = C.uint64_t(tmp.MmioHoleMemkb)
+               hvm.timer_mode = C.libxl_timer_mode(tmp.TimerMode)
+               hvm.nested_hvm, err = tmp.NestedHvm.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.altp2m, err = tmp.Altp2M.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.system_firmware = C.CString(tmp.SystemFirmware)
+               hvm.smbios_firmware = C.CString(tmp.SmbiosFirmware)
+               hvm.acpi_firmware = C.CString(tmp.AcpiFirmware)
+               hvm.hdtype = C.libxl_hdtype(tmp.Hdtype)
+               hvm.nographic, err = tmp.Nographic.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.vga, err = tmp.Vga.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.vnc, err = tmp.Vnc.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.keymap = C.CString(tmp.Keymap)
+               hvm.sdl, err = tmp.Sdl.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.spice, err = tmp.Spice.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.gfx_passthru, err = tmp.GfxPassthru.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.gfx_passthru_kind = 
+               hvm.serial = C.CString(tmp.Serial)
+               hvm.boot = C.CString(tmp.Boot)
+               hvm.usb, err = tmp.Usb.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.usbversion = C.int(tmp.Usbversion)
+               hvm.usbdevice = C.CString(tmp.Usbdevice)
+               hvm.vkb_device, err = tmp.VkbDevice.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.soundhw = C.CString(tmp.Soundhw)
+               hvm.xen_platform_pci, err = tmp.XenPlatformPci.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.usbdevice_list, err = tmp.UsbdeviceList.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.vendor_device = C.libxl_vendor_device(tmp.VendorDevice)
+               hvm.ms_vm_genid, err = tmp.MsVmGenid.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.serial_list, err = tmp.SerialList.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.rdm, err = tmp.Rdm.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               hvm.rdm_mem_boundary_memkb = C.uint64_t(tmp.RdmMemBoundaryMemkb)
+               hvm.mca_caps = C.uint64_t(tmp.McaCaps)
+               hvmBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&hvm), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], hvmBytes)
+       case DomainTypePv:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var pv C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_pv
+               pv.kernel = C.CString(tmp.Kernel)
+               pv.slack_memkb = C.uint64_t(tmp.SlackMemkb)
+               pv.bootloader = C.CString(tmp.Bootloader)
+               pv.bootloader_args, err = tmp.BootloaderArgs.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               pv.cmdline = C.CString(tmp.Cmdline)
+               pv.ramdisk = C.CString(tmp.Ramdisk)
+               pv.features = C.CString(tmp.Features)
+               pv.e820_host, err = tmp.E820Host.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               pvBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&pv), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], pvBytes)
+       case DomainTypePvh:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var pvh C.libxl_domain_build_info_type_union_pvh
+               pvh.pvshim, err = tmp.Pvshim.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_domain_build_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               pvh.pvshim_path = C.CString(tmp.PvshimPath)
+               pvh.pvshim_cmdline = C.CString(tmp.PvshimCmdline)
+               pvh.pvshim_extra = C.CString(tmp.PvshimExtra)
+               pvhBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&pvh), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], pvhBytes)
+       default:
+               return xc, fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)
+       }
        xc.arch_arm.gic_version = C.libxl_gic_version(x.ArchArm.GicVersion)
        xc.arch_arm.vuart = C.libxl_vuart_type(x.ArchArm.Vuart)
        xc.altp2m = C.libxl_altp2m_mode(x.Altp2M)
@@ -1422,6 +1647,22 @@ func (x *DeviceUsbdev) toC() (xc C.libxl_device_usbdev, 
err error) {
        xc.ctrl = C.libxl_devid(x.Ctrl)
        xc.port = C.int(x.Port)
+       xc._type = C.libxl_usbdev_type(x.Type)
+       switch x.Type {
+       case UsbdevTypeHostdev:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_device_usbdev_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var hostdev C.libxl_device_usbdev_type_union_hostdev
+               hostdev.hostbus = C.uint8_t(tmp.Hostbus)
+               hostdev.hostaddr = C.uint8_t(tmp.Hostaddr)
+               hostdevBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&hostdev), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], hostdevBytes)
+       default:
+               return xc, fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)
+       }
        return xc, nil
@@ -1535,6 +1776,21 @@ func (x *DeviceChannel) toC() (xc 
C.libxl_device_channel, err error) {
        xc.backend_domname = C.CString(x.BackendDomname)
        xc.devid = C.libxl_devid(x.Devid)
        xc.name = C.CString(x.Name)
+       xc.connection = C.libxl_channel_connection(x.Connection)
+       switch x.Connection {
+       case ChannelConnectionSocket:
+               tmp, ok := 
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_device_channel_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key 
+               }
+               var socket C.libxl_device_channel_connection_union_socket
+               socket.path = C.CString(tmp.Path)
+               socketBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&socket), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], socketBytes)
+       default:
+               return xc, fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Connection)
+       }
        return xc, nil
@@ -2487,6 +2743,46 @@ func (x *Event) toC() (xc C.libxl_event, err error) {
                return xc, err
        xc.for_user = C.uint64_t(x.ForUser)
+       xc._type = C.libxl_event_type(x.Type)
+       switch x.Type {
+       case EventTypeDomainShutdown:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(EventTypeUnionDomainShutdown)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_event_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var domain_shutdown C.libxl_event_type_union_domain_shutdown
+               domain_shutdown.shutdown_reason = C.uint8_t(tmp.ShutdownReason)
+               domain_shutdownBytes := 
+               copy(xc.u[:], domain_shutdownBytes)
+       case EventTypeDiskEject:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(EventTypeUnionDiskEject)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_event_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var disk_eject C.libxl_event_type_union_disk_eject
+               disk_eject.vdev = C.CString(tmp.Vdev)
+               disk_eject.disk, err = tmp.Disk.toC()
+               if err != nil {
+                       C.libxl_event_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, err
+               }
+               disk_ejectBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&disk_eject), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], disk_ejectBytes)
+       case EventTypeOperationComplete:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(EventTypeUnionOperationComplete)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_event_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var operation_complete 
+               operation_complete.rc = C.int(tmp.Rc)
+               operation_completeBytes := 
+               copy(xc.u[:], operation_completeBytes)
+       default:
+               return xc, fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)
+       }
        return xc, nil
@@ -2558,5 +2854,34 @@ func (x *PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba) fromC(xc 
*C.libxl_psr_hw_info) error {
 func (x *PsrHwInfo) toC() (xc C.libxl_psr_hw_info, err error) {
        xc.id = C.uint32_t(x.Id)
+       xc._type = C.libxl_psr_feat_type(x.Type)
+       switch x.Type {
+       case PsrFeatTypeCat:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(PsrHwInfoTypeUnionCat)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_psr_hw_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var cat C.libxl_psr_hw_info_type_union_cat
+               cat.cos_max = C.uint32_t(tmp.CosMax)
+               cat.cbm_len = C.uint32_t(tmp.CbmLen)
+               cat.cdp_enabled = C.bool(tmp.CdpEnabled)
+               catBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&cat), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], catBytes)
+       case PsrFeatTypeMba:
+               tmp, ok := x.TypeUnion.(PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba)
+               if !ok {
+                       C.libxl_psr_hw_info_dispose(&xc)
+                       return xc, errors.New("wrong type for union key type")
+               }
+               var mba C.libxl_psr_hw_info_type_union_mba
+               mba.cos_max = C.uint32_t(tmp.CosMax)
+               mba.thrtl_max = C.uint32_t(tmp.ThrtlMax)
+               mba.linear = C.bool(tmp.Linear)
+               mbaBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&mba), 
+               copy(xc.u[:], mbaBytes)
+       default:
+               return xc, fmt.Errorf("invalid union key '%v'", x.Type)
+       }
        return xc, nil

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