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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v3 13/22] golang/xenlight: generate structs from the IDL

From: Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Add struct and keyed union generation to gengotypes.py. For keyed unions,
use a method similar to gRPC's oneof to interpret C unions as Go types.
Meaning, for a given struct with a union field, generate a struct for
each sub-struct defined in the union. Then, define an interface of one
method which is implemented by each of the defined sub-structs. For

  type domainBuildInfoTypeUnion interface {

  type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm struct {
      // HVM-specific fields...

  func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion() {}

  type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv struct {
      // PV-specific fields...

  func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion() {}

  type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh struct {
      // PVH-specific fields...

  func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion() {}

Then, remove existing struct definitions in xenlight.go that conflict
with the generated types, and modify existing marshaling functions to
align with the new type definitions. Notably, drop "time" package since
fields of type time.Duration are now of type uint64.

Signed-off-by: Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>
Changes in v2:
- Do not use global variables for extra type definitions. Instead,
  return a tuple which includes a list of extra type definitions
  associated with the original type.
- Re-generate types.gen.go to include changes to libxl after rebase.
 tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py | 119 +++-
 tools/golang/xenlight/types.gen.go  | 836 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go   | 123 +---
 3 files changed, 966 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py 
index 2211541547..8963b14eee 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/gengotypes.py
@@ -32,18 +32,32 @@ def xenlight_golang_generate_types(path = None, types = 
None, comment = None):
         f.write('package xenlight\n')
         for ty in types:
-            f.write(xenlight_golang_type_define(ty))
+            (tdef, extras) = xenlight_golang_type_define(ty)
+            f.write(tdef)
+            # Append extra types
+            for extra in extras:
+                f.write(extra)
+                f.write('\n')
 def xenlight_golang_type_define(ty = None):
-    s = ''
+    """
+    Generate the Go type definition of ty.
+    Return a tuple that contains a string with the
+    type definition, and a (potentially empty) list
+    of extra definitions that are associated with
+    this type.
+    """
     if isinstance(ty, idl.Enumeration):
-        s += xenlight_golang_define_enum(ty)
+        return (xenlight_golang_define_enum(ty), [])
-    return s
+    elif isinstance(ty, idl.Aggregate):
+        return xenlight_golang_define_struct(ty)
 def xenlight_golang_define_enum(ty = None):
     s = ''
@@ -65,6 +79,103 @@ def xenlight_golang_define_enum(ty = None):
     return s
+def xenlight_golang_define_struct(ty = None, typename = None, nested = False):
+    s = ''
+    extras = []
+    name = ''
+    if typename is not None:
+        name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
+    else:
+        name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.typename)
+    # Begin struct definition
+    if nested:
+        s += '{} struct {{\n'.format(name)
+    else:
+        s += 'type {} struct {{\n'.format(name)
+    # Write struct fields
+    for f in ty.fields:
+        if f.type.typename is not None:
+            if isinstance(f.type, idl.Array):
+                typename = f.type.elem_type.typename
+                typename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
+                name     = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(f.name)
+                s += '{} []{}\n'.format(name, typename)
+            else:
+                typename = f.type.typename
+                typename = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(typename)
+                name     = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(f.name)
+                s += '{} {}\n'.format(name, typename)
+        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.Struct):
+            r = xenlight_golang_define_struct(f.type, typename=f.name, 
+            s += r[0]
+            extras.extend(r[1])
+        elif isinstance(f.type, idl.KeyedUnion):
+            r = xenlight_golang_define_union(f.type, ty.typename)
+            s += r[0]
+            extras.extend(r[1])
+        else:
+            raise Exception('type {} not supported'.format(f.type))
+    # End struct definition
+    s += '}\n'
+    return (s,extras)
+def xenlight_golang_define_union(ty = None, structname = ''):
+    """
+    Generate the Go translation of a KeyedUnion.
+    Define an unexported interface to be used as
+    the type of the union. Then, define a struct
+    for each field of the union which implements
+    that interface.
+    """
+    s = ''
+    extras = []
+    interface_name = '{}_{}_union'.format(structname, ty.keyvar.name)
+    interface_name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(interface_name, exported=False)
+    s += 'type {} interface {{\n'.format(interface_name)
+    s += 'is{}()\n'.format(interface_name)
+    s += '}\n'
+    extras.append(s)
+    for f in ty.fields:
+        if f.type is None:
+            continue
+        # Define struct
+        name = '{}_{}_union_{}'.format(structname, ty.keyvar.name, f.name)
+        r = xenlight_golang_define_struct(f.type, typename=name)
+        extras.append(r[0])
+        extras.extend(r[1])
+        # Define function to implement 'union' interface
+        name = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(name)
+        s = 'func (x {}) is{}(){{}}\n'.format(name, interface_name)
+        extras.append(s)
+    fname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.keyvar.name)
+    ftype = xenlight_golang_fmt_name(ty.keyvar.type.typename)
+    s = '{} {}\n'.format(fname, ftype)
+    fname = xenlight_golang_fmt_name('{}_union'.format(ty.keyvar.name))
+    s += '{} {}\n'.format(fname, interface_name)
+    return (s,extras)
 def xenlight_golang_fmt_name(name, exported = True):
     Take a given type name and return an
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/types.gen.go 
index 4a52eab048..ede49b4886 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/types.gen.go
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/types.gen.go
@@ -275,6 +275,183 @@ const (
        PassthroughSharePt  Passthrough = 4
+type IoportRange struct {
+       First  uint32
+       Number uint32
+type IomemRange struct {
+       Start  uint64
+       Number uint64
+       Gfn    uint64
+type VgaInterfaceInfo struct {
+       Kind VgaInterfaceType
+type VncInfo struct {
+       Enable     Defbool
+       Listen     string
+       Passwd     string
+       Display    int
+       Findunused Defbool
+type SpiceInfo struct {
+       Enable           Defbool
+       Port             int
+       TlsPort          int
+       Host             string
+       DisableTicketing Defbool
+       Passwd           string
+       AgentMouse       Defbool
+       Vdagent          Defbool
+       ClipboardSharing Defbool
+       Usbredirection   int
+       ImageCompression string
+       StreamingVideo   string
+type SdlInfo struct {
+       Enable     Defbool
+       Opengl     Defbool
+       Display    string
+       Xauthority string
+type Dominfo struct {
+       Uuid             Uuid
+       Domid            Domid
+       Ssidref          uint32
+       SsidLabel        string
+       Running          bool
+       Blocked          bool
+       Paused           bool
+       Shutdown         bool
+       Dying            bool
+       NeverStop        bool
+       ShutdownReason   ShutdownReason
+       OutstandingMemkb uint64
+       CurrentMemkb     uint64
+       SharedMemkb      uint64
+       PagedMemkb       uint64
+       MaxMemkb         uint64
+       CpuTime          uint64
+       VcpuMaxId        uint32
+       VcpuOnline       uint32
+       Cpupool          uint32
+       DomainType       DomainType
+type Cpupoolinfo struct {
+       Poolid   uint32
+       PoolName string
+       Sched    Scheduler
+       NDom     uint32
+       Cpumap   Bitmap
+type Channelinfo struct {
+       Backend         string
+       BackendId       uint32
+       Frontend        string
+       FrontendId      uint32
+       Devid           Devid
+       State           int
+       Evtch           int
+       Rref            int
+       Connection      ChannelConnection
+       ConnectionUnion channelinfoConnectionUnion
+type channelinfoConnectionUnion interface {
+       ischannelinfoConnectionUnion()
+type ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty struct {
+       Path string
+func (x ChannelinfoConnectionUnionPty) ischannelinfoConnectionUnion() {}
+type Vminfo struct {
+       Uuid  Uuid
+       Domid Domid
+type VersionInfo struct {
+       XenVersionMajor int
+       XenVersionMinor int
+       XenVersionExtra string
+       Compiler        string
+       CompileBy       string
+       CompileDomain   string
+       CompileDate     string
+       Capabilities    string
+       Changeset       string
+       VirtStart       uint64
+       Pagesize        int
+       Commandline     string
+       BuildId         string
+type DomainCreateInfo struct {
+       Type              DomainType
+       Hap               Defbool
+       Oos               Defbool
+       Ssidref           uint32
+       SsidLabel         string
+       Name              string
+       Uuid              Uuid
+       Xsdata            KeyValueList
+       Platformdata      KeyValueList
+       Poolid            uint32
+       PoolName          string
+       RunHotplugScripts Defbool
+       DriverDomain      Defbool
+       Passthrough       Passthrough
+type DomainRestoreParams struct {
+       CheckpointedStream int
+       StreamVersion      uint32
+       ColoProxyScript    string
+       UserspaceColoProxy Defbool
+type SchedParams struct {
+       Vcpuid    int
+       Weight    int
+       Cap       int
+       Period    int
+       Extratime int
+       Budget    int
+type VcpuSchedParams struct {
+       Sched Scheduler
+       Vcpus []SchedParams
+type DomainSchedParams struct {
+       Sched     Scheduler
+       Weight    int
+       Cap       int
+       Period    int
+       Budget    int
+       Extratime int
+       Slice     int
+       Latency   int
+type VnodeInfo struct {
+       Memkb     uint64
+       Distances []uint32
+       Pnode     uint32
+       Vcpus     Bitmap
 type GicVersion int
 const (
@@ -290,6 +467,11 @@ const (
        TeeTypeOptee TeeType = 1
+type RdmReserve struct {
+       Strategy RdmReserveStrategy
+       Policy   RdmReservePolicy
 type Altp2MMode int
 const (
@@ -299,6 +481,278 @@ const (
        Altp2MModeLimited  Altp2MMode = 3
+type DomainBuildInfo struct {
+       MaxVcpus              int
+       AvailVcpus            Bitmap
+       Cpumap                Bitmap
+       Nodemap               Bitmap
+       VcpuHardAffinity      []Bitmap
+       VcpuSoftAffinity      []Bitmap
+       NumaPlacement         Defbool
+       TscMode               TscMode
+       MaxMemkb              uint64
+       TargetMemkb           uint64
+       VideoMemkb            uint64
+       ShadowMemkb           uint64
+       IommuMemkb            uint64
+       RtcTimeoffset         uint32
+       ExecSsidref           uint32
+       ExecSsidLabel         string
+       Localtime             Defbool
+       DisableMigrate        Defbool
+       Cpuid                 CpuidPolicyList
+       BlkdevStart           string
+       VnumaNodes            []VnodeInfo
+       MaxGrantFrames        uint32
+       MaxMaptrackFrames     uint32
+       DeviceModelVersion    DeviceModelVersion
+       DeviceModelStubdomain Defbool
+       DeviceModel           string
+       DeviceModelSsidref    uint32
+       DeviceModelSsidLabel  string
+       DeviceModelUser       string
+       Extra                 StringList
+       ExtraPv               StringList
+       ExtraHvm              StringList
+       SchedParams           DomainSchedParams
+       Ioports               []IoportRange
+       Irqs                  []uint32
+       Iomem                 []IomemRange
+       ClaimMode             Defbool
+       EventChannels         uint32
+       Kernel                string
+       Cmdline               string
+       Ramdisk               string
+       DeviceTree            string
+       Acpi                  Defbool
+       Bootloader            string
+       BootloaderArgs        StringList
+       TimerMode             TimerMode
+       NestedHvm             Defbool
+       Apic                  Defbool
+       DmRestrict            Defbool
+       Tee                   TeeType
+       Type                  DomainType
+       TypeUnion             domainBuildInfoTypeUnion
+       ArchArm               struct {
+               GicVersion GicVersion
+               Vuart      VuartType
+       }
+       Altp2M Altp2MMode
+type domainBuildInfoTypeUnion interface {
+       isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion()
+type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm struct {
+       Firmware            string
+       Bios                BiosType
+       Pae                 Defbool
+       Apic                Defbool
+       Acpi                Defbool
+       AcpiS3              Defbool
+       AcpiS4              Defbool
+       AcpiLaptopSlate     Defbool
+       Nx                  Defbool
+       Viridian            Defbool
+       ViridianEnable      Bitmap
+       ViridianDisable     Bitmap
+       Timeoffset          string
+       Hpet                Defbool
+       VptAlign            Defbool
+       MmioHoleMemkb       uint64
+       TimerMode           TimerMode
+       NestedHvm           Defbool
+       Altp2M              Defbool
+       SystemFirmware      string
+       SmbiosFirmware      string
+       AcpiFirmware        string
+       Hdtype              Hdtype
+       Nographic           Defbool
+       Vga                 VgaInterfaceInfo
+       Vnc                 VncInfo
+       Keymap              string
+       Sdl                 SdlInfo
+       Spice               SpiceInfo
+       GfxPassthru         Defbool
+       GfxPassthruKind     GfxPassthruKind
+       Serial              string
+       Boot                string
+       Usb                 Defbool
+       Usbversion          int
+       Usbdevice           string
+       VkbDevice           Defbool
+       Soundhw             string
+       XenPlatformPci      Defbool
+       UsbdeviceList       StringList
+       VendorDevice        VendorDevice
+       MsVmGenid           MsVmGenid
+       SerialList          StringList
+       Rdm                 RdmReserve
+       RdmMemBoundaryMemkb uint64
+       McaCaps             uint64
+func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionHvm) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion() {}
+type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv struct {
+       Kernel         string
+       SlackMemkb     uint64
+       Bootloader     string
+       BootloaderArgs StringList
+       Cmdline        string
+       Ramdisk        string
+       Features       string
+       E820Host       Defbool
+func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPv) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion() {}
+type DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh struct {
+       Pvshim        Defbool
+       PvshimPath    string
+       PvshimCmdline string
+       PvshimExtra   string
+func (x DomainBuildInfoTypeUnionPvh) isdomainBuildInfoTypeUnion() {}
+type DeviceVfb struct {
+       BackendDomid   Domid
+       BackendDomname string
+       Devid          Devid
+       Vnc            VncInfo
+       Sdl            SdlInfo
+       Keymap         string
+type DeviceVkb struct {
+       BackendDomid           Domid
+       BackendDomname         string
+       Devid                  Devid
+       BackendType            VkbBackend
+       UniqueId               string
+       FeatureDisableKeyboard bool
+       FeatureDisablePointer  bool
+       FeatureAbsPointer      bool
+       FeatureRawPointer      bool
+       FeatureMultiTouch      bool
+       Width                  uint32
+       Height                 uint32
+       MultiTouchWidth        uint32
+       MultiTouchHeight       uint32
+       MultiTouchNumContacts  uint32
+type DeviceDisk struct {
+       BackendDomid      Domid
+       BackendDomname    string
+       PdevPath          string
+       Vdev              string
+       Backend           DiskBackend
+       Format            DiskFormat
+       Script            string
+       Removable         int
+       Readwrite         int
+       IsCdrom           int
+       DirectIoSafe      bool
+       DiscardEnable     Defbool
+       ColoEnable        Defbool
+       ColoRestoreEnable Defbool
+       ColoHost          string
+       ColoPort          int
+       ColoExport        string
+       ActiveDisk        string
+       HiddenDisk        string
+type DeviceNic struct {
+       BackendDomid                   Domid
+       BackendDomname                 string
+       Devid                          Devid
+       Mtu                            int
+       Model                          string
+       Mac                            Mac
+       Ip                             string
+       Bridge                         string
+       Ifname                         string
+       Script                         string
+       Nictype                        NicType
+       RateBytesPerInterval           uint64
+       RateIntervalUsecs              uint32
+       Gatewaydev                     string
+       ColoftForwarddev               string
+       ColoSockMirrorId               string
+       ColoSockMirrorIp               string
+       ColoSockMirrorPort             string
+       ColoSockComparePriInId         string
+       ColoSockComparePriInIp         string
+       ColoSockComparePriInPort       string
+       ColoSockCompareSecInId         string
+       ColoSockCompareSecInIp         string
+       ColoSockCompareSecInPort       string
+       ColoSockCompareNotifyId        string
+       ColoSockCompareNotifyIp        string
+       ColoSockCompareNotifyPort      string
+       ColoSockRedirector0Id          string
+       ColoSockRedirector0Ip          string
+       ColoSockRedirector0Port        string
+       ColoSockRedirector1Id          string
+       ColoSockRedirector1Ip          string
+       ColoSockRedirector1Port        string
+       ColoSockRedirector2Id          string
+       ColoSockRedirector2Ip          string
+       ColoSockRedirector2Port        string
+       ColoFilterMirrorQueue          string
+       ColoFilterMirrorOutdev         string
+       ColoFilterRedirector0Queue     string
+       ColoFilterRedirector0Indev     string
+       ColoFilterRedirector0Outdev    string
+       ColoFilterRedirector1Queue     string
+       ColoFilterRedirector1Indev     string
+       ColoFilterRedirector1Outdev    string
+       ColoComparePriIn               string
+       ColoCompareSecIn               string
+       ColoCompareOut                 string
+       ColoCompareNotifyDev           string
+       ColoSockSecRedirector0Id       string
+       ColoSockSecRedirector0Ip       string
+       ColoSockSecRedirector0Port     string
+       ColoSockSecRedirector1Id       string
+       ColoSockSecRedirector1Ip       string
+       ColoSockSecRedirector1Port     string
+       ColoFilterSecRedirector0Queue  string
+       ColoFilterSecRedirector0Indev  string
+       ColoFilterSecRedirector0Outdev string
+       ColoFilterSecRedirector1Queue  string
+       ColoFilterSecRedirector1Indev  string
+       ColoFilterSecRedirector1Outdev string
+       ColoFilterSecRewriter0Queue    string
+       ColoCheckpointHost             string
+       ColoCheckpointPort             string
+type DevicePci struct {
+       Func         byte
+       Dev          byte
+       Bus          byte
+       Domain       int
+       Vdevfn       uint32
+       VfuncMask    uint32
+       Msitranslate bool
+       PowerMgmt    bool
+       Permissive   bool
+       Seize        bool
+       RdmPolicy    RdmReservePolicy
+type DeviceRdm struct {
+       Start  uint64
+       Size   uint64
+       Policy RdmReservePolicy
 type UsbctrlType int
 const (
@@ -314,6 +768,92 @@ const (
        UsbdevTypeHostdev UsbdevType = 1
+type DeviceUsbctrl struct {
+       Type           UsbctrlType
+       Devid          Devid
+       Version        int
+       Ports          int
+       BackendDomid   Domid
+       BackendDomname string
+type DeviceUsbdev struct {
+       Ctrl      Devid
+       Port      int
+       Type      UsbdevType
+       TypeUnion deviceUsbdevTypeUnion
+type deviceUsbdevTypeUnion interface {
+       isdeviceUsbdevTypeUnion()
+type DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev struct {
+       Hostbus  byte
+       Hostaddr byte
+func (x DeviceUsbdevTypeUnionHostdev) isdeviceUsbdevTypeUnion() {}
+type DeviceDtdev struct {
+       Path string
+type DeviceVtpm struct {
+       BackendDomid   Domid
+       BackendDomname string
+       Devid          Devid
+       Uuid           Uuid
+type DeviceP9 struct {
+       BackendDomid   Domid
+       BackendDomname string
+       Tag            string
+       Path           string
+       SecurityModel  string
+       Devid          Devid
+type DevicePvcallsif struct {
+       BackendDomid   Domid
+       BackendDomname string
+       Devid          Devid
+type DeviceChannel struct {
+       BackendDomid    Domid
+       BackendDomname  string
+       Devid           Devid
+       Name            string
+       Connection      ChannelConnection
+       ConnectionUnion deviceChannelConnectionUnion
+type deviceChannelConnectionUnion interface {
+       isdeviceChannelConnectionUnion()
+type DeviceChannelConnectionUnionSocket struct {
+       Path string
+func (x DeviceChannelConnectionUnionSocket) isdeviceChannelConnectionUnion() {}
+type ConnectorParam struct {
+       UniqueId string
+       Width    uint32
+       Height   uint32
+type DeviceVdispl struct {
+       BackendDomid   Domid
+       BackendDomname string
+       Devid          Devid
+       BeAlloc        bool
+       Connectors     []ConnectorParam
 type VsndPcmFormat int
 const (
@@ -344,6 +884,14 @@ const (
        VsndPcmFormatGsm              VsndPcmFormat = 25
+type VsndParams struct {
+       SampleRates   []uint32
+       SampleFormats []VsndPcmFormat
+       ChannelsMin   uint32
+       ChannelsMax   uint32
+       BufferSize    uint32
 type VsndStreamType int
 const (
@@ -351,6 +899,229 @@ const (
        VsndStreamTypeC VsndStreamType = 2
+type VsndStream struct {
+       UniqueId string
+       Type     VsndStreamType
+       Params   VsndParams
+type VsndPcm struct {
+       Name    string
+       Params  VsndParams
+       Streams []VsndStream
+type DeviceVsnd struct {
+       BackendDomid   Domid
+       BackendDomname string
+       Devid          Devid
+       ShortName      string
+       LongName       string
+       Params         VsndParams
+       Pcms           []VsndPcm
+type DomainConfig struct {
+       CInfo       DomainCreateInfo
+       BInfo       DomainBuildInfo
+       Disks       []DeviceDisk
+       Nics        []DeviceNic
+       Pcidevs     []DevicePci
+       Rdms        []DeviceRdm
+       Dtdevs      []DeviceDtdev
+       Vfbs        []DeviceVfb
+       Vkbs        []DeviceVkb
+       Vtpms       []DeviceVtpm
+       P9S         []DeviceP9
+       Pvcallsifs  []DevicePvcallsif
+       Vdispls     []DeviceVdispl
+       Vsnds       []DeviceVsnd
+       Channels    []DeviceChannel
+       Usbctrls    []DeviceUsbctrl
+       Usbdevs     []DeviceUsbdev
+       OnPoweroff  ActionOnShutdown
+       OnReboot    ActionOnShutdown
+       OnWatchdog  ActionOnShutdown
+       OnCrash     ActionOnShutdown
+       OnSoftReset ActionOnShutdown
+type Diskinfo struct {
+       Backend    string
+       BackendId  uint32
+       Frontend   string
+       FrontendId uint32
+       Devid      Devid
+       State      int
+       Evtch      int
+       Rref       int
+type Nicinfo struct {
+       Backend    string
+       BackendId  uint32
+       Frontend   string
+       FrontendId uint32
+       Devid      Devid
+       State      int
+       Evtch      int
+       RrefTx     int
+       RrefRx     int
+type Vtpminfo struct {
+       Backend    string
+       BackendId  uint32
+       Frontend   string
+       FrontendId uint32
+       Devid      Devid
+       State      int
+       Evtch      int
+       Rref       int
+       Uuid       Uuid
+type Usbctrlinfo struct {
+       Type       UsbctrlType
+       Devid      Devid
+       Version    int
+       Ports      int
+       Backend    string
+       BackendId  uint32
+       Frontend   string
+       FrontendId uint32
+       State      int
+       Evtch      int
+       RefUrb     int
+       RefConn    int
+type Vcpuinfo struct {
+       Vcpuid     uint32
+       Cpu        uint32
+       Online     bool
+       Blocked    bool
+       Running    bool
+       VcpuTime   uint64
+       Cpumap     Bitmap
+       CpumapSoft Bitmap
+type Physinfo struct {
+       ThreadsPerCore     uint32
+       CoresPerSocket     uint32
+       MaxCpuId           uint32
+       NrCpus             uint32
+       CpuKhz             uint32
+       TotalPages         uint64
+       FreePages          uint64
+       ScrubPages         uint64
+       OutstandingPages   uint64
+       SharingFreedPages  uint64
+       SharingUsedFrames  uint64
+       MaxPossibleMfn     uint64
+       NrNodes            uint32
+       HwCap              Hwcap
+       CapHvm             bool
+       CapPv              bool
+       CapHvmDirectio     bool
+       CapHap             bool
+       CapShadow          bool
+       CapIommuHapPtShare bool
+type Connectorinfo struct {
+       UniqueId string
+       Width    uint32
+       Height   uint32
+       ReqEvtch int
+       ReqRref  int
+       EvtEvtch int
+       EvtRref  int
+type Vdisplinfo struct {
+       Backend    string
+       BackendId  uint32
+       Frontend   string
+       FrontendId uint32
+       Devid      Devid
+       State      int
+       BeAlloc    bool
+       Connectors []Connectorinfo
+type Streaminfo struct {
+       ReqEvtch int
+       ReqRref  int
+type Pcminfo struct {
+       Streams []Streaminfo
+type Vsndinfo struct {
+       Backend    string
+       BackendId  uint32
+       Frontend   string
+       FrontendId uint32
+       Devid      Devid
+       State      int
+       Pcms       []Pcminfo
+type Vkbinfo struct {
+       Backend    string
+       BackendId  uint32
+       Frontend   string
+       FrontendId uint32
+       Devid      Devid
+       State      int
+       Evtch      int
+       Rref       int
+type Numainfo struct {
+       Size  uint64
+       Free  uint64
+       Dists []uint32
+type Cputopology struct {
+       Core   uint32
+       Socket uint32
+       Node   uint32
+type Pcitopology struct {
+       Seg   uint16
+       Bus   byte
+       Devfn byte
+       Node  uint32
+type SchedCreditParams struct {
+       TsliceMs        int
+       RatelimitUs     int
+       VcpuMigrDelayUs int
+type SchedCredit2Params struct {
+       RatelimitUs int
+type DomainRemusInfo struct {
+       Interval           int
+       AllowUnsafe        Defbool
+       Blackhole          Defbool
+       Compression        Defbool
+       Netbuf             Defbool
+       Netbufscript       string
+       Diskbuf            Defbool
+       Colo               Defbool
+       UserspaceColoProxy Defbool
 type EventType int
 const (
@@ -361,6 +1132,38 @@ const (
        EventTypeDomainCreateConsoleAvailable EventType = 5
+type Event struct {
+       Link      EvLink
+       Domid     Domid
+       Domuuid   Uuid
+       ForUser   uint64
+       Type      EventType
+       TypeUnion eventTypeUnion
+type eventTypeUnion interface {
+       iseventTypeUnion()
+type EventTypeUnionDomainShutdown struct {
+       ShutdownReason byte
+func (x EventTypeUnionDomainShutdown) iseventTypeUnion() {}
+type EventTypeUnionDiskEject struct {
+       Vdev string
+       Disk DeviceDisk
+func (x EventTypeUnionDiskEject) iseventTypeUnion() {}
+type EventTypeUnionOperationComplete struct {
+       Rc int
+func (x EventTypeUnionOperationComplete) iseventTypeUnion() {}
 type PsrCmtType int
 const (
@@ -380,9 +1183,42 @@ const (
        PsrCbmTypeMbaThrtl  PsrCbmType = 5
+type PsrCatInfo struct {
+       Id         uint32
+       CosMax     uint32
+       CbmLen     uint32
+       CdpEnabled bool
 type PsrFeatType int
 const (
        PsrFeatTypeCat PsrFeatType = 1
        PsrFeatTypeMba PsrFeatType = 2
+type PsrHwInfo struct {
+       Id        uint32
+       Type      PsrFeatType
+       TypeUnion psrHwInfoTypeUnion
+type psrHwInfoTypeUnion interface {
+       ispsrHwInfoTypeUnion()
+type PsrHwInfoTypeUnionCat struct {
+       CosMax     uint32
+       CbmLen     uint32
+       CdpEnabled bool
+func (x PsrHwInfoTypeUnionCat) ispsrHwInfoTypeUnion() {}
+type PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba struct {
+       CosMax   uint32
+       ThrtlMax uint32
+       Linear   bool
+func (x PsrHwInfoTypeUnionMba) ispsrHwInfoTypeUnion() {}
diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go 
index b395963512..8f41047726 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import "C"
 import (
-       "time"
@@ -408,30 +407,6 @@ func (bm *Bitmap) toC() (C.libxl_bitmap, error) {
        return cbm, nil
- * Types: IDL
- *
- * FIXME: Generate these automatically from the IDL
- */
-type Physinfo struct {
-       ThreadsPerCore    uint32
-       CoresPerSocket    uint32
-       MaxCpuId          uint32
-       NrCpus            uint32
-       CpuKhz            uint32
-       TotalPages        uint64
-       FreePages         uint64
-       ScrubPages        uint64
-       OutstandingPages  uint64
-       SharingFreedPages uint64
-       SharingUsedFrames uint64
-       NrNodes           uint32
-       HwCap             Hwcap
-       CapHvm            bool
-       CapHvmDirectio    bool
 func (cphys *C.libxl_physinfo) toGo() (physinfo *Physinfo) {
        physinfo = &Physinfo{}
@@ -454,22 +429,6 @@ func (cphys *C.libxl_physinfo) toGo() (physinfo *Physinfo) 
-type VersionInfo struct {
-       XenVersionMajor int
-       XenVersionMinor int
-       XenVersionExtra string
-       Compiler        string
-       CompileBy       string
-       CompileDomain   string
-       CompileDate     string
-       Capabilities    string
-       Changeset       string
-       VirtStart       uint64
-       Pagesize        int
-       Commandline     string
-       BuildId         string
 func (cinfo *C.libxl_version_info) toGo() (info *VersionInfo) {
        info = &VersionInfo{}
        info.XenVersionMajor = int(cinfo.xen_version_major)
@@ -503,31 +462,6 @@ func (dt DomainType) String() (str string) {
-type Dominfo struct {
-       Uuid      Uuid
-       Domid     Domid
-       Ssidref   uint32
-       SsidLabel string
-       Running   bool
-       Blocked   bool
-       Paused    bool
-       Shutdown  bool
-       Dying     bool
-       NeverStop bool
-       ShutdownReason   int32
-       OutstandingMemkb MemKB
-       CurrentMemkb     MemKB
-       SharedMemkb      MemKB
-       PagedMemkb       MemKB
-       MaxMemkb         MemKB
-       CpuTime          time.Duration
-       VcpuMaxId        uint32
-       VcpuOnline       uint32
-       Cpupool          uint32
-       DomainType       int32
 func (cdi *C.libxl_dominfo) toGo() (di *Dominfo) {
        di = &Dominfo{}
@@ -541,17 +475,17 @@ func (cdi *C.libxl_dominfo) toGo() (di *Dominfo) {
        di.Shutdown = bool(cdi.shutdown)
        di.Dying = bool(cdi.dying)
        di.NeverStop = bool(cdi.never_stop)
-       di.ShutdownReason = int32(cdi.shutdown_reason)
-       di.OutstandingMemkb = MemKB(cdi.outstanding_memkb)
-       di.CurrentMemkb = MemKB(cdi.current_memkb)
-       di.SharedMemkb = MemKB(cdi.shared_memkb)
-       di.PagedMemkb = MemKB(cdi.paged_memkb)
-       di.MaxMemkb = MemKB(cdi.max_memkb)
-       di.CpuTime = time.Duration(cdi.cpu_time)
+       di.ShutdownReason = ShutdownReason(cdi.shutdown_reason)
+       di.OutstandingMemkb = uint64(cdi.outstanding_memkb)
+       di.CurrentMemkb = uint64(cdi.current_memkb)
+       di.SharedMemkb = uint64(cdi.shared_memkb)
+       di.PagedMemkb = uint64(cdi.paged_memkb)
+       di.MaxMemkb = uint64(cdi.max_memkb)
+       di.CpuTime = uint64(cdi.cpu_time)
        di.VcpuMaxId = uint32(cdi.vcpu_max_id)
        di.VcpuOnline = uint32(cdi.vcpu_online)
        di.Cpupool = uint32(cdi.cpupool)
-       di.DomainType = int32(cdi.domain_type)
+       di.DomainType = DomainType(cdi.domain_type)
@@ -587,27 +521,11 @@ func SchedulerFromString(name string) (s Scheduler, err 
error) {
-// libxl_cpupoolinfo = Struct("cpupoolinfo", [
-//     ("poolid",      uint32),
-//     ("pool_name",   string),
-//     ("sched",       libxl_scheduler),
-//     ("n_dom",       uint32),
-//     ("cpumap",      libxl_bitmap)
-//     ], dir=DIR_OUT)
-type CpupoolInfo struct {
-       Poolid      uint32
-       PoolName    string
-       Scheduler   Scheduler
-       DomainCount int
-       Cpumap      Bitmap
-func (cci C.libxl_cpupoolinfo) toGo() (gci CpupoolInfo) {
+func (cci C.libxl_cpupoolinfo) toGo() (gci Cpupoolinfo) {
        gci.Poolid = uint32(cci.poolid)
        gci.PoolName = C.GoString(cci.pool_name)
-       gci.Scheduler = Scheduler(cci.sched)
-       gci.DomainCount = int(cci.n_dom)
+       gci.Sched = Scheduler(cci.sched)
+       gci.NDom = uint32(cci.n_dom)
@@ -615,7 +533,7 @@ func (cci C.libxl_cpupoolinfo) toGo() (gci CpupoolInfo) {
 // libxl_cpupoolinfo * libxl_list_cpupool(libxl_ctx*, int *nb_pool_out);
 // void libxl_cpupoolinfo_list_free(libxl_cpupoolinfo *list, int nb_pool);
-func (Ctx *Context) ListCpupool() (list []CpupoolInfo) {
+func (Ctx *Context) ListCpupool() (list []Cpupoolinfo) {
        err := Ctx.CheckOpen()
        if err != nil {
@@ -642,7 +560,7 @@ func (Ctx *Context) ListCpupool() (list []CpupoolInfo) {
 // int libxl_cpupool_info(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_cpupoolinfo *info, uint32_t 
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolInfo(Poolid uint32) (pool CpupoolInfo) {
+func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolInfo(Poolid uint32) (pool Cpupoolinfo) {
        err := Ctx.CheckOpen()
        if err != nil {
@@ -872,7 +790,7 @@ func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolMovedomain(Poolid uint32, Id 
Domid) (err error) {
 // Utility functions
-func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolFindByName(name string) (info CpupoolInfo, found 
bool) {
+func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolFindByName(name string) (info Cpupoolinfo, found 
bool) {
        plist := Ctx.ListCpupool()
        for i := range plist {
@@ -1275,24 +1193,13 @@ func (Ctx *Context) ListDomain() (glist []Dominfo) {
-type Vcpuinfo struct {
-       Vcpuid     uint32
-       Cpu        uint32
-       Online     bool
-       Blocked    bool
-       Running    bool
-       VCpuTime   time.Duration
-       Cpumap     Bitmap
-       CpumapSoft Bitmap
 func (cvci C.libxl_vcpuinfo) toGo() (gvci Vcpuinfo) {
        gvci.Vcpuid = uint32(cvci.vcpuid)
        gvci.Cpu = uint32(cvci.cpu)
        gvci.Online = bool(cvci.online)
        gvci.Blocked = bool(cvci.blocked)
        gvci.Running = bool(cvci.running)
-       gvci.VCpuTime = time.Duration(cvci.vcpu_time)
+       gvci.VcpuTime = uint64(cvci.vcpu_time)

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