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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v3 06/22] golang/xenlight: define StringList builtin type

From: Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Define StringList as []string an implement fromC and toC functions.

Signed-off-by: Nick Rosbrook <rosbrookn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>
Changes in v2:
- Define fromC with a pointer receiver since a newly-allocated slice
  is being assigned to the StringList.
 tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go 
index 1c5e3c0cc7..72afc3cf14 100644
--- a/tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go
+++ b/tools/golang/xenlight/xenlight.go
@@ -212,6 +212,35 @@ type KeyValueList struct{}
 func (kvl KeyValueList) fromC(ckvl *C.libxl_key_value_list) error      { 
return nil }
 func (kvl KeyValueList) toC() (ckvl C.libxl_key_value_list, err error) { 
return }
+// StringList represents a libxl_string_list.
+type StringList []string
+func (sl *StringList) fromC(csl *C.libxl_string_list) error {
+       size := int(C.libxl_string_list_length(csl))
+       list := (*[1 << 30]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(csl))[:size:size]
+       *sl = make([]string, size)
+       for i, v := range list {
+               (*sl)[i] = C.GoString(v)
+       }
+       return nil
+func (sl StringList) toC() (C.libxl_string_list, error) {
+       var char *C.char
+       size := len(sl)
+       csl := (C.libxl_string_list)(C.malloc(C.ulong(size) * 
+       clist := (*[1 << 30]*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(csl))[:size:size]
+       for i, v := range sl {
+               clist[i] = C.CString(v)
+       }
+       return csl, nil
 // Bitmap represents a libxl_bitmap.
 // Implement the Go bitmap type such that the underlying data can

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