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[Xen-devel] CPU frequency throttling based on the temperature


My objective is to get CPU frequency throttling based on the
temperature in a Xen/OpenWRT(dom0) system.

After to expend hours reading Xen's wiki, mailing list archives,
commits, googling and asking in the IRC channel I'm coming here asking
for help because I hope there is something I miss and you could point

My first question is, there is any way to do CPU frequency throttling
based on the temperature?

If the answer for first question is not, then there is any way to get
the CPU temperature from Dom0? (this way we could use Intel's thermald
and modify it to use xenpm to change the cpufreq).

If one and two are not, do you think that the right path is to modify
 linux/drivers/xen/xen-acpi-processor.c or you have any other ideas?


Fredy Pulido,
Consultant en logiciel libre
Infrastructure, Infonuagique et architecture de systèmes
Savoir-faire Linux, Montréal, Qc
Bureau : (+ 1) 514 276-5468 p.410 

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