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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v7 31/49] x86emul: support AVX512{F, _VBMI2} compress/expand insns

Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
v7: Re-base.
v6: Re-base. Add tests for the byte/word forms.
v5: New.

--- a/tools/tests/x86_emulator/evex-disp8.c
+++ b/tools/tests/x86_emulator/evex-disp8.c
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ static const struct test avx512f_all[] =
     INSN_FP(cmp,             0f, c2),
     INSN(comisd,       66,   0f, 2f,    el,      q, el),
     INSN(comiss,         ,   0f, 2f,    el,      d, el),
+    INSN(compress,     66, 0f38, 8a,    vl,     sd, el),
     INSN(cvtdq2pd,     f3,   0f, e6,    vl_2,    d, vl),
     INSN(cvtdq2ps,       ,   0f, 5b,    vl,      d, vl),
     INSN(cvtpd2dq,     f2,   0f, e6,    vl,      q, vl),
@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ static const struct test avx512f_all[] =
     INSN(cvtusi2sd,    f2,   0f, 7b,    el,   dq64, el),
     INSN(cvtusi2ss,    f3,   0f, 7b,    el,   dq64, el),
     INSN_FP(div,             0f, 5e),
+    INSN(expand,       66, 0f38, 88,    vl,     sd, el),
     INSN(fixupimm,     66, 0f3a, 54,    vl,     sd, vl),
     INSN(fixupimm,     66, 0f3a, 55,    el,     sd, el),
     INSN(fmadd132,     66, 0f38, 98,    vl,     sd, vl),
@@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ static const struct test avx512f_all[] =
     INSN(pcmpgtd,      66,   0f, 66,    vl,      d, vl),
     INSN(pcmpgtq,      66, 0f38, 37,    vl,      q, vl),
     INSN(pcmpu,        66, 0f3a, 1e,    vl,     dq, vl),
+    INSN(pcompress,    66, 0f38, 8b,    vl,     dq, el),
     INSN(permi2,       66, 0f38, 76,    vl,     dq, vl),
     INSN(permi2,       66, 0f38, 77,    vl,     sd, vl),
     INSN(permilpd,     66, 0f38, 0d,    vl,      q, vl),
@@ -222,6 +225,7 @@ static const struct test avx512f_all[] =
     INSN(permilps,     66, 0f3a, 04,    vl,      d, vl),
     INSN(permt2,       66, 0f38, 7e,    vl,     dq, vl),
     INSN(permt2,       66, 0f38, 7f,    vl,     sd, vl),
+    INSN(pexpand,      66, 0f38, 89,    vl,     dq, el),
     INSN(pmaxs,        66, 0f38, 3d,    vl,     dq, vl),
     INSN(pmaxu,        66, 0f38, 3f,    vl,     dq, vl),
     INSN(pmins,        66, 0f38, 39,    vl,     dq, vl),
@@ -509,6 +513,11 @@ static const struct test avx512_vbmi_all
     INSN(permt2b,       66, 0f38, 7d, vl, b, vl),
+static const struct test avx512_vbmi2_all[] = {
+    INSN(pcompress, 66, 0f38, 63, vl, bw, el),
+    INSN(pexpand,   66, 0f38, 62, vl, bw, el),
 static const unsigned char vl_all[] = { VL_512, VL_128, VL_256 };
 static const unsigned char vl_128[] = { VL_128 };
 static const unsigned char vl_no128[] = { VL_512, VL_256 };
@@ -865,4 +874,5 @@ void evex_disp8_test(void *instr, struct
     RUN(avx512dq, 512);
     RUN(avx512er, 512);
     RUN(avx512_vbmi, all);
+    RUN(avx512_vbmi2, all);
--- a/tools/tests/x86_emulator/test_x86_emulator.c
+++ b/tools/tests/x86_emulator/test_x86_emulator.c
@@ -3995,6 +3995,227 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    /*
+     * The following compress/expand tests are not only making sure the
+     * accessed data is correct, but they also verify (by placing operands
+     * on the mapping boundaries) that elements controlled by clear mask
+     * bits don't get accessed.
+     */
+    if ( stack_exec && cpu_has_avx512f )
+    {
+        decl_insn(vpcompressd);
+        decl_insn(vpcompressq);
+        decl_insn(vpexpandd);
+        decl_insn(vpexpandq);
+        static const struct {
+            unsigned int d[16];
+        } dsrc = { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 } };
+        static const struct {
+            unsigned long long q[8];
+        } qsrc = { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } };
+        unsigned int *ptr = res + MMAP_SZ / sizeof(*res) - 32;
+        printf("%-40s", "Testing vpcompressd %zmm1,24*4(%ecx){%k2}...");
+        asm volatile ( "kmovw %1, %%k2\n\t"
+                       "vmovdqu32 %2, %%zmm1\n"
+                       put_insn(vpcompressd,
+                                "vpcompressd %%zmm1, 24*4(%0)%{%%k2%}")
+                       :: "c" (NULL), "r" (0x55aa), "m" (dsrc) );
+        memset(ptr, 0xdb, 32 * 4);
+        set_insn(vpcompressd);
+        regs.ecx = (unsigned long)ptr;
+        rc = x86_emulate(&ctxt, &emulops);
+        if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY || !check_eip(vpcompressd) ||
+             memcmp(ptr, ptr + 8, 16 * 4) )
+            goto fail;
+        for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+            if ( ptr[24 + i] != 2 * i + 1 )
+                goto fail;
+        for ( ; i < 8; ++i )
+            if ( ptr[24 + i] != 2 * i )
+                goto fail;
+        printf("okay\n");
+        printf("%-40s", "Testing vpexpandd 8*4(%edx),%zmm3{%k2}{z}...");
+        asm volatile ( "vpternlogd $0x81, %%zmm3, %%zmm3, %%zmm3\n"
+                       put_insn(vpexpandd,
+                                "vpexpandd 8*4(%0), %%zmm3%{%%k2%}%{z%}")
+                       :: "d" (NULL) );
+        set_insn(vpexpandd);
+        regs.edx = (unsigned long)(ptr + 16);
+        rc = x86_emulate(&ctxt, &emulops);
+        if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY || !check_eip(vpexpandd) )
+            goto fail;
+        asm ( "vmovdqa32 %%zmm1, %%zmm2%{%%k2%}%{z%}\n\t"
+              "vpcmpeqd %%zmm2, %%zmm3, %%k0\n\t"
+              "kmovw %%k0, %0"
+              : "=r" (rc) );
+        if ( rc != 0xffff )
+            goto fail;
+        printf("okay\n");
+        printf("%-40s", "Testing vpcompressq %zmm4,12*8(%edx){%k3}...");
+        asm volatile ( "kmovw %1, %%k3\n\t"
+                       "vmovdqu64 %2, %%zmm4\n"
+                       put_insn(vpcompressq,
+                                "vpcompressq %%zmm4, 12*8(%0)%{%%k3%}")
+                       :: "d" (NULL), "r" (0x5a), "m" (qsrc) );
+        memset(ptr, 0xdb, 16 * 8);
+        set_insn(vpcompressq);
+        regs.edx = (unsigned long)ptr;
+        rc = x86_emulate(&ctxt, &emulops);
+        if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY || !check_eip(vpcompressq) ||
+             memcmp(ptr, ptr + 8, 8 * 8) )
+            goto fail;
+        for ( i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
+        {
+            if ( ptr[(12 + i) * 2] != 2 * i + 1 ||
+                 ptr[(12 + i) * 2 + 1] )
+                goto fail;
+        }
+        for ( ; i < 4; ++i )
+        {
+            if ( ptr[(12 + i) * 2] != 2 * i ||
+                 ptr[(12 + i) * 2 + 1] )
+                goto fail;
+        }
+        printf("okay\n");
+        printf("%-40s", "Testing vpexpandq 4*8(%ecx),%zmm5{%k3}{z}...");
+        asm volatile ( "vpternlogq $0x81, %%zmm5, %%zmm5, %%zmm5\n"
+                       put_insn(vpexpandq,
+                                "vpexpandq 4*8(%0), %%zmm5%{%%k3%}%{z%}")
+                       :: "c" (NULL) );
+        set_insn(vpexpandq);
+        regs.ecx = (unsigned long)(ptr + 16);
+        rc = x86_emulate(&ctxt, &emulops);
+        if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY || !check_eip(vpexpandq) )
+            goto fail;
+        asm ( "vmovdqa64 %%zmm4, %%zmm6%{%%k3%}%{z%}\n\t"
+              "vpcmpeqq %%zmm5, %%zmm6, %%k0\n\t"
+              "kmovw %%k0, %0"
+              : "=r" (rc) );
+        if ( rc != 0xff )
+            goto fail;
+        printf("okay\n");
+    }
+#if __GNUC__ > 7 /* can't check for __AVX512VBMI2__ here */
+    if ( stack_exec && cpu_has_avx512_vbmi2 )
+    {
+        decl_insn(vpcompressb);
+        decl_insn(vpcompressw);
+        decl_insn(vpexpandb);
+        decl_insn(vpexpandw);
+        static const struct {
+            unsigned char b[64];
+        } bsrc = { { 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,
+                     8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
+                    16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
+                    24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
+                    32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
+                    40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
+                    48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
+                    56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 } };
+        static const struct {
+            unsigned short w[32];
+        } wsrc = { { 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,
+                     8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
+                    16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
+                    24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 } };
+        unsigned char *ptr = (void *)res + MMAP_SZ - 128;
+        unsigned long long w = 0x55555555aaaaaaaaULL;
+        printf("%-40s", "Testing vpcompressb %zmm1,96*1(%ecx){%k2}...");
+        asm volatile ( "kmovq %1, %%k2\n\t"
+                       "vmovdqu8 %2, %%zmm1\n"
+                       put_insn(vpcompressb,
+                                "vpcompressb %%zmm1, 96*1(%0)%{%%k2%}")
+                       :: "c" (NULL), "m" (w), "m" (bsrc) );
+        memset(ptr, 0xdb, 128 * 1);
+        set_insn(vpcompressb);
+        regs.ecx = (unsigned long)ptr;
+        rc = x86_emulate(&ctxt, &emulops);
+        if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY || !check_eip(vpcompressb) ||
+             memcmp(ptr, ptr + 32, 64 * 1) )
+            goto fail;
+        for ( i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
+            if ( ptr[96 + i] != 2 * i + 1 )
+                goto fail;
+        for ( ; i < 32; ++i )
+            if ( ptr[96 + i] != 2 * i )
+                goto fail;
+        printf("okay\n");
+        printf("%-40s", "Testing vpexpandb 32*1(%edx),%zmm3{%k2}{z}...");
+        asm volatile ( "vpternlogd $0x81, %%zmm3, %%zmm3, %%zmm3\n"
+                       put_insn(vpexpandb,
+                                "vpexpandb 32*1(%0), %%zmm3%{%%k2%}%{z%}")
+                       :: "d" (NULL) );
+        set_insn(vpexpandb);
+        regs.edx = (unsigned long)(ptr + 64);
+        rc = x86_emulate(&ctxt, &emulops);
+        if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY || !check_eip(vpexpandb) )
+            goto fail;
+        asm ( "vmovdqu8 %%zmm1, %%zmm2%{%%k2%}%{z%}\n\t"
+              "vpcmpeqb %%zmm2, %%zmm3, %%k0\n\t"
+              "kmovq %%k0, %0"
+              : "=m" (w) );
+        if ( w != 0xffffffffffffffffULL )
+            goto fail;
+        printf("okay\n");
+        printf("%-40s", "Testing vpcompressw %zmm4,48*2(%edx){%k3}...");
+        asm volatile ( "kmovd %1, %%k3\n\t"
+                       "vmovdqu16 %2, %%zmm4\n"
+                       put_insn(vpcompressw,
+                                "vpcompressw %%zmm4, 48*2(%0)%{%%k3%}")
+                       :: "d" (NULL), "r" (0x5555aaaa), "m" (wsrc) );
+        memset(ptr, 0xdb, 64 * 2);
+        set_insn(vpcompressw);
+        regs.edx = (unsigned long)ptr;
+        rc = x86_emulate(&ctxt, &emulops);
+        if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY || !check_eip(vpcompressw) ||
+             memcmp(ptr, ptr + 32, 32 * 2) )
+            goto fail;
+        for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
+        {
+            if ( ptr[(48 + i) * 2] != 2 * i + 1 ||
+                 ptr[(48 + i) * 2 + 1] )
+                goto fail;
+        }
+        for ( ; i < 16; ++i )
+        {
+            if ( ptr[(48 + i) * 2] != 2 * i ||
+                 ptr[(48 + i) * 2 + 1] )
+                goto fail;
+        }
+        printf("okay\n");
+        printf("%-40s", "Testing vpexpandw 16*2(%ecx),%zmm5{%k3}{z}...");
+        asm volatile ( "vpternlogd $0x81, %%zmm5, %%zmm5, %%zmm5\n"
+                       put_insn(vpexpandw,
+                                "vpexpandw 16*2(%0), %%zmm5%{%%k3%}%{z%}")
+                       :: "c" (NULL) );
+        set_insn(vpexpandw);
+        regs.ecx = (unsigned long)(ptr + 64);
+        rc = x86_emulate(&ctxt, &emulops);
+        if ( rc != X86EMUL_OKAY || !check_eip(vpexpandw) )
+            goto fail;
+        asm ( "vmovdqu16 %%zmm4, %%zmm6%{%%k3%}%{z%}\n\t"
+              "vpcmpeqw %%zmm5, %%zmm6, %%k0\n\t"
+              "kmovq %%k0, %0"
+              : "=m" (w) );
+        if ( w != 0xffffffff )
+            goto fail;
+        printf("okay\n");
+    }
 #undef decl_insn
 #undef put_insn
 #undef set_insn
--- a/tools/tests/x86_emulator/x86-emulate.h
+++ b/tools/tests/x86_emulator/x86-emulate.h
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@
     (type *)((char *)mptr__ - offsetof(type, member)); \
+#define hweight32 __builtin_popcount
+#define hweight64 __builtin_popcountll
 #define is_canonical_address(x) (((int64_t)(x) >> 47) == ((int64_t)(x) >> 63))
 extern uint32_t mxcsr_mask;
@@ -138,6 +141,7 @@ static inline bool xcr0_mask(uint64_t ma
 #define cpu_has_avx512bw  (cp.feat.avx512bw && xcr0_mask(0xe6))
 #define cpu_has_avx512vl  (cp.feat.avx512vl && xcr0_mask(0xe6))
 #define cpu_has_avx512_vbmi (cp.feat.avx512_vbmi && xcr0_mask(0xe6))
+#define cpu_has_avx512_vbmi2 (cp.feat.avx512_vbmi2 && xcr0_mask(0xe6))
 #define cpu_has_xgetbv1   (cpu_has_xsave && cp.xstate.xgetbv1)
--- a/xen/arch/x86/x86_emulate/x86_emulate.c
+++ b/xen/arch/x86/x86_emulate/x86_emulate.c
@@ -482,6 +482,8 @@ static const struct ext0f38_table {
     [0x59] = { .simd_size = simd_other, .two_op = 1, .d8s = 3 },
     [0x5a] = { .simd_size = simd_128, .two_op = 1, .d8s = 4 },
     [0x5b] = { .simd_size = simd_256, .two_op = 1, .d8s = d8s_vl_by_2 },
+    [0x62] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int, .two_op = 1, .d8s = d8s_bw },
+    [0x63] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int, .to_mem = 1, .two_op = 1, .d8s = 
d8s_bw },
     [0x75 ... 0x76] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int, .d8s = d8s_vl },
     [0x77] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_fp, .d8s = d8s_vl },
     [0x78] = { .simd_size = simd_other, .two_op = 1 },
@@ -489,6 +491,10 @@ static const struct ext0f38_table {
     [0x7a ... 0x7c] = { .simd_size = simd_none, .two_op = 1 },
     [0x7d ... 0x7e] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int, .d8s = d8s_vl },
     [0x7f] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_fp, .d8s = d8s_vl },
+    [0x88] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_fp, .two_op = 1, .d8s = d8s_dq },
+    [0x89] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int, .two_op = 1, .d8s = d8s_dq },
+    [0x8a] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_fp, .to_mem = 1, .two_op = 1, .d8s = 
d8s_dq },
+    [0x8b] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int, .to_mem = 1, .two_op = 1, .d8s = 
d8s_dq },
     [0x8c] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int },
     [0x8d] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int, .d8s = d8s_vl },
     [0x8e] = { .simd_size = simd_packed_int, .to_mem = 1 },
@@ -1900,6 +1906,7 @@ static bool vcpu_has(
 #define vcpu_has_avx512bw()    vcpu_has(         7, EBX, 30, ctxt, ops)
 #define vcpu_has_avx512vl()    vcpu_has(         7, EBX, 31, ctxt, ops)
 #define vcpu_has_avx512_vbmi() vcpu_has(         7, ECX,  1, ctxt, ops)
+#define vcpu_has_avx512_vbmi2() vcpu_has(        7, ECX,  6, ctxt, ops)
 #define vcpu_has_rdpid()       vcpu_has(         7, ECX, 22, ctxt, ops)
 #define vcpu_has_clzero()      vcpu_has(0x80000008, EBX,  0, ctxt, ops)
@@ -8894,6 +8901,36 @@ x86_emulate(
         generate_exception_if(ea.type != OP_MEM || !vex.l || vex.w, EXC_UD);
         goto simd_0f_avx2;
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x62): /* vpexpand{b,w} 
[xyz]mm/mem,[xyz]mm{k} */
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x63): /* vpcompress{b,w} 
[xyz]mm,[xyz]mm/mem{k} */
+        host_and_vcpu_must_have(avx512_vbmi2);
+        elem_bytes = 1 << evex.w;
+        /* fall through */
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x88): /* vexpandp{s,d} 
[xyz]mm/mem,[xyz]mm{k} */
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x89): /* vpexpand{d,q} 
[xyz]mm/mem,[xyz]mm{k} */
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x8a): /* vcompressp{s,d} 
[xyz]mm,[xyz]mm/mem{k} */
+    case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x8b): /* vpcompress{d,q} 
[xyz]mm,[xyz]mm/mem{k} */
+        host_and_vcpu_must_have(avx512f);
+        generate_exception_if(evex.brs, EXC_UD);
+        avx512_vlen_check(false);
+        /*
+         * For the respective code below the main switch() to work we need to
+         * compact op_mask here: Memory accesses are non-sparse even if the
+         * mask register has sparsely set bits.
+         */
+        if ( likely(fault_suppression) )
+        {
+            n = 1 << ((b & 8 ? 2 : 4) + evex.lr - evex.w);
+            EXPECT(elem_bytes > 0);
+            ASSERT(op_bytes == n * elem_bytes);
+            op_mask &= ~0ULL >> (64 - n);
+            n = hweight64(op_mask);
+            op_bytes = n * elem_bytes;
+            if ( n )
+                op_mask = ~0ULL >> (64 - n);
+        }
+        goto simd_zmm;
     case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x75): /* vpermi2{b,w} 
[xyz]mm/mem,[xyz]mm,[xyz]mm{k} */
     case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x7d): /* vpermt2{b,w} 
[xyz]mm/mem,[xyz]mm,[xyz]mm{k} */
     case X86EMUL_OPC_EVEX_66(0x0f38, 0x8d): /* vperm{b,w} 
[xyz]mm/mem,[xyz]mm,[xyz]mm{k} */
--- a/xen/include/asm-x86/cpufeature.h
+++ b/xen/include/asm-x86/cpufeature.h
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
 /* CPUID level 0x00000007:0.ecx */
 #define cpu_has_avx512_vbmi     boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_AVX512_VBMI)
+#define cpu_has_avx512_vbmi2    boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_AVX512_VBMI2)
 #define cpu_has_rdpid           boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_RDPID)
 /* CPUID level 0x80000007.edx */
--- a/xen/include/public/arch-x86/cpufeatureset.h
+++ b/xen/include/public/arch-x86/cpufeatureset.h
@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ XEN_CPUFEATURE(AVX512_VBMI,   6*32+ 1) /
 XEN_CPUFEATURE(UMIP,          6*32+ 2) /*S  User Mode Instruction Prevention */
 XEN_CPUFEATURE(PKU,           6*32+ 3) /*H  Protection Keys for Userspace */
 XEN_CPUFEATURE(OSPKE,         6*32+ 4) /*!  OS Protection Keys Enable */
+XEN_CPUFEATURE(AVX512_VBMI2,  6*32+ 6) /*A  Additional AVX-512 Vector Byte 
Manipulation Instrs */
 XEN_CPUFEATURE(AVX512_VPOPCNTDQ, 6*32+14) /*A  POPCNT for vectors of DW/QW */
 XEN_CPUFEATURE(RDPID,         6*32+22) /*A  RDPID instruction */
--- a/xen/tools/gen-cpuid.py
+++ b/xen/tools/gen-cpuid.py
@@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ def crunch_numbers(state):
                   AVX512BW, AVX512VL, AVX512_4VNNIW, AVX512_4FMAPS,
-        # AVX512 extensions acting solely on vectors of bytes/words are made
+        # AVX512 extensions acting (solely) on vectors of bytes/words are made
         # dependents of AVX512BW (as to requiring wider than 16-bit mask
         # registers), despite the SDM not formally making this connection.
-        AVX512BW: [AVX512_VBMI],
+        AVX512BW: [AVX512_VBMI, AVX512_VBMI2],
         # The features:
         #   * Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors

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