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[Xen-devel] [qemu-mainline test] 124398: regressions - FAIL

flight 124398 qemu-mainline real [real]

Regressions :-(

Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
including tests which could not be run:
 build-i386-libvirt            6 libvirt-build            fail REGR. vs. 124232

Tests which did not succeed, but are not blocking:
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt       1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm 1 build-check(1) blocked n/a
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-pair  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-xsm   1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 17 guest-stop            fail like 124232
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt     14 saverestore-support-check    fail  like 124232
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 17 guest-stop             fail like 124232
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-xsm 14 saverestore-support-check    fail  like 124232
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64 17 guest-stop            fail like 124232
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-raw 13 saverestore-support-check    fail  like 124232
 test-amd64-i386-xl-pvshim    12 guest-start                  fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl          13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl          14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-xsm      13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-xsm      14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-credit2  13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-credit2  14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-xsm 13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt     13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-libvirt-xsm 13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-arm64-arm64-libvirt-xsm 14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale  13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale  14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm 11 migrate-support-check 
fail never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-amd 17 debian-hvm-install/l1/l2  fail never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-vhd 12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2  13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2  14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck 13 migrate-support-check        fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck 14 saverestore-support-check    fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl          13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-rtds     13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl          14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-rtds     14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-xsm      13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-xsm      14 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt     13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu 13 migrate-support-check        fail  never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu 14 saverestore-support-check    fail  never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-xsm 13 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-vhd      12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-vhd      13 saverestore-support-check    fail   never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64 17 guest-stop              fail never pass
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-raw 12 migrate-support-check        fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win10-i386 10 windows-install        fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win10-i386 10 windows-install         fail never pass

version targeted for testing:
 qemuu                c5ee5cd9db1e5edb9de002e90fbcb16952de9c07
baseline version:
 qemuu                2ef2f16781af9dee6ba6517755e9073ba5799fa2

Last test of basis   124232  2018-06-16 05:04:26 Z    4 days
Testing same since   124398  2018-06-19 10:36:52 Z    1 days    1 attempts

People who touched revisions under test:
  Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
  Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>
  Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@xxxxxxxxxx>
  Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>

 build-amd64-xsm                                              pass    
 build-arm64-xsm                                              pass    
 build-armhf-xsm                                              pass    
 build-i386-xsm                                               pass    
 build-amd64                                                  pass    
 build-arm64                                                  pass    
 build-armhf                                                  pass    
 build-i386                                                   pass    
 build-amd64-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-arm64-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-armhf-libvirt                                          pass    
 build-i386-libvirt                                           fail    
 build-amd64-pvops                                            pass    
 build-arm64-pvops                                            pass    
 build-armhf-pvops                                            pass    
 build-i386-pvops                                             pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl                                          pass    
 test-arm64-arm64-xl                                          pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl                                          pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl                                           pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm           pass    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm            blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm                pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-xsm                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-xsm                                 pass    
 test-arm64-arm64-libvirt-xsm                                 pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-xsm                                 pass    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-xsm                                  blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-xsm                                      pass    
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-xsm                                      pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-xsm                                      pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-xsm                                       pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-amd                            fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-pvhv2-amd                                pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-amd                           pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64                    pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64                     pass    
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64                              pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                         pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                          pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ws16-amd64                          fail    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-arndale                                  pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-credit2                                  pass    
 test-arm64-arm64-xl-credit2                                  pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2                                  pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-cubietruck                               pass    
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-i386                               pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win10-i386                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win10-i386                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-intel                          pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-pvhv2-intel                              pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-intel                         pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt                                     pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt                                     pass    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt                                      blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-multivcpu                                pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu                                pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-pair                                        pass    
 test-amd64-i386-pair                                         pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair                                pass    
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-pair                                 blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-amd64-pvgrub                                pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-i386-pvgrub                                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-pvshim                                   pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-pvshim                                    fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-pygrub                                      pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qcow2                                    pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-raw                                 pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-raw                                       pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-rtds                                     pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-rtds                                     pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-shadow             pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64-shadow              pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow                                   pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-shadow                                    pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-vhd                                 pass    
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-vhd                                      pass    

sg-report-flight on osstest.test-lab.xenproject.org
logs: /home/logs/logs
images: /home/logs/images

Logs, config files, etc. are available at

Explanation of these reports, and of osstest in general, is at

Test harness code can be found at

Not pushing.

commit c5ee5cd9db1e5edb9de002e90fbcb16952de9c07
Merge: 2ef2f16781 1b145d59b7
Author: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jun 19 10:10:40 2018 +0100

    Merge remote-tracking branch 
'remotes/ehabkost/tags/python-next-pull-request' into staging
    Python queue, 2018-06-15
    * Add avocado_qemu: functional/acceptance test infrastructure
    # gpg: Signature made Fri 15 Jun 2018 20:12:20 BST
    # gpg:                using RSA key 2807936F984DC5A6
    # gpg: Good signature from "Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>"
    # Primary key fingerprint: 5A32 2FD5 ABC4 D3DB ACCF  D1AA 2807 936F 984D 
    * remotes/ehabkost/tags/python-next-pull-request:
      configure: Enable out-of-tree acceptance tests
      Acceptance tests: add Linux kernel boot and console checking test
      scripts/qemu.py: introduce set_console() method
      Acceptance tests: add quick VNC tests
      scripts/qemu.py: allow adding to the list of extra arguments
      Add functional/acceptance tests infrastructure
    Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@xxxxxxxxxx>

commit 1b145d59b74a5880d82954ee940a219e73851f9e
Author: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Jun 12 14:34:37 2018 -0300

    configure: Enable out-of-tree acceptance tests
    Currently to run Avocado acceptance tests in an out-of-tree
    build directory, we need to use the full path to the test:
      build_dir$ avocado run 
    This patch adds a symlink in the build tree to simplify the
    tests invocation, allowing the same command than in in-tree builds:
      build_dir$ avocado run tests/acceptance/boot_linux_console.py
    Signed-off-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    Message-Id: <20180612173437.14462-1-f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>

commit c1cc73f407b890c4e7ab5bf520c0637e0364e92a
Author: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 30 14:41:56 2018 -0400

    Acceptance tests: add Linux kernel boot and console checking test
    This test boots a Linux kernel, and checks that the given command
    line was effective in two ways:
     * It makes the kernel use the set "console device" as a console
     * The kernel records the command line as expected in the console
    Given that way too many error conditions may occur, and detecting the
    kernel boot progress status may not be trivial, this test relies on a
    timeout to handle unexpected situations.  Also, it's *not* tagged as a
    quick test for obvious reasons.
    It may be useful, while interactively running/debugging this test, or
    tests similar to this one, to show some of the logging channels.
     $ avocado --show=QMP,console run boot_linux_console.py
    Signed-off-by: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Message-Id: <20180530184156.15634-6-crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>

commit 22dea9db2baf72a79782c748c57e2d87b06234d5
Author: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 30 14:41:55 2018 -0400

    scripts/qemu.py: introduce set_console() method
    The set_console() method is intended to ease higher level use cases
    that require a console device.
    The amount of intelligence is limited on purpose, requiring either the
    device type explicitly, or the existence of a machine (pattern)
    Because of the console device type selection criteria (by machine
    type), users should also be able to define that.  It'll then be used
    for both '-machine' and for the console device type selection.
    Users of the set_console() method will certainly be interested in
    accessing the console device, and for that a console_socket property
    has been added.
    Signed-off-by: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Message-Id: <20180530184156.15634-5-crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Tested-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>

commit 7b1bd11cff0915a1266c34bdfb66d70f6372340d
Author: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 30 14:41:54 2018 -0400

    Acceptance tests: add quick VNC tests
    This patch adds a few simple behavior tests for VNC.
    Signed-off-by: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Message-Id: <20180530184156.15634-4-crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    Tested-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>

commit 572a82438308216fbfc615c924b6e94e4b68dfaa
Author: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 30 14:41:53 2018 -0400

    scripts/qemu.py: allow adding to the list of extra arguments
    Tests will often need to add extra arguments to QEMU command
    line arguments.
    Signed-off-by: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Message-Id: <20180530184156.15634-3-crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    Tested-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>

commit c3d7e8c90db208b1d876f8d6458c2dfca169137f
Author: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 30 14:41:52 2018 -0400

    Add functional/acceptance tests infrastructure
    This patch adds the very minimum infrastructure necessary for writing
    and running functional/acceptance tests, including:
     * Documentation
     * The avocado_qemu.Test base test class
     * One example tests (version.py)
    Additional functionality is expected to be added along the tests that
    require them.
    Signed-off-by: Cleber Rosa <crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Message-Id: <20180530184156.15634-2-crosa@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    Tested-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@xxxxxxxxx>
    [ehabkost: fix typo on testing.rst]
    Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>

commit 93bc3b29fa31637f9dd062cf05bff36646070dab
Author: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jun 11 15:01:52 2018 -0300

    The COPYING.PYTHON file was added when we added the compatibility
    argparse.py module, which was licensed under the Python Software
    Foundation License Version 2.
    Now the compatibility argparse.py module was removed, and we are
    not carrying any code under that license anymore.  Remove
    Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Message-Id: <20180611180152.2681-1-ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Daniel P. Berrangé <berrange@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@xxxxxxxxxx>

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