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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v3 2/2] Input: xen-kbdfront - allow better run-time configuration

On 05/16/2018 08:15 PM, Dmitry Torokhov wrote:
Hi Oleksandr,

On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 05:40:29PM +0300, Oleksandr Andrushchenko wrote:
@@ -211,93 +220,114 @@ static int xenkbd_probe(struct xenbus_device *dev,
        if (!info->page)
                goto error_nomem;
- /* Set input abs params to match backend screen res */
-       abs = xenbus_read_unsigned(dev->otherend,
-                                  XENKBD_FIELD_FEAT_ABS_POINTER, 0);
-       ptr_size[KPARAM_X] = xenbus_read_unsigned(dev->otherend,
-                                                 XENKBD_FIELD_WIDTH,
-                                                 ptr_size[KPARAM_X]);
-       ptr_size[KPARAM_Y] = xenbus_read_unsigned(dev->otherend,
-                                                 XENKBD_FIELD_HEIGHT,
-                                                 ptr_size[KPARAM_Y]);
-       if (abs) {
-               ret = xenbus_write(XBT_NIL, dev->nodename,
-                                  XENKBD_FIELD_REQ_ABS_POINTER, "1");
-               if (ret) {
-                       pr_warn("xenkbd: can't request abs-pointer\n");
-                       abs = 0;
-               }
-       }
+       /*
+        * The below are reverse logic, e.g. if the feature is set, then
+        * do not expose the corresponding virtual device.
+        */
+       with_kbd = !xenbus_read_unsigned(dev->nodename,
+                                        XENKBD_FIELD_FEAT_DSBL_KEYBRD, 0);
- touch = xenbus_read_unsigned(dev->nodename,
-                                    XENKBD_FIELD_FEAT_MTOUCH, 0);
-       if (touch) {
+       with_ptr = !xenbus_read_unsigned(dev->nodename,
+                                        XENKBD_FIELD_FEAT_DSBL_POINTER, 0);
+       /* Direct logic: if set, then create multi-touch device. */
+       with_mtouch = xenbus_read_unsigned(dev->nodename,
+                                          XENKBD_FIELD_FEAT_MTOUCH, 0);
+       if (with_mtouch) {
                ret = xenbus_write(XBT_NIL, dev->nodename,
                                   XENKBD_FIELD_REQ_MTOUCH, "1");
                if (ret) {
                        pr_warn("xenkbd: can't request multi-touch");
-                       touch = 0;
+                       with_mtouch = 0;
Does it make sense to still end up calling xenkbd_connect_backend() when
all interfaces (keyboard, pointer, and multitouch) are disabled? Should
we do:

        if (!(with_kbd || || with_ptr || with_mtouch))
                return -ENXIO;

It does make sense. Then we probably need to move all xenbus_read_unsigned
calls to the very beginning of the .probe, so no memory allocations are made
which will be useless if we return -ENXIO, e.g. something like

static int xenkbd_probe(struct xenbus_device *dev,
                  const struct xenbus_device_id *id)
    int ret, i;
    bool with_mtouch, with_kbd, with_ptr;
    struct xenkbd_info *info;
    struct input_dev *kbd, *ptr, *mtouch;

<read with_mtouch, with_kbd, with_ptr here>

if (!(with_kbd | with_ptr | with_mtouch))
        return -ENXIO;

Does the above looks ok?

Thank you,

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