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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH v12 10/21] ts-openstack-deploy: Increase open fd limit for RabbitMQ

Anthony PERARD writes ("Re: [OSSTEST PATCH v12 10/21] ts-openstack-deploy: 
Increase open fd limit for RabbitMQ"):
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 11:28:29AM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > Anthony PERARD writes ("[OSSTEST PATCH v12 10/21] ts-openstack-deploy: 
> > Increase open fd limit for RabbitMQ"):
> > > +    target_putfilecontents_root_stash($ho, 100,
> > > +        <<END, "/etc/default/rabbitmq-server");
> > > +ulimit -n 65536
> > 
> > Is the lack of this not an upstream bug of some kind ?
> I don't know.

OK, then.  I think it probably is.  Feel free to try to convince me

> FIY, when rabbitmq is install on debian, we have:
> cat /etc/default/rabbitmq-server

> # This file is sourced by /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server. Its primary
> # reason for existing is to allow adjustment of system limits for the
> # rabbitmq-server process.
> #
> # Maximum number of open file handles. This will need to be increased
> # to handle many simultaneous connections. Refer to the system
> # documentation for ulimit (in man bash) for more information.
> #
> #ulimit -n 1024

That's rather mysterious.

> > And, for osstest, why 65536 and not, say, "unlimited" ?
> I've just reproduce the number from the openstack ci loop. Which is the
> found in rabbitmq-server.service, which I think is found in ubuntu
> package of rabbitmq.

None of this seems to explain why this isn't a configuration which
should be supplied or arranged by upstream.

(I noticed when looking at my previous reviews that I made a similar
point last time I saw this hunk...)


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