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Re: [Xen-devel] [DOC v3] Xen transport for 9pfs

On Thu, Jan 05, 2017 at 04:54:37PM -0800, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> Changes in v3:
> - clarify a few statements
> - rename port-<num> to event-channel-<num>
> - use grant_ref_t ref[1] instead of ref[]
> Changes in v2:
> - fix copy/paste error
> - rename ring-ref-<num> to ring-ref<num>
> - fix memory barriers
> - add "verify prod/cons against local copy"
> - add a paragraph on high level design
> - add a note on the maximum possible max-ring-page-order value
> - add mechanisms to avoid unnecessary evtchn notifications
> ---
> # Xen transport for 9pfs version 1 
> ## Background
> 9pfs is a network filesystem protocol developed for Plan 9. 9pfs is very
> simple and describes a series of commands and responses. It is
> completely independent from the communication channels, in fact many
> clients and servers support multiple channels, usually called
> "transports". For example the Linux client supports tcp and unix
> sockets, fds, virtio and rdma.
> ### 9pfs protocol
> This document won't cover the full 9pfs specification. Please refer to
> this [paper] and this [website] for a detailed description of it.
> However it is useful to know that each 9pfs request and response has the
> following header:
>     struct header {
>       uint32_t size;
>       uint8_t id;
>       uint16_t tag;
>     } __attribute__((packed));
>     0         4  5    7
>     +---------+--+----+
>     |  size   |id|tag |
>     +---------+--+----+
> - *size*
> The size of the request or response.
> - *id*
> The 9pfs request or response operation.
> - *tag*
> Unique id that identifies a specific request/response pair. It is used
> to multiplex operations on a single channel.
> It is possible to have multiple requests in-flight at any given time.
> ## Rationale
> This document describes a Xen based transport for 9pfs, in the
> traditional PV frontend and backend format. The PV frontend is used by
> the client to send commands to the server. The PV backend is used by the
> 9pfs server to receive commands from clients and send back responses.
> The transport protocol supports multiple rings up to the maximum
> supported by the backend. The size of every ring is also configurable
> and can span multiple pages, up to the maximum supported by the backend
> (although it cannot be more than 2MB). The design is to exploit
> parallelism at the vCPU level and support multiple outstanding requests
> simultaneously.
> This document does not cover the 9pfs client/server design or
> implementation, only the transport for it.

What about the Paul's binary protocol..

https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/7968201/ ?

He was using it as a side-channel for hash functions for the network
stack (Windows -> Linux)? Could that be used?

Or I suppose vice-versa - could Paul use your work here
instead of this network specific netif_ctrl?

> ## Xenstore
> The frontend and the backend connect via xenstore to exchange
> information. The toolstack creates front and back nodes with state
> [XenbusStateInitialising]. The protocol node name is **9pfs**.

Since this an opaque protocol to just push data back and forth
could it be more generic?

[edit: I see now the 9pfs specific entries so nevermind]
> Multiple rings are supported for each frontend and backend connection.
> The following are mandatory xenstore nodes for this protocol.
> ### Frontend XenBus Nodes

Could I convience you to have Backend XenBus Nodes first?

>     num-rings
>          Values:         <uint32_t>
>          Number of rings. It needs to be lower or equal to max-rings.
>     event-channel-<num> (event-channel-0, event-channel-1, etc)
>          Values:         <uint32_t>
>          The identifier of the Xen event channel used to signal activity
>          in the ring buffer. One for each ring.
>     ring-ref<num> (ring-ref0, ring-ref1, etc)
>          Values:         <uint32_t>
>          The Xen grant reference granting permission for the backend to
>          map a page with information to setup a share ring. One for each
>          ring.
> ### Backend XenBus Nodes
> Backend specific properties, written by the backend, read by the
> frontend:
>     version
>          Values:         <uint32_t>
>          Protocol version supported by the backend. Currently the value is
>          1.

That is good. But there needs to be an negotiation with frontend where
the frontend says "well, I want version 2" and we exchange back and forth
on this.

>     max-rings
>          Values:         <uint32_t>
>          The maximum supported number of rings per frontend.
>     max-ring-page-order
>          Values:         <uint32_t>
>          The maximum supported size of a memory allocation in units of
>          lb(machine pages), e.g. 0 == 1 page,  1 = 2 pages, 2 == 4 pages,

s/lb/log/ ?

>          etc.
> Backend configuration nodes, written by the toolstack, read by the
> backend:
>     path
>          Values:         <string>
>          Host filesystem path to share.
>     tag
>          Values:         <string>
>          Alphanumeric tag that identifies the 9pfs share. The client needs
>          to know the tag to be able to mount it.
>     security_model


>          Values:         "none"
>          *none*: files are stored using the same credentials as they are
>                  created on the guest
>          Only "none" is supported in this version of the protocol.

Is this the 'auth' part of the 9pfs? I somehow thought that would be part
of the 9pfs transport. Or is this something different?

> ### State Machine
> Initialization:
>     *Front*                               *Back*
>     XenbusStateInitialising               XenbusStateInitialising
>     - Query virtual device                - Query backend device
>       properties.                           identification data.
>     - Setup OS device instance.           - Publish backend features
>     - Allocate and initialize the           and transport parameters
>       request ring.                                      |
>     - Publish transport parameters                       |
>       that will be in effect during                      V
>       this connection.                            XenbusStateInitWait
>                  |
>                  |
>                  V
>        XenbusStateInitialised
>                                           - Query frontend transport 
> parameters.
>                                           - Connect to the request ring and
>                                             event channel.
>                                                          |
>                                                          |
>                                                          V
>                                                  XenbusStateConnected
>      - Query backend device properties.
>      - Finalize OS virtual device
>        instance.
>                  |
>                  |
>                  V
>         XenbusStateConnected
> Once frontend and backend are connected, they have a shared page per
> ring, which are used to setup the rings, and an event channel per ring,
> which are used to send notifications.
> Shutdown:
>     *Front*                            *Back*
>     XenbusStateConnected               XenbusStateConnected
>                 |
>                 |
>                 V
>        XenbusStateClosing
>                                        - Unmap grants
>                                        - Unbind evtchns
>                                                  |
>                                                  |
>                                                  V
>                                          XenbusStateClosing
>     - Unbind evtchns
>     - Free rings
>     - Free data structures
>                |
>                |
>                V
>        XenbusStateClosed
>                                        - Free remaining data structures
>                                                  |
>                                                  |
>                                                  V
>                                          XenbusStateClosed
> ## Ring Setup
> The shared page has the following layout:
>     typedef uint32_t XEN_9PFS_RING_IDX;
>     struct xen_9pfs_intf {
>       XEN_9PFS_RING_IDX in_cons, in_prod, in_event;
>       XEN_9PFS_RING_IDX out_cons, out_prod, out_event;
>       uint32_t ring_order;
>         /* this is an array of (1 << ring_order) elements */
>       grant_ref_t ref[1];
>     };

Could you explain why DEFINE_RING_TYPES would not work?

Could you explain more what '[in|out]_event' ?

Also would it be possible to re-organize this structure
so there are no cache bounces?

>     /* not actually C compliant (ring_order changes from ring to ring) */
>     struct ring_data {
>         char in[((1 << ring_order) << PAGE_SHIFT) / 2];
>         char out[((1 << ring_order) << PAGE_SHIFT) / 2];
>     };
> - **ring_order**
>   It represents the order of the data ring. The following list of grant
>   references is of `(1 << ring_order)` elements. It cannot be greater than
>   **max-ring-page-order**, as specified by the backend on XenBus.
> - **ref[]**
>   The list of grant references which will contain the actual data. They are
>   mapped contiguosly in virtual memory. The first half of the pages is the
>   **in** array, the second half is the **out** array. The array must
>   have a power of two number of elements.
> - **out** is an array used as circular buffer
>   It contains client requests. The producer is the frontend, the
>   consumer is the backend.
> - **in** is an array used as circular buffer
>   It contains server responses. The producer is the backend, the
>   consumer is the frontend.
> - **out_cons**, **out_prod**
>   Consumer and producer indices for client requests. They keep track of
>   how much data has been written by the frontend to **out** and how much
>   data has already been consumed by the backend. **out_prod** is
>   increased by the frontend, after writing data to **out**. **out_cons**
>   is increased by the backend, after reading data from **out**.
> - **in_cons** and **in_prod**
>   Consumer and producer indices for responses. They keep track of how
>   much data has already been consumed by the frontend from the **in**
>   array. **in_prod** is increased by the backend, after writing data to
>   **in**.  **in_cons** is increased by the frontend, after reading data
>   from **in**.
> The binary layout of `struct xen_9pfs_intf` follows:
>     0         4         8         12        16        20         24       28
>     +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+
>     | in_cons | in_prod |in_event |out_cons |out_prod |out_event |ring_orde|
>     +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+
>     28        32        36      4092      4096
>     +---------+---------+----//---+---------+
>     |  ref[0] |  ref[1] |         |  ref[N] |
>     +---------+---------+----//---+---------+
> **N.B** For one page, N is maximum 1017 ((4096-28)/4), but given that N
> needs to be a power of two, actually max N is 512. As 512 == (1 << 9),
> the maximum possible max-ring-page-order value is 9.
> The binary layout of the ring buffers follow:
>     0         ((1<<ring_order)<<PAGE_SHIFT)/2       
> ((1<<ring_order)<<PAGE_SHIFT)
>     +------------//-------------+------------//-------------+
>     |            in             |           out             |
>     +------------//-------------+------------//-------------+
> ## Ring Usage
> The **in** and **out** arrays are used as circular buffers:
>     0                               sizeof(array) == 
> ((1<<ring_order)<<PAGE_SHIFT)/2
>     +-----------------------------------+
>     |to consume|    free    |to consume |
>     +-----------------------------------+
>                ^            ^
>                prod         cons
>     0                               sizeof(array)
>     +-----------------------------------+
>     |  free    | to consume |   free    |
>     +-----------------------------------+
>                ^            ^
>                cons         prod
> The following functions are provided to read and write to an array:
>     #define MASK_XEN_9PFS_IDX(idx) ((idx) & (XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - 1))
>     static inline void xen_9pfs_read(char *buf,
>               XEN_9PFS_RING_IDX *masked_prod, XEN_9PFS_RING_IDX *masked_cons,
>               uint8_t *h, size_t len) {
>       if (*masked_cons < *masked_prod) {
>               memcpy(h, buf + *masked_cons, len);
>       } else {
>               if (len > XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - *masked_cons) {
>                       memcpy(h, buf + *masked_cons, XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - 
> *masked_cons);
>                       memcpy((char *)h + XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - *masked_cons, 
> buf, len - (XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - *masked_cons));
>               } else {
>                       memcpy(h, buf + *masked_cons, len);
>               }
>       }
>       *masked_cons = _MASK_XEN_9PFS_IDX(*masked_cons + len);
>     }
>     static inline void xen_9pfs_write(char *buf,
>               XEN_9PFS_RING_IDX *masked_prod, XEN_9PFS_RING_IDX *masked_cons,
>               uint8_t *opaque, size_t len) {
>       if (*masked_prod < *masked_cons) {
>               memcpy(buf + *masked_prod, opaque, len);
>       } else {
>               if (len > XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - *masked_prod) {
>                       memcpy(buf + *masked_prod, opaque, XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - 
> *masked_prod);
>                       memcpy(buf, opaque + (XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - 
> *masked_prod), len - (XEN_9PFS_RING_SIZE - *masked_prod)); 
>               } else {
>                       memcpy(buf + *masked_prod, opaque, len); 
>               }
>       }
>       *masked_prod = _MASK_XEN_9PFS_IDX(*masked_prod + len);
>     }
> The producer (the backend for **in**, the frontend for **out**) writes to the
> array in the following way:
> - read *cons*, *prod* from shared memory
> - general memory barrier
> - verify *prod* against local copy (consumer shouldn't change it)
> - write to array at position *prod* up to *cons*, wrapping around the circular
>   buffer when necessary
> - write memory barrier
> - increase *prod*

Which can cause the cacheline to be marked dirty - and if the '*cons'*
is on the same cache line that means it is MUST be evicted from other
CPUs and cause an stall (when reading from *cons*).

I wonder if you can move *cons* and *prod* around so that they
are on seperate cache-lines?

> - notify the other end via evtchn

event channel.
> The consumer (the backend for **out**, the frontend for **in**) reads from the
> array in the following way:
> - read *prod*, *cons* from shared memory
> - read memory barrier
> - verify *cons* against local copy (producer shouldn't change it)
> - read from array at position *cons* up to *prod*, wrapping around the 
> circular
>   buffer when necessary
> - general memory barrier
> - increase *cons*
> - notify the other end via evtchn, if *event* == 1

/me scratches his head. This looks like something that could be on
the XenBus? Could you explain a bit more of why you want
this on the ring instead of some other way?

> - general memory barrier 
> - read *prod* again from shared memory to check for new requests
> The producer takes care of writing only as many bytes as available in the 
> buffer
> up to *cons*. The consumer takes care of reading only as many bytes as 
> available
> in the buffer up to *prod*.
> To avoid unnecessary notifications, the consumer only issues an evtchn
> notification if the **event** field (**in_event** or **out_event**), has
> been set to **1**. In fact the producer doesn't usually require any
> notifications, but if it is necessary, for example because the producer
> is forced to wait because the ring is full, then it can request to be
> notified by the consumer by setting **in_event** or **out_event**,
> depending on the ring. After receiving the notification, the producer
> can reset *event*.

Ok, but why? Why not make it part of XenBus?
> The producer always notifies the consumer after incrementing **prod**.
> However in some circumstances the producer is allowed not to notify the
> consumer, just as a performance improvement, and still maintain
> correctness. These are the steps to do it: after incrementing *prod*,

This seems a bit strange. You are saying 'stop doing interrupts'
at this point (regardless of what is outstannding in the queue).

Perhaps a better approach is to have an CONFIG command on the
ring to change this? It kind of feels weird to have an
configuration knob in the cache intensive area.

Or you could use XenBusReconfigure state which does not mean
you need a full disconnect/connect?

> the producer reads *cons* a second time; if the value is changed from
> the previous read and it is different from *prod* before the update,
> then the notification can be avoided. These are the producer steps, with
> the optimization:
> - read *prod* (old_prod), *cons* (old_cons) from shared memory
> - general memory barrier
> - verify *prod* against local copy (consumer shouldn't change it)
> - write to array at position *prod* up to *cons*, wrapping around the circular
>   buffer when necessary
> - write memory barrier
> - increase *prod* (new_prod)
> - general memory barrier
> - read *cons* (new_cons)
> - if new_cons == old_cons or new_cons == old_prod, then notify the
>   consumer
> ## Request/Response Workflow
> The client chooses one of the available rings, then it sends a request
> to the other end on the *out* array, following the producer workflow
> described in [Ring Usage].
> The server receives the notification and reads the request, following
> the consumer workflow described in [Ring Usage]. The server knows how
> much to read because it is specified in the *size* field of the 9pfs
> header. The server processes the request and sends back a response on
> the *in* array of the same ring, following the producer workflow as
> usual. Thus, every request/response pair is on one ring.
> The client receives a notification and reads the response from the *in*
> array. The client knows how much data to read because it is specified in
> the *size* field of the 9pfs header.

/me nods.
> [paper]: 
> https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/usenix05/tech/freenix/full_papers/hensbergen/hensbergen.pdf

That was educational! I have to love their performance
"Our test environment is a cluster of identically
configured dual-processor 866 MHz Pentium III
servers, each configured with 256 MB of m"

866MHZ! Woohoo!

> [website]: https://github.com/chaos/diod/blob/master/protocol.md

> [XenbusStateInitialising]: 
> http://xenbits.xen.org/docs/unstable/hypercall/x86_64/include,public,io,xenbus.h.html

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