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[Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH v3 00/25] Integrate XTF into OSSTest

Hi all

This patch series integrates XTF into OSSTest. All the prerequisites have been
met, so this is no longer RFC.

Please see (currently Citrix only):


I'm going to run the same series a few more times to verify some assumptions.


Ian Jackson (12):
  Executive: Previous duration estimator: use overall time, not sum of
  ts-hosts-allocate-Executive: Replace some odd commas with semicolons
  sg-run-job: Add emacs mode comment
  step status skip: Ignore in cs-bisection-step
  step status skip: Ignore in report_run_getinfo
  step status skip: Implement in sg-report-flight
  ts-hosts-allocate-Executive: pass $plan to hid_find_possibilities
  ts-hosts-allocate-Executive: Support diverse-CLASS hostflag
  DO NOT APPLY make-flight-diverse-test: test case for diverse-CLASS
  Executive: Support substeps
  DO NOT APPLY make-flight-substep-test
  DO NOT APPLY provide ts-substep-test

Wei Liu (13):
  ts-xen-build: always compile in FEP support
  ap-common: add xtf tree
  DO NOT APPLY point xtf to my personal tree
  BuildSupport: move buildcmd_stamped_logged here
  Introduce ts-xtf-build
  sg-run-job: create xtf build recipe
  Introduce ts-xtf-install
  mfi-common: create xtf build job for 4.4 onwards
  Introduce ts-xtf-fep
  Introduce ts-xtf-run
  sg-run-job: test-xtf recipe
  make-flight: create 5 xtf jobs
  Create XTF branch

 Osstest/BuildSupport.pm     |  15 ++++++
 Osstest/Executive.pm        |   3 +-
 Osstest/JobDB/Executive.pm  |  51 +++++++++++++++++++
 Osstest/JobDB/Standalone.pm |  10 ++++
 Osstest/TestSupport.pm      |  11 +++++
 README.planner              |   3 ++
 ap-common                   |   4 ++
 ap-fetch-version            |   4 ++
 ap-print-url                |   3 ++
 ap-push                     |   5 ++
 cr-daily-branch             |   7 +++
 cr-for-branches             |   2 +-
 cri-common                  |   1 +
 cs-bisection-step           |   1 +
 make-flight                 |  40 +++++++++++++++
 make-flight-diverse-test    |  11 +++++
 make-flight-substep-test    |  14 ++++++
 mfi-common                  |  25 ++++++++++
 sg-report-flight            |   6 ++-
 sg-run-job                  |  29 +++++++++++
 tcl/JobDB-Executive.tcl     |  32 ++++++++++++
 tcl/JobDB-Standalone.tcl    |   2 +
 ts-hosts-allocate-Executive |  69 +++++++++++++++++++++++---
 ts-substep-test             |  38 +++++++++++++++
 ts-xen-build                |  27 ++++-------
 ts-xtf-build                |  54 +++++++++++++++++++++
 ts-xtf-fep                  |  41 ++++++++++++++++
 ts-xtf-install              |  37 ++++++++++++++
 ts-xtf-run                  | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 29 files changed, 632 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 make-flight-diverse-test
 create mode 100755 make-flight-substep-test
 create mode 100755 ts-substep-test
 create mode 100755 ts-xtf-build
 create mode 100755 ts-xtf-fep
 create mode 100755 ts-xtf-install
 create mode 100755 ts-xtf-run


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