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Re: [Xen-devel] [XTF PATCH 3/3] xtf-runner: support two modes for getting output

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 12:08:03PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Andrew Cooper writes ("Re: [XTF PATCH 3/3] xtf-runner: support two modes for 
> getting output"):
> > Can't you just open the log file as read, seek to the end, run the test
> > and read again from the same FD?  It would be rather more simple than
> > marking the logs.
> This is a good suggestion, I think.  Much better than mine in my other
> email.
> > Sadly, whatever method we use here is going to have to be clever enough
> > to cope with the log files being rotated, and I can't think of a clever
> > way of doing that ATM.
> In an automatic test system the logfiles won't get big enough to be
> rotated.  In a manual setup this is just a "random hazard" which you
> seem to be prepared to accept...

That's what I thought as well.

> But: it is easy for the runner to see if the logfile was rotated.  It
> can open the logfile a second time and check if it has the same inum.

For now let's keep things simple. Doesn't seem to buy us much even if we
implement this.


> Ian.

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