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[Xen-devel] [PATCH for-4.6 4/5] docs: Support for generating man(8) pages

The manpage rules are very repetative, because of the section number being
present in the filenames.

Instead of adding another set of 3 rules, switch to using a metarule to
automate the repetative action.  New rules for different manpage sections can
be added simply by extending the $(foreach)

Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Ian Campbell <Ian.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Wei Liu <wei.liu2@xxxxxxxxxx>
 .gitignore    |    1 +
 docs/Makefile |   91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index dafa3c4..9ead7c4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ dist/*
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
index ef3340c..3d77913 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ DOC_ARCHES      := arm x86_32 x86_64
 # Documentation sources to build
 MAN1SRC-y := $(sort $(shell find man/ -name '*.pod.1' -print))
 MAN5SRC-y := $(sort $(shell find man/ -name '*.pod.5' -print))
+MAN8SRC-y := $(sort $(shell find man/ -name '*.pod.8' -print))
 MARKDOWNSRC-y := $(sort $(shell find misc -name '*.markdown' -print))
@@ -19,17 +20,20 @@ PANDOCSRC-y := $(sort $(shell find specs -name '*.pandoc' 
 # Documentation targets
 DOC_MAN1 := $(patsubst man/%.pod.1,man1/%.1,$(MAN1SRC-y))
 DOC_MAN5 := $(patsubst man/%.pod.5,man5/%.5,$(MAN5SRC-y))
+DOC_MAN8 := $(patsubst man/%.pod.8,man8/%.8,$(MAN8SRC-y))
 DOC_HTML := $(patsubst %.markdown,html/%.html,$(MARKDOWNSRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst %.pandoc,html/%.html,$(PANDOCSRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst man/%.pod.1,html/man/%.1.html,$(MAN1SRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst man/%.pod.5,html/man/%.5.html,$(MAN5SRC-y)) \
+            $(patsubst man/%.pod.8,html/man/%.8.html,$(MAN8SRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst %.txt,html/%.txt,$(TXTSRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst %,html/hypercall/%/index.html,$(DOC_ARCHES))
 DOC_TXT  := $(patsubst %.txt,txt/%.txt,$(TXTSRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst %.markdown,txt/%.txt,$(MARKDOWNSRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst %.pandoc,txt/%.txt,$(PANDOCSRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst man/%.pod.1,txt/man/%.1.txt,$(MAN1SRC-y)) \
-            $(patsubst man/%.pod.5,txt/man/%.5.txt,$(MAN5SRC-y))
+            $(patsubst man/%.pod.5,txt/man/%.5.txt,$(MAN5SRC-y)) \
+            $(patsubst man/%.pod.8,txt/man/%.8.txt,$(MAN8SRC-y))
 DOC_PDF  := $(patsubst %.markdown,pdf/%.pdf,$(MARKDOWNSRC-y)) \
             $(patsubst %.pandoc,pdf/%.pdf,$(PANDOCSRC-y))
@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ else
 .PHONY: man-pages
-man-pages: $(DOC_MAN1) $(DOC_MAN5)
+man-pages: $(DOC_MAN1) $(DOC_MAN5) $(DOC_MAN8)
 .PHONY: pdf
 pdf: $(DOC_PDF)
@@ -75,6 +79,42 @@ distclean: clean
 # Top level install targets
+# Metarules for generating manpages.  Run with $(1) substitued for section
+# Real manpages
+man$(1)/%.$(1): man/%.pod.$(1) Makefile
+ifneq ($(POD2MAN),)
+       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $$(@D)
+       $(POD2MAN) --release=$(VERSION) --name=$$* -s $(1) -c "Xen" $$< $$@
+       @echo "pod2man not installed; skipping $$@"
+# HTML manpages
+html/man/%.$(1).html: man/%.pod.$(1) Makefile
+ifneq ($(POD2HTML),)
+       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $$(@D)
+       $(POD2HTML) --infile=$$< --outfile=$$@
+       @echo "pod2html not installed; skipping $$@"
+# Text manpages
+txt/man/%.$(1).txt: man/%.pod.$(1) Makefile
+ifneq ($(POD2TEXT),)
+       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $$(@D)
+       $(POD2TEXT) $$< $$@
+       @echo "pod2text not installed; skipping $$@"
+# Generate manpage rules for each section
+$(foreach i,1 5 8,$(eval $(call GENERATE_MANPAGE_RULES,$(i))))
 .PHONY: install-man-pages
 install-man-pages: man-pages
        $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)
@@ -90,22 +130,6 @@ install-html: html txt figs
 install: install-man-pages install-html
 # Individual file build targets
-man1/%.1: man/%.pod.1 Makefile
-ifneq ($(POD2MAN),)
-       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)
-       $(POD2MAN) --release=$(VERSION) --name=$* -s 1 -c "Xen" $< $@
-       @echo "pod2man not installed; skipping $@"
-man5/%.5: man/%.pod.5 Makefile
-ifneq ($(POD2MAN),)
-       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)
-       $(POD2MAN) --release=$(VERSION) --name=$* -s 5 -c "Xen" $< $@
-       @echo "pod2man not installed; skipping $@"
 html/index.html: $(DOC_HTML) $(CURDIR)/gen-html-index INDEX
        $(PERL) -w -- $(CURDIR)/gen-html-index -i INDEX html $(DOC_HTML)
@@ -121,21 +145,6 @@ html/%.txt: %.txt
        @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)
        $(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@
-html/man/%.1.html: man/%.pod.1 Makefile
-ifneq ($(POD2HTML),)
-       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)
-       $(POD2HTML) --infile=$< --outfile=$@
-       @echo "pod2html not installed; skipping $@"
-html/man/%.5.html: man/%.pod.5 Makefile
-ifneq ($(POD2HTML),)
-       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)
-       $(POD2HTML) --infile=$< --outfile=$@
-       @echo "pod2html not installed; skipping $@"
 # For non-x86 arches exclude the subarch whole x86 arch.
 $(foreach i,$(filter-out x86_32 
x86_64,$(DOC_ARCHES)),html/hypercall/$(i)/index.html): EXTRA_EXCLUDE := -X 
@@ -160,22 +169,6 @@ txt/%.txt: %.markdown
        @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)
        $(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@
-txt/man/%.1.txt: man/%.pod.1 Makefile
-ifneq ($(POD2TEXT),)
-       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)
-       $(POD2TEXT) $< $@
-       @echo "pod2text not installed; skipping $@"
-txt/man/%.5.txt: man/%.pod.5 Makefile
-ifneq ($(POD2TEXT),)
-       @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)
-       $(POD2TEXT) $< $@
-       @echo "pod2text not installed; skipping $@"
 pdf/%.pdf: %.markdown
 ifneq ($(PANDOC),)
        @$(INSTALL_DIR) $(@D)

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