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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH RFC 3/9] libxl: introduce specific xenstore error codes

> On 24 Jun 2015, at 16:10, Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rob Hoes writes ("[PATCH RFC 3/9] libxl: introduce specific xenstore error 
> codes"):
>> Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
> I don't understand the distinctions you are trying to make here.  Is
> it really useful for an application or a sysadmin to distinguish what
> operation was being attempted against xenstore ?
> I think the xenstore error code would be more informative.  Probably
> they can be categorised into:
> * xenstored communication failed
> * xenstored seems to have done something mad
> * permission denied reading xenstore
> * permission denied writing xenstore
> * some other unexpected error happened talking to xenstore

Besides the connection problems, the possible error codes from xenstored seem 
to be:
* EINVAL: invalid input
* EEXIST: tried to create something that already exists
* ENOENT: what you asked for does not exist
* EACCES: permission denied
* EQUOTA: quota exceeded
* E2BIG: data too big
* ENOSYS: unknown operation
* EAGAIN and EBUSY: transaction problemsâ please retry (?)

Should we just pass these on as ERROR_XS_EINVAL, ERROR_XS_EEXIST, etc.?

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