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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST Nested PATCH 0/6] Introduction of netsted HVM test job

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Campbell [mailto:ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 12:32 AM
> To: Pang, LongtaoX
> Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; wei.liu2@xxxxxxxxxx;
> Hu, Robert
> Subject: Re: [OSSTEST Nested PATCH 0/6] Introduction of netsted HVM test job
> On Tue, 2015-03-17 at 14:16 -0400, longtao.pang wrote:
> > This patch set adds nested HVM test case for osstest.
> I've now looked at the first two patches in this series and I've found that 
> in both
> patches you have consistently not reacted to the review comments made the
> first time around, so I'm not going to read the rest of the series now since 
> it
> would appear to be a waste of my time if I'm just going to end up repeating
> things which were said last time.
I am sorry that this version still does not reach the requirement and take your 
time to review it.
Actually, this version of patches change a lot according Ian Jackson's last 
useful comments.
> Please resend a 3rd version when you have made sure that you have addressed
> the previous feedback.
Actually, this is the sixth version, the next version will be seventh, I will 
mark the version number of patches next time.
> Please also:
>       * Use "git send-email --reroll-count=N" (or with older git
>         --subject-prefix including vN) to indicate which revision of the
>         patch series this is (i.e. here you should have used
>         --reroll-count=2 and next time 3)
>       * Add a miniture changelog to each patch indication what has
>         changed in this iteration, this should go after the commit
>         message, S-o-b and a "---" marker.
> See the "[PATCH v2] foobar: Add a new trondle calls" example in
> http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Submitting_Xen_Patches#Review.2C_Rinse_.26_Repe
> at for example of both of these.
> In fact please read wiki.xen.org/wiki/Submitting_Xen_Patches for lots of hints
> on all of this stuff.
This suggestion is really very useful to me, because I am not familiar with 
> Ian.

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