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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v4 for 4.5 3/8] libxl: make libxl_cd_insert "eject" + "insert"

We introduce an intermediate empty state when inserting media into
CDROM. The scheme works like this:

  lock json config
  write empty state to xenstore
  for (;;) {
      write user supplied disk to JSON
      write disk information to xenstore
  unlock json config

Bear in mind that all steps can fail. With the proposed scheme, we now
know, if xenstore is empty, then CDROM should be considered empty;
otherwise we should use JSON version of CDROM configuration.

Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <wei.liu2@xxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/libxl/libxl.c |  119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl.c b/tools/libxl/libxl.c
index e5d4891..89f4ce0 100644
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl.c
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl.c
@@ -2664,14 +2664,26 @@ int libxl_cdrom_insert(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, 
libxl_device_disk *disk,
     AO_CREATE(ctx, domid, ao_how);
     int num = 0, i;
-    libxl_device_disk *disks = NULL;
+    libxl_device_disk *disks = NULL, disk_saved, disk_empty;
+    libxl_domain_config d_config;
     int rc, dm_ver;
     libxl__device device;
     const char * path;
     char * tmp;
+    libxl__domain_userdata_lock *lock = NULL;
+    xs_transaction_t t = XBT_NULL;
+    flexarray_t *insert = NULL, *empty = NULL;
-    flexarray_t *insert = NULL;
+    libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config);
+    libxl_device_disk_init(&disk_empty);
+    libxl_device_disk_init(&disk_saved);
+    libxl_device_disk_copy(ctx, &disk_saved, disk);
+    disk_empty.format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
+    disk_empty.vdev = libxl__strdup(NOGC, disk->vdev);
+    disk_empty.pdev_path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "");
+    disk_empty.is_cdrom = 1;
+    libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, &disk_empty);
     libxl_domain_type type = libxl__domain_type(gc, domid);
     if (type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_INVALID) {
@@ -2723,24 +2735,8 @@ int libxl_cdrom_insert(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, 
libxl_device_disk *disk,
     rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, domid, disk, &device);
     if (rc) goto out;
-        rc = libxl__qmp_insert_cdrom(gc, domid, disk);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-    }
     path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, &device);
-    /* Sanity check: make sure the backend exists before writing here */
-    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/frontend", 
-    if (!tmp)
-    {
-        LIBXL__LOG(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "Internal error: %s does not exist",
-            libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/frontend", path));
-        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-        goto out;
-    }
     insert = flexarray_make(gc, 4, 1);
     flexarray_append_pair(insert, "type",
@@ -2753,19 +2749,100 @@ int libxl_cdrom_insert(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, 
libxl_device_disk *disk,
         flexarray_append_pair(insert, "params", "");
-    rc = libxl__xs_writev_atonce(gc, path,
-                        libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, insert, insert->count));
+    empty = flexarray_make(gc, 4, 1);
+    flexarray_append_pair(empty, "type",
+                          libxl__device_disk_string_of_backend(disk->backend));
+    flexarray_append_pair(empty, "params", "");
+    /* Note: CTX lock is already held at this point so lock hierarchy
+     * is maintained.
+     */
+    lock = libxl__lock_domain_userdata(gc, domid);
+    if (!lock) {
+        rc = ERROR_LOCK_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* We need to eject the original image first. This is implemented
+     * by inserting empty media. JSON is not updated.
+     */
+        rc = libxl__qmp_insert_cdrom(gc, domid, &disk_empty);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+    }
+    for (;;) {
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_start(gc, &t);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        /* Sanity check: make sure the backend exists before writing here */
+        tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/frontend", path));
+        if (!tmp)
+        {
+            LIBXL__LOG(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "Internal error: %s does not 
+                       libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/frontend", path));
+            rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, path,
+                              libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, empty, 
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_commit(gc, &t);
+        if (!rc) break;
+        if (rc < 0) goto out;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__get_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
     if (rc) goto out;
+    DEVICE_ADD(disk, disks, domid, &disk_saved, COMPARE_DISK, &d_config);
+        rc = libxl__qmp_insert_cdrom(gc, domid, disk);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+    }
+    for (;;) {
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_start(gc, &t);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        /* Sanity check: make sure the backend exists before writing here */
+        tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/frontend", path));
+        if (!tmp)
+        {
+            LIBXL__LOG(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "Internal error: %s does not 
+                       libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/frontend", path));
+            rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        rc = libxl__set_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, path,
+                              libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, insert, 
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_commit(gc, &t);
+        if (!rc) break;
+        if (rc < 0) goto out;
+    }
     /* success, no actual async */
     libxl__ao_complete(egc, ao, 0);
     rc = 0;
+    libxl__xs_transaction_abort(gc, &t);
     for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+    libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk_empty);
+    libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk_saved);
+    libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config);
+    if (lock) libxl__unlock_domain_userdata(lock);
     if (rc) return AO_ABORT(rc);
     return AO_INPROGRESS;

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