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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v2 6/7] tools/xendomains: move to sbin and use init helper

On Sat, 2014-03-22 at 03:17 +0100, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 03:34:10PM +0000, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > On Wed, 2014-03-19 at 13:58 -0700, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:

> > > Cc: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > Cc: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > Cc: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > > Cc: Jan RÄkorajski <baggins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > Cc: M A Young <m.a.young@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > Cc: Jacek Konieczny <jajcus@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > > Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > Signed-off-by: Luis R. Rodriguez <mcgrof@xxxxxxxx>
> > > ---
> > >  tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile                |  4 +++-
> > >  tools/hotplug/Linux/init.d/xendomains-init  | 33 
> > > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > >  tools/hotplug/Linux/{init.d => }/xendomains |  0
> > 
> > For some reason we also have tools/hotplug/NetBSD/rc.d/xendomains. I
> > presume there is a non-zero chance that it could call this new tool as
> > well.
> I rather have someone with NetBSD verify and then make that change.

> > >  3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> > >  create mode 100644 tools/hotplug/Linux/init.d/xendomains-init
> > >  rename tools/hotplug/Linux/{init.d => }/xendomains (100%)
> > > 
> > > diff --git a/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile b/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile
> > > index 47655f6..0be2e8a 100644
> > > --- a/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile
> > > +++ b/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile
> > > @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ include $(XEN_ROOT)/tools/Rules.mk
> > >  
> > >  # Init scripts.
> > >  XEND_INITD = init.d/xend
> > > -XENDOMAINS_INITD = init.d/xendomains
> > > +XENDOMAINS_INITD = init.d/xendomains-init
> > 
> > The suffix is unnecessary given the directory, isn't it? Plus it avoids
> > upgrade hassle by not changing the name of the initscript.
> It does and I tried to use the same name but if one does a git mv of a file
> git adds that old file name and path to a temporary .gitignore requiring you
> to use git add -f on that file. It does this because if you insist you loose
> the history of the file after the move. Its also why I changed the name of
> this modified init.
> If you don't want to keep the history I can move forward with a mv but the
> history will be lost. I did explain this in the commit log so hope is that
> anyone with the same WTF reaction would understand why this as done, I know
> I said WTF as well, I tried to avoid this at all costs, let me know if anyone
> thinks of a better way.
> What I mean by keeping the history is you can do git log --follow on the
> script after the move.

The history is never lost. If git was actually losing history there
would be uproar, and the structure of the repo prevents it anyway.

I skanked up an example commit (see below) and git comes up with:
 2 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 610 deletions(-)
 rewrite tools/hotplug/Linux/init.d/xendomains (91%)
 rename tools/hotplug/Linux/{init.d => }/xendomains (93%)
and "git log --follow tools/hotplug/Linux/xendomains" works exactly as I
expected, so I think things are fine.

Even if this weren't the case (perhaps the copy/rename detection doesn't
notice it in some versions of git) you could still get at the history
manually, you just don't get it automatically, which I think is fine in
this case.


commit e9861de906d91fd2a3c3aad0aa5485d0f90cad67
Author: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Mar 24 10:06:45 2014 +0000


diff --git a/tools/hotplug/Linux/init.d/xendomains 
index 59f1e3d..c91e1a5 100644
--- a/tools/hotplug/Linux/init.d/xendomains
+++ b/tools/hotplug/Linux/init.d/xendomains
@@ -27,559 +27,27 @@
 #                    boots / shuts down.
-. /etc/xen/scripts/hotplugpath.sh
-$CMD list &> /dev/null
-if test $? -ne 0
-       CMD=${SBINDIR}/xl
-       HEADCOMP="Xen saved domain"
-$CMD list &> /dev/null
-if test $? -ne 0
-       exit 0;
-# Correct exit code would probably be 5, but it's enough 
-# if xend complains if we're not running as privileged domain
-if ! [ -e /proc/xen/privcmd ]; then
-       exit 0
-# See docs/misc/distro_mapping.txt
-if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then
-       LOCKFILE=/var/lock/subsys/xendomains
-       LOCKFILE=/var/lock/xendomains
-if [ -d /etc/sysconfig ]; then
-       XENDOM_CONFIG=/etc/sysconfig/xendomains
-       XENDOM_CONFIG=/etc/default/xendomains
-test -r $XENDOM_CONFIG || { echo "$XENDOM_CONFIG not existing";
-       if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then exit 0;
-       else exit 6; fi; }
-# Use the SUSE rc_ init script functions;
-# emulate them on LSB, RH and other systems
-if test -e /etc/rc.status; then
-    # SUSE rc script library
-    . /etc/rc.status
-    _cmd=$1
-    declare -a _SMSG
-    if test "${_cmd}" = "status"; then
-       _SMSG=(running dead dead unused unknown)
-       _RC_UNUSED=3
-    else
-       _SMSG=(done failed failed missed failed skipped unused failed failed)
-       _RC_UNUSED=6
-    fi
-    if test -e /etc/init.d/functions; then
-       # REDHAT
-       . /etc/init.d/functions
-       echo_rc()
-       {
-           #echo -n "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
-           if test ${_RC_RV} = 0; then
-               success "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
-           else
-               failure "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
-           fi
-       }
-    elif test -e /lib/lsb/init-functions; then
-       # LSB    
-       . /lib/lsb/init-functions
-        if alias log_success_msg >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-         echo_rc()
-         {
-              echo "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
-         }
-        else
-         echo_rc()
-         {
-           if test ${_RC_RV} = 0; then
-               log_success_msg "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
-           else
-               log_failure_msg "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
-           fi
-         }
-        fi
-    else    
-       # emulate it
-       echo_rc()
-       {
-           echo "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
-       }
-    fi
-    rc_reset() { _RC_RV=0; }
-    rc_failed()
-    {
-       if test -z "$1"; then 
-           _RC_RV=1;
-       elif test "$1" != "0"; then 
-           _RC_RV=$1; 
-       fi
-       return ${_RC_RV}
-    }
-    rc_check()
-    {
-       return rc_failed $?
-    }  
-    rc_status()
-    {
-       rc_failed $?
-       if test "$1" = "-r"; then _RC_RV=0; shift; fi
-       if test "$1" = "-s"; then rc_failed 5; echo_rc; rc_failed 3; shift; fi
-       if test "$1" = "-u"; then rc_failed ${_RC_UNUSED}; echo_rc; rc_failed 
3; shift; fi
-       if test "$1" = "-v"; then echo_rc; shift; fi
-       if test "$1" = "-r"; then _RC_RV=0; shift; fi
-       return ${_RC_RV}
-    }
-    rc_exit() { exit ${_RC_RV}; }
-    rc_active() 
-    {
-       if test -z "$RUNLEVEL"; then read RUNLEVEL REST < <(/sbin/runlevel); fi
-       if test -e /etc/init.d/S[0-9][0-9]${1}; then return 0; fi
-       return 1
-    }
-if ! which usleep >&/dev/null
-  usleep()
-  {
-    if [ -n "$1" ]
-    then
-      sleep $(( $1 / 1000000 ))
-    fi
-  }
-# Reset status of this service
-# Returns 0 (success) if the given parameter names a directory, and that
-# directory is not empty.
-  if [ -d "$1" ] && [ `/bin/ls $1 | wc -l` -gt 0 ]
-  then
-    return 0
-  else
-    return 1
-  fi
-# read name from xen config file
-    NM=$($CMD create --quiet --dryrun --defconfig "$1" |
-         sed -n 's/^.*(name \(.*\))$/\1/p;s/^.*"name": "\(.*\)",$/\1/p')
-    NAMES=
-    if ! contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO"
-    then 
-       return
-    fi
-    for dom in $XENDOMAINS_AUTO/*; do
-       rdname $dom
-       if test -z $NAMES; then 
-           NAMES=$NM; 
-       else
-           NAMES="$NAMES|$NM"
-       fi
-    done
-LIST_GREP='(domain\|(domid\|(name\|^    {$\|"name":\|"domid":'
-    if [[ "$1" =~ '(domain' ]] || [[ "$1" = "{" ]]; then
-        name=;id=
-    elif [[ "$1" =~ '(name' ]]; then
-        name=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*(name \(.*\))$/\1/')
-    elif [[ "$1" =~ '(domid' ]]; then
-        id=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*(domid \(.*\))$/\1/')
-    elif [[ "$1" =~ '"name":' ]]; then
-        name=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*"name": "\(.*\)",$/\1/')
-    elif [[ "$1" =~ '"domid":' ]]; then
-        id=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*"domid": \(.*\),$/\1/')
-    fi
-    [ -n "$name" -a -n "$id" ] && return 0 || return 1
-    rdname $1
-    RC=1
-    name=;id=
-    while read LN; do
-       parseln "$LN" || continue
-       if test $id = 0; then continue; fi
-       case $name in 
-           ($NM)
-               RC=0
-               ;;
-       esac
-    done < <($CMD list -l | grep "$LIST_GREP")
-    return $RC
-    if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then 
-       echo -e "xendomains already running (lockfile exists)"
-       return; 
-    fi
-    saved_domains=" "
-    if [ "$XENDOMAINS_RESTORE" = "true" ] &&
-       contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_SAVE"
-    then
-       mkdir -p $(dirname "$LOCKFILE")
-       touch $LOCKFILE
-       echo -n "Restoring Xen domains:"
-       saved_domains=`ls $XENDOMAINS_SAVE`
-        for dom in $XENDOMAINS_SAVE/*; do
-            if [ -f $dom ] ; then
-                HEADER=`head -c 16 $dom | head -n 1 2> /dev/null`
-                if [ "$HEADER" = "$HEADCOMP" ]; then
-                    echo -n " ${dom##*/}"
-                    XMR=`$CMD restore $dom 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
-                    #$CMD restore $dom
-                    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-                        echo -e "\nAn error occurred while restoring domain 
-                        rc_failed $?
-                        echo -e '!'
-                    else
-                        # mv $dom ${dom%/*}/.${dom##*/}
-                        rm $dom
-                    fi
-                fi
-            fi
-        done
-       echo -e
-    fi
-    if contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO"
-    then
-       touch $LOCKFILE
-       echo -n "Starting auto Xen domains:"
-       # We expect config scripts for auto starting domains to be in
-       # XENDOMAINS_AUTO - they could just be symlinks to files elsewhere
-       # Create all domains with config files in XENDOMAINS_AUTO.
-       # TODO: We should record which domain name belongs 
-       # so we have the option to selectively shut down / migrate later
-       # If a domain statefile from $XENDOMAINS_SAVE matches a domain name
-       # in $XENDOMAINS_AUTO, do not try to start that domain; if it didn't 
-       # restore correctly it requires administrative attention.
-       for dom in $XENDOMAINS_AUTO/*; do
-           echo -n " ${dom##*/}"
-           shortdom=$(echo $dom | sed -n 's/^.*\/\(.*\)$/\1/p')
-           echo $saved_domains | grep -w $shortdom > /dev/null
-           if [ $? -eq 0 ] || is_running $dom; then
-               echo -n "(skip)"
-           else
-               XMC=`$CMD create --quiet --defconfig $dom`
-               if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-                   echo -e "\nAn error occurred while creating domain 
${dom##*/}: $XMC\n"
-                   rc_failed $?
-                   echo -e '!'
-               else
-                   usleep $XENDOMAINS_CREATE_USLEEP
-               fi
-           fi
-       done
-    fi
-    name=;id=
-    while read LN; do
-       parseln "$LN" || continue
-       if test $id = 0; then continue; fi
-       if test "$state" != "-b---d" -a "$state" != "-----d"; then
-           return 1;
-       fi
-    done < <($CMD list -l | grep "$LIST_GREP")
-    return 0
-# Wait for max $XENDOMAINS_STOP_MAXWAIT for $CMD $1 to finish;
-# if it has not exited by that time kill it, so the init script will
-# succeed within a finite amount of time; if $2 is nonnull, it will
-# kill the command as well as soon as no domain (except for zombies)
-# are left (used for shutdown --all). Third parameter, if any, suppresses
-# output of dots per working state (formatting issues)
-       exit
-    fi
-    usleep 20000
-    for no in `seq 0 $XENDOMAINS_STOP_MAXWAIT`; do
-       # exit if $CMD save/migrate/shutdown is finished
-       PSAX=`ps axlw | grep "$CMD $1" | grep -v grep`
-       if test -z "$PSAX"; then exit; fi
-       if ! test -n "$3"; then echo -n '.'; fi
-       sleep 1
-       # go to kill immediately if there's only zombies left
-       if all_zombies && test -n "$2"; then break; fi
-    done
-    sleep 1
-    read PSF PSUID PSPID PSPPID < <(echo "$PSAX")
-    # kill $CMD $1
-    kill $PSPID >/dev/null 2>&1
-    echo -e .
-    exec 3>&2 2> /dev/null
-    # Collect list of domains to shut down
-    if test "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO_ONLY" = "true"; then
-       rdnames
-    fi
-    echo -n "Shutting down Xen domains:"
-    name=;id=
-    while read LN; do
-       parseln "$LN" || continue
-       if test $id = 0; then continue; fi
-       echo -n " $name"
-       if test "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO_ONLY" = "true"; then
-           eval "
-           case \"\$name\" in
-               ($NAMES)
-                   # nothing
-                   ;;
-               (*)
-                   echo -e '(skip)'
-                   continue
-                   ;;
-           esac
-           "
-       fi
-       # XENDOMAINS_SYSRQ chould be something like just "s" 
-       # or "s e i u" or even "s e s i u o"
-       # for the latter, you should set XENDOMAINS_USLEEP to 1200000 or so
-       if test -n "$XENDOMAINS_SYSRQ"; then
-           for sysrq in $XENDOMAINS_SYSRQ; do
-               echo -n "(SR-$sysrq)"
-               XMR=`$CMD sysrq $id $sysrq 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
-               if test $? -ne 0; then
-                   echo -e "\nAn error occurred while doing sysrq on 
-                   rc_failed $?
-                   echo -n '!'
-               fi
-               # usleep just ignores empty arg
-               usleep $XENDOMAINS_USLEEP
-           done
-       fi
-       if test "$state" = "-b---d" -o "$state" = "-----d"; then
-           echo -n "(zomb)"
-           continue
-       fi
-       if test -n "$XENDOMAINS_MIGRATE"; then
-           echo -n "(migr)"
-           watchdog_xencmd migrate &
-           WDOG_PID=$!
-           XMR=`$CMD migrate $id $XENDOMAINS_MIGRATE 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
-           if test $? -ne 0; then
-               echo -e "\nAn error occurred while migrating domain:\n$XMR\n"
-               rc_failed $?
-               echo -e '!'
-               kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
-           else
-               kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
-               echo -e .
-               usleep 1000
-               continue
-           fi
-       fi
-       if test -n "$XENDOMAINS_SAVE"; then
-           echo -n "(save)"
-           watchdog_xencmd save &
-           WDOG_PID=$!
-           mkdir -p "$XENDOMAINS_SAVE"
-           XMR=`$CMD save $id $XENDOMAINS_SAVE/$name 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
-           if test $? -ne 0; then
-               echo -e "\nAn error occurred while saving domain:\n$XMR\n"
-               rc_failed $?
-               echo -e '!'
-               kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
-           else
-               kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
-               echo -e .
-               usleep 1000
-               continue
-           fi
-       fi
-       if test -n "$XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN"; then
-           # XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN should be "--wait"
-           echo -n "(shut)"
-           watchdog_xencmd shutdown &
-           WDOG_PID=$!
-           XMR=`$CMD shutdown $XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN $id 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
-           if test $? -ne 0; then
-               echo -e "\nAn error occurred while shutting down 
-               rc_failed $?
-               echo -e '!'
-           fi
-           kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
-       fi
-    done < <($CMD list -l | grep "$LIST_GREP")
-    # NB. this shuts down ALL Xen domains (politely), not just the ones in
-    # AUTODIR/*
-    # This is because it's easier to do ;-) but arguably if this script is run
-    # on system shutdown then it's also the right thing to do.
-    if ! all_zombies && test -n "$XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN_ALL"; then
-       # XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN_ALL should be "--all --wait"
-       echo -n " SHUTDOWN_ALL "
-       watchdog_xencmd shutdown 1 false &
-       WDOG_PID=$!
-       XMR=`$CMD shutdown $XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN_ALL 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
-       if test $? -ne 0; then
-           echo -e "\nAn error occurred while shutting down all domains: 
-           rc_failed $?
-           echo -e '!'
-       fi
-       kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
-    fi
-    # Unconditionally delete lock file
-    rm -f $LOCKFILE
-    exec 2>&3
-    name=;id=
-    while read LN; do
-       parseln "$LN" || continue
-       if test $id = 0; then continue; fi
-       case $name in 
-           ($1)
-               return 0
-               ;;
-       esac
-    done < <($CMD list -l | grep "$LIST_GREP")
-    return 1
-    if ! contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO"
-    then
-      return 0
-    fi
-    missing=
-    for nm in $XENDOMAINS_AUTO/*; do
-       rdname $nm
-       found=0
-       if check_domain_up "$NM"; then 
-           echo -n " $name"
-       else 
-           missing="$missing $NM"
-       fi
-    done
-    if test -n "$missing"; then
-       echo -n " MISS AUTO:$missing"
-       return 1
-    fi
-    return 0
-    if ! contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_SAVE" 
-    then
-      return 0
-    fi
-    missing=`/bin/ls $XENDOMAINS_SAVE`
-    echo -n " MISS SAVED: " $missing
-    return 1
-# This does NOT necessarily restart all running domains: instead it
-# stops all running domains and then boots all the domains specified in
-# AUTODIR.  If other domains have been started manually then they will
-# not get restarted.
-# Commented out to avoid confusion!
-    stop
-    start
-    restart
 case "$1" in
-       start
-       rc_status
-       if test -f $LOCKFILE; then rc_status -v; fi
+       foo start
-       stop
-       rc_status -v
+       foo stop
-       restart
+       foo restart
-       reload
+       foo reload
-       echo -n "Checking for xendomains:" 
-       if test ! -f $LOCKFILE; then 
-           rc_failed 3
-       else
-           check_all_auto_domains_up
-           rc_status
-           check_all_saved_domains_up
-           rc_status
-       fi
-       rc_status -v
+       foo status -v
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status}"
-       rc_failed 3
-       rc_status -v
diff --git a/tools/hotplug/Linux/xendomains b/tools/hotplug/Linux/xendomains
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7364522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/hotplug/Linux/xendomains
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+# $libexec/xendomains
+# Start / stop domains automatically when domain 0 boots / shuts down.
+. /etc/xen/scripts/hotplugpath.sh
+$CMD list &> /dev/null
+if test $? -ne 0
+       CMD=${SBINDIR}/xl
+       HEADCOMP="Xen saved domain"
+$CMD list &> /dev/null
+if test $? -ne 0
+       exit 0;
+# Correct exit code would probably be 5, but it's enough 
+# if xend complains if we're not running as privileged domain
+if ! [ -e /proc/xen/privcmd ]; then
+       exit 0
+# See docs/misc/distro_mapping.txt
+if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then
+       LOCKFILE=/var/lock/subsys/xendomains
+       LOCKFILE=/var/lock/xendomains
+if [ -d /etc/sysconfig ]; then
+       XENDOM_CONFIG=/etc/sysconfig/xendomains
+       XENDOM_CONFIG=/etc/default/xendomains
+test -r $XENDOM_CONFIG || { echo "$XENDOM_CONFIG not existing";
+       if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then exit 0;
+       else exit 6; fi; }
+# Use the SUSE rc_ init script functions;
+# emulate them on LSB, RH and other systems
+if test -e /etc/rc.status; then
+    # SUSE rc script library
+    . /etc/rc.status
+    _cmd=$1
+    declare -a _SMSG
+    if test "${_cmd}" = "status"; then
+       _SMSG=(running dead dead unused unknown)
+       _RC_UNUSED=3
+    else
+       _SMSG=(done failed failed missed failed skipped unused failed failed)
+       _RC_UNUSED=6
+    fi
+    if test -e /etc/init.d/functions; then
+       # REDHAT
+       . /etc/init.d/functions
+       echo_rc()
+       {
+           #echo -n "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
+           if test ${_RC_RV} = 0; then
+               success "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
+           else
+               failure "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
+           fi
+       }
+    elif test -e /lib/lsb/init-functions; then
+       # LSB    
+       . /lib/lsb/init-functions
+        if alias log_success_msg >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+         echo_rc()
+         {
+              echo "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
+         }
+        else
+         echo_rc()
+         {
+           if test ${_RC_RV} = 0; then
+               log_success_msg "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
+           else
+               log_failure_msg "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
+           fi
+         }
+        fi
+    else    
+       # emulate it
+       echo_rc()
+       {
+           echo "  [${_SMSG[${_RC_RV}]}] "
+       }
+    fi
+    rc_reset() { _RC_RV=0; }
+    rc_failed()
+    {
+       if test -z "$1"; then 
+           _RC_RV=1;
+       elif test "$1" != "0"; then 
+           _RC_RV=$1; 
+       fi
+       return ${_RC_RV}
+    }
+    rc_check()
+    {
+       return rc_failed $?
+    }  
+    rc_status()
+    {
+       rc_failed $?
+       if test "$1" = "-r"; then _RC_RV=0; shift; fi
+       if test "$1" = "-s"; then rc_failed 5; echo_rc; rc_failed 3; shift; fi
+       if test "$1" = "-u"; then rc_failed ${_RC_UNUSED}; echo_rc; rc_failed 
3; shift; fi
+       if test "$1" = "-v"; then echo_rc; shift; fi
+       if test "$1" = "-r"; then _RC_RV=0; shift; fi
+       return ${_RC_RV}
+    }
+    rc_exit() { exit ${_RC_RV}; }
+    rc_active() 
+    {
+       if test -z "$RUNLEVEL"; then read RUNLEVEL REST < <(/sbin/runlevel); fi
+       if test -e /etc/init.d/S[0-9][0-9]${1}; then return 0; fi
+       return 1
+    }
+if ! which usleep >&/dev/null
+  usleep()
+  {
+    if [ -n "$1" ]
+    then
+      sleep $(( $1 / 1000000 ))
+    fi
+  }
+# Reset status of this service
+# Returns 0 (success) if the given parameter names a directory, and that
+# directory is not empty.
+  if [ -d "$1" ] && [ `/bin/ls $1 | wc -l` -gt 0 ]
+  then
+    return 0
+  else
+    return 1
+  fi
+# read name from xen config file
+    NM=$($CMD create --quiet --dryrun --defconfig "$1" |
+         sed -n 's/^.*(name \(.*\))$/\1/p;s/^.*"name": "\(.*\)",$/\1/p')
+    NAMES=
+    if ! contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO"
+    then 
+       return
+    fi
+    for dom in $XENDOMAINS_AUTO/*; do
+       rdname $dom
+       if test -z $NAMES; then 
+           NAMES=$NM; 
+       else
+           NAMES="$NAMES|$NM"
+       fi
+    done
+LIST_GREP='(domain\|(domid\|(name\|^    {$\|"name":\|"domid":'
+    if [[ "$1" =~ '(domain' ]] || [[ "$1" = "{" ]]; then
+        name=;id=
+    elif [[ "$1" =~ '(name' ]]; then
+        name=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*(name \(.*\))$/\1/')
+    elif [[ "$1" =~ '(domid' ]]; then
+        id=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*(domid \(.*\))$/\1/')
+    elif [[ "$1" =~ '"name":' ]]; then
+        name=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*"name": "\(.*\)",$/\1/')
+    elif [[ "$1" =~ '"domid":' ]]; then
+        id=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*"domid": \(.*\),$/\1/')
+    fi
+    [ -n "$name" -a -n "$id" ] && return 0 || return 1
+    rdname $1
+    RC=1
+    name=;id=
+    while read LN; do
+       parseln "$LN" || continue
+       if test $id = 0; then continue; fi
+       case $name in 
+           ($NM)
+               RC=0
+               ;;
+       esac
+    done < <($CMD list -l | grep "$LIST_GREP")
+    return $RC
+    if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then 
+       echo -e "xendomains already running (lockfile exists)"
+       return; 
+    fi
+    saved_domains=" "
+    if [ "$XENDOMAINS_RESTORE" = "true" ] &&
+       contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_SAVE"
+    then
+       mkdir -p $(dirname "$LOCKFILE")
+       touch $LOCKFILE
+       echo -n "Restoring Xen domains:"
+       saved_domains=`ls $XENDOMAINS_SAVE`
+        for dom in $XENDOMAINS_SAVE/*; do
+            if [ -f $dom ] ; then
+                HEADER=`head -c 16 $dom | head -n 1 2> /dev/null`
+                if [ "$HEADER" = "$HEADCOMP" ]; then
+                    echo -n " ${dom##*/}"
+                    XMR=`$CMD restore $dom 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
+                    #$CMD restore $dom
+                    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+                        echo -e "\nAn error occurred while restoring domain 
+                        rc_failed $?
+                        echo -e '!'
+                    else
+                        # mv $dom ${dom%/*}/.${dom##*/}
+                        rm $dom
+                    fi
+                fi
+            fi
+        done
+       echo -e
+    fi
+    if contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO"
+    then
+       touch $LOCKFILE
+       echo -n "Starting auto Xen domains:"
+       # We expect config scripts for auto starting domains to be in
+       # XENDOMAINS_AUTO - they could just be symlinks to files elsewhere
+       # Create all domains with config files in XENDOMAINS_AUTO.
+       # TODO: We should record which domain name belongs 
+       # so we have the option to selectively shut down / migrate later
+       # If a domain statefile from $XENDOMAINS_SAVE matches a domain name
+       # in $XENDOMAINS_AUTO, do not try to start that domain; if it didn't 
+       # restore correctly it requires administrative attention.
+       for dom in $XENDOMAINS_AUTO/*; do
+           echo -n " ${dom##*/}"
+           shortdom=$(echo $dom | sed -n 's/^.*\/\(.*\)$/\1/p')
+           echo $saved_domains | grep -w $shortdom > /dev/null
+           if [ $? -eq 0 ] || is_running $dom; then
+               echo -n "(skip)"
+           else
+               XMC=`$CMD create --quiet --defconfig $dom`
+               if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+                   echo -e "\nAn error occurred while creating domain 
${dom##*/}: $XMC\n"
+                   rc_failed $?
+                   echo -e '!'
+               else
+                   usleep $XENDOMAINS_CREATE_USLEEP
+               fi
+           fi
+       done
+    fi
+    name=;id=
+    while read LN; do
+       parseln "$LN" || continue
+       if test $id = 0; then continue; fi
+       if test "$state" != "-b---d" -a "$state" != "-----d"; then
+           return 1;
+       fi
+    done < <($CMD list -l | grep "$LIST_GREP")
+    return 0
+# Wait for max $XENDOMAINS_STOP_MAXWAIT for $CMD $1 to finish;
+# if it has not exited by that time kill it, so the init script will
+# succeed within a finite amount of time; if $2 is nonnull, it will
+# kill the command as well as soon as no domain (except for zombies)
+# are left (used for shutdown --all). Third parameter, if any, suppresses
+# output of dots per working state (formatting issues)
+       exit
+    fi
+    usleep 20000
+    for no in `seq 0 $XENDOMAINS_STOP_MAXWAIT`; do
+       # exit if $CMD save/migrate/shutdown is finished
+       PSAX=`ps axlw | grep "$CMD $1" | grep -v grep`
+       if test -z "$PSAX"; then exit; fi
+       if ! test -n "$3"; then echo -n '.'; fi
+       sleep 1
+       # go to kill immediately if there's only zombies left
+       if all_zombies && test -n "$2"; then break; fi
+    done
+    sleep 1
+    read PSF PSUID PSPID PSPPID < <(echo "$PSAX")
+    # kill $CMD $1
+    kill $PSPID >/dev/null 2>&1
+    echo -e .
+    exec 3>&2 2> /dev/null
+    # Collect list of domains to shut down
+    if test "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO_ONLY" = "true"; then
+       rdnames
+    fi
+    echo -n "Shutting down Xen domains:"
+    name=;id=
+    while read LN; do
+       parseln "$LN" || continue
+       if test $id = 0; then continue; fi
+       echo -n " $name"
+       if test "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO_ONLY" = "true"; then
+           eval "
+           case \"\$name\" in
+               ($NAMES)
+                   # nothing
+                   ;;
+               (*)
+                   echo -e '(skip)'
+                   continue
+                   ;;
+           esac
+           "
+       fi
+       # XENDOMAINS_SYSRQ chould be something like just "s" 
+       # or "s e i u" or even "s e s i u o"
+       # for the latter, you should set XENDOMAINS_USLEEP to 1200000 or so
+       if test -n "$XENDOMAINS_SYSRQ"; then
+           for sysrq in $XENDOMAINS_SYSRQ; do
+               echo -n "(SR-$sysrq)"
+               XMR=`$CMD sysrq $id $sysrq 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
+               if test $? -ne 0; then
+                   echo -e "\nAn error occurred while doing sysrq on 
+                   rc_failed $?
+                   echo -n '!'
+               fi
+               # usleep just ignores empty arg
+               usleep $XENDOMAINS_USLEEP
+           done
+       fi
+       if test "$state" = "-b---d" -o "$state" = "-----d"; then
+           echo -n "(zomb)"
+           continue
+       fi
+       if test -n "$XENDOMAINS_MIGRATE"; then
+           echo -n "(migr)"
+           watchdog_xencmd migrate &
+           WDOG_PID=$!
+           XMR=`$CMD migrate $id $XENDOMAINS_MIGRATE 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
+           if test $? -ne 0; then
+               echo -e "\nAn error occurred while migrating domain:\n$XMR\n"
+               rc_failed $?
+               echo -e '!'
+               kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
+           else
+               kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
+               echo -e .
+               usleep 1000
+               continue
+           fi
+       fi
+       if test -n "$XENDOMAINS_SAVE"; then
+           echo -n "(save)"
+           watchdog_xencmd save &
+           WDOG_PID=$!
+           mkdir -p "$XENDOMAINS_SAVE"
+           XMR=`$CMD save $id $XENDOMAINS_SAVE/$name 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
+           if test $? -ne 0; then
+               echo -e "\nAn error occurred while saving domain:\n$XMR\n"
+               rc_failed $?
+               echo -e '!'
+               kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
+           else
+               kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
+               echo -e .
+               usleep 1000
+               continue
+           fi
+       fi
+       if test -n "$XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN"; then
+           # XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN should be "--wait"
+           echo -n "(shut)"
+           watchdog_xencmd shutdown &
+           WDOG_PID=$!
+           XMR=`$CMD shutdown $XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN $id 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
+           if test $? -ne 0; then
+               echo -e "\nAn error occurred while shutting down 
+               rc_failed $?
+               echo -e '!'
+           fi
+           kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
+       fi
+    done < <($CMD list -l | grep "$LIST_GREP")
+    # NB. this shuts down ALL Xen domains (politely), not just the ones in
+    # AUTODIR/*
+    # This is because it's easier to do ;-) but arguably if this script is run
+    # on system shutdown then it's also the right thing to do.
+    if ! all_zombies && test -n "$XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN_ALL"; then
+       # XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN_ALL should be "--all --wait"
+       echo -n " SHUTDOWN_ALL "
+       watchdog_xencmd shutdown 1 false &
+       WDOG_PID=$!
+       XMR=`$CMD shutdown $XENDOMAINS_SHUTDOWN_ALL 2>&1 1>/dev/null`
+       if test $? -ne 0; then
+           echo -e "\nAn error occurred while shutting down all domains: 
+           rc_failed $?
+           echo -e '!'
+       fi
+       kill $WDOG_PID >/dev/null 2>&1
+    fi
+    # Unconditionally delete lock file
+    rm -f $LOCKFILE
+    exec 2>&3
+    name=;id=
+    while read LN; do
+       parseln "$LN" || continue
+       if test $id = 0; then continue; fi
+       case $name in 
+           ($1)
+               return 0
+               ;;
+       esac
+    done < <($CMD list -l | grep "$LIST_GREP")
+    return 1
+    if ! contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_AUTO"
+    then
+      return 0
+    fi
+    missing=
+    for nm in $XENDOMAINS_AUTO/*; do
+       rdname $nm
+       found=0
+       if check_domain_up "$NM"; then 
+           echo -n " $name"
+       else 
+           missing="$missing $NM"
+       fi
+    done
+    if test -n "$missing"; then
+       echo -n " MISS AUTO:$missing"
+       return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+    if ! contains_something "$XENDOMAINS_SAVE" 
+    then
+      return 0
+    fi
+    missing=`/bin/ls $XENDOMAINS_SAVE`
+    echo -n " MISS SAVED: " $missing
+    return 1
+# This does NOT necessarily restart all running domains: instead it
+# stops all running domains and then boots all the domains specified in
+# AUTODIR.  If other domains have been started manually then they will
+# not get restarted.
+# Commented out to avoid confusion!
+    stop
+    start
+    restart
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+       start
+       rc_status
+       if test -f $LOCKFILE; then rc_status -v; fi
+       ;;
+    stop)
+       stop
+       rc_status -v
+       ;;
+    restart)
+       restart
+       ;;
+    reload)
+       reload
+       ;;
+    status)
+       echo -n "Checking for xendomains:" 
+       if test ! -f $LOCKFILE; then 
+           rc_failed 3
+       else
+           check_all_auto_domains_up
+           rc_status
+           check_all_saved_domains_up
+           rc_status
+       fi
+       rc_status -v
+       ;;
+    *)
+       echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status}"
+       rc_failed 3
+       rc_status -v
+       ;;

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