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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v2 18/30] libxl: ocaml: use the "string option" type for IDL strings

The libxl IDL is based on C type "char *", and therefore "strings" can
by NULL, or be an actual string. In ocaml, it is common to encode such
things as option types.

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/ocaml/libs/xl/genwrap.py       |    2 +-
 tools/ocaml/libs/xl/xenlight_stubs.c |   21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xl/genwrap.py b/tools/ocaml/libs/xl/genwrap.py
index f0d4885..d967ee6 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/libs/xl/genwrap.py
+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xl/genwrap.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import idl
 builtins = {
     "bool":                 ("bool",                   "%(c)s = 
Bool_val(%(o)s)",           "Val_bool(%(c)s)" ),
     "int":                  ("int",                    "%(c)s = 
Int_val(%(o)s)",            "Val_int(%(c)s)"  ),
-    "char *":               ("string",                 "%(c)s = 
dup_String_val(%(o)s)", "caml_copy_string(%(c)s)"),
+    "char *":               ("string option",          "%(c)s = 
String_option_val(%(o)s)",  "Val_string_option(%(c)s)"),
     "libxl_domid":          ("domid",                  "%(c)s = 
Int_val(%(o)s)",            "Val_int(%(c)s)"  ),
     "libxl_devid":          ("devid",                  "%(c)s = 
Int_val(%(o)s)",            "Val_int(%(c)s)"  ),
     "libxl_defbool":        ("bool option",            "%(c)s = 
Defbool_val(%(o)s)",        "Val_defbool(%(c)s)" ),
diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xl/xenlight_stubs.c 
index 7b7d696..e801643 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/libs/xl/xenlight_stubs.c
+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xl/xenlight_stubs.c
@@ -371,6 +371,27 @@ static value Val_hwcap(libxl_hwcap *c_val)
+static value Val_string_option(const char *c_val)
+       CAMLparam0();
+       CAMLlocal2(tmp1, tmp2);
+       if (c_val) {
+               tmp1 = caml_copy_string(c_val);
+               tmp2 = Val_some(tmp1);
+               CAMLreturn(tmp2);
+       }
+       else
+               CAMLreturn(Val_none);
+static char *String_option_val(value v)
+       char *s = NULL;
+       if (v != Val_none)
+               s = dup_String_val(Some_val(v));
+       return s;
 #include "_libxl_types.inc"
 #define _STRINGIFY(x) #x

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