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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 6/6] mini-os/x86-64 entry: check against nested events and try to fix up

On 3/12/2013 6:42 PM, Xu Zhang wrote:
Basically both approaches are correct to me and do the same job. Xen-Linux 32bit is definitely a more neat solution. However, one thing to notice is that mini-os x86 32bit also uses a fixup table. I guess we could apply these patches as a temporary solution to make sure everything is correct and consistent, and having following patches to do the refinement.
Ah, somewhat "consistent". :-) And by refinement I mean refinement on both 32bit and 64bit mini-os x86 kernel entries: basically replacing use of look up table with Xen-Linux x86-32bit's approach.


- Xu

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