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[Xen-devel] xen 4.1.0 rc1 build problem for local CONFIG_QEMU directory

If you edit Config.mk by commenting CONFIG_QEMU ?= $(QEMU_REMOTE) and uncommenting CONFIG_QEMU ?= ../qemu-xen.git then the build fails with the error
+ test -d ../qemu-xen.git
+ mkdir -p ioemu-dir
        cd ioemu-dir; \
/bin/sh: line 4: ../qemu-xen.git/xen-setup: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [ioemu-dir-find] Error 1

The problem is that (in tools/Makefile) if CONFIG_QEMU is a directory (when tested from tools) then QEMU_ROOT is set to this. Then the script goes into the ioemu-dir directory and runs $(QEMU_ROOT)/xen-setup . Unfortunately QEMU_ROOT is relative to tools not tools/ioemu-dir and things break. If you hack around this by adding and extra ../ to QEMU_ROOT it fails later because symbolic links created later on such as ioemu-dir/i386-dm/Makefile don't work.

So far the only way I have found to get it to work properly is to set CONFIG_QEMU to an absolute directory (because I know what it will be) which isn't portable.

        Michael Young

Xen-devel mailing list



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