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[Xen-devel] Battery Management patches



            I’ve applied the Xen Battery Management patches on Xen 3.4 unstable but I’m experiencing some troubles. I managed to make it work in non-pass-through mode but I cannot apparently use the pass-through mode. The function is_battery_pt_feasible returns 0. I think I understood how this function checks the possibility to enable the pass-through mode or not on the current hardware but I would have some questions though.


#define BATTERY_PORT_1 0xb2

#define BATTERY_PORT_2 0x86

#define BATTERY_PORT_3 0x88


#define BATTERY_OP_INIT 0x7b

#define BATTERY_OP_SET_INFO_TYPE 0x7c /*BIF or BST */


#define BATTERY_OP_GET_DATA 0x7d


            Regarding the discussions that followed the patch release, it’s obvious that even if the patch is supposed to be working on most of the hardware that implements CMBattery in their ACPI tables, it might be necessary to change these hard-coded values for some machines. My question is: where can I find the right I/O ports addresses and the right op codes for a specific hardware? I thought it could be found in the ACPI tables but I didn’t find anything. Where have these values been found to develop the patch?


            Basically, I just would like to understand how to make this patch work on my machine.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Christophe Vauthier.


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