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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 1/5] Add MSI support to XEN

On 27/3/08 07:00, "Shan, Haitao" <haitao.shan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This patch changes the pirq to be per-domain in xen tree.
> Signed-off-by: Jiang Yunhong <yunhong.jiang@xxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Shan Haitao     <haitao.shan@xxxxxxxxx>

I'm not sure why this would be a prerequisite for the rest of the MSI
support. Still I have a feeling that I may have asked for this a long time
ago on a previous iteration of this patchset... :-) It looks pretty
sensible, but PHYSDEVOP_map_irq shouldn't take an IRQ_TYPE_IRQ -- 'IRQ' is a
meaningless thing architecturally-speaking, and I think instead we should
allow to specify a 'GSI' or an 'ISA IRQ'.

As for mapping pirq to MSI, I'm not sure about making real interrupt vectors
visible to the guest. But maybe that's unavoidable. The way I could imagine
this working is to teach Xen a bit about accessing PCI space, and then have
the guest relinquish control of critical MSI control fields in the config
space to Xen. The guest would tell Xen where the fields are, and then Xen
can freely configure the target APIC, mask, etc. Seems neater to me, but is
this a nuts idea?

 -- Keir

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